167 research outputs found

    A moving boundary model motivated by electric breakdown: II. Initial value problem

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    An interfacial approximation of the streamer stage in the evolution of sparks and lightning can be formulated as a Laplacian growth model regularized by a 'kinetic undercooling' boundary condition. Using this model we study both the linearized and the full nonlinear evolution of small perturbations of a uniformly translating circle. Within the linear approximation analytical and numerical results show that perturbations are advected to the back of the circle, where they decay. An initially analytic interface stays analytic for all finite times, but singularities from outside the physical region approach the interface for tt\to\infty, which results in some anomalous relaxation at the back of the circle. For the nonlinear evolution numerical results indicate that the circle is the asymptotic attractor for small perturbations, but larger perturbations may lead to branching. We also present results for more general initial shapes, which demonstrate that regularization by kinetic undercooling cannot guarantee smooth interfaces globally in time.Comment: 44 pages, 18 figures, paper submitted to Physica

    Role of the Laboratory in Ensuring Global Access to ARV Treatment for HIV-Infected Children: Consensus Statement on the Performance of Laboratory Assays for Early Infant Diagnosis

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    A two day meeting hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was held in May 2006 in Entebbe, Uganda to review the laboratory performance of virologic molecular methods, particularly the Roche Amplicor DNA PCR version 1.5 assay, in the diagnosis of HIV-1 infection in infants. The meeting was attended by approximately 60 participants from 17 countries. Data on the performance and limitations of the HIV-1 DNA PCR assay from 9 African countries with high-burdens of HIV/AIDS were shared with respect to different settings and HIV- subtypes. A consensus statement on the use of the assay for early infant diagnosis was developed and areas of needed operational research were identified. In addition, consensus was reached on the usefulness of dried blood spot (DBS) specimens in childhood as a means for ensuring greater accessibility to serologic and virologic HIV testing for the paediatric population

    De novo mutations in congenital heart disease with neurodevelopmental and other congenital anomalies

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    Congenital heart disease (CHD) patients have an increased prevalence of extracardiac congenital anomalies (CAs) and risk of neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDDs). Exome sequencing of 1213 CHD parent-offspring trios identified an excess of protein-damaging de novo mutations, especially in genes highly expressed in the developing heart and brain. These mutations accounted for 20% of patients with CHD, NDD, and CA but only 2% of patients with isolated CHD. Mutations altered genes involved in morphogenesis, chromatin modification, and transcriptional regulation, including multiple mutations in RBFOX2, a regulator of mRNA splicing. Genes mutated in other cohorts examined for NDD were enriched in CHD cases, particularly those with coexisting NDD. These findings reveal shared genetic contributions to CHD, NDD, and CA and provide opportunities for improved prognostic assessment and early therapeutic intervention in CHD patients

    HIV Prevention in Care and Treatment Settings: Baseline Risk Behaviors among HIV Patients in Kenya, Namibia, and Tanzania.

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    HIV care and treatment settings provide an opportunity to reach people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) with prevention messages and services. Population-based surveys in sub-Saharan Africa have identified HIV risk behaviors among PLHIV, yet data are limited regarding HIV risk behaviors of PLHIV in clinical care. This paper describes the baseline sociodemographic, HIV transmission risk behaviors, and clinical data of a study evaluating an HIV prevention intervention package for HIV care and treatment clinics in Africa. The study was a longitudinal group-randomized trial in 9 intervention clinics and 9 comparison clinics in Kenya, Namibia, and Tanzania (N = 3538). Baseline participants were mostly female, married, had less than a primary education, and were relatively recently diagnosed with HIV. Fifty-two percent of participants had a partner of negative or unknown status, 24% were not using condoms consistently, and 11% reported STI symptoms in the last 6 months. There were differences in demographic and HIV transmission risk variables by country, indicating the need to consider local context in designing studies and using caution when generalizing findings across African countries. Baseline data from this study indicate that participants were often engaging in HIV transmission risk behaviors, which supports the need for prevention with PLHIV (PwP). TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01256463

    A Weak Neutralizing Antibody Response to Hepatitis C Virus Envelope Glycoprotein Enhances Virus Infection

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    We have completed a phase 1 safety and immunogenicity trial with hepatitis C virus (HCV) envelope glycoproteins, E1 and E2, with MF59 adjuvant as a candidate vaccine. Neutralizing activity to HCV genotype 1a was detected in approximately 25% of the vaccinee sera. In this study, we evaluated vaccinee sera from poor responders as a potential source of antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) of HCV infection. Sera with poor neutralizing activity enhanced cell culture grown HCV genotype 1a or 2a, and surrogate VSV/HCV pseudotype infection titer, in a dilution dependent manner. Surrogate pseudotypes generated from individual HCV glycoproteins suggested that antibody to the E2 glycoprotein; but not the E1 glycoprotein, was the principle target for enhancing infection. Antibody specific to FcRII expressed on the hepatic cell surface or to the Fc portion of Ig blocked enhancement of HCV infection by vaccinee sera. Together, the results from in vitro studies suggested that enhancement of viral infectivity may occur in the absence of a strong antibody response to HCV envelope glycoproteins

    Slip and hall current effects on Jeffrey fluid suspension flow in a peristaltic hydromagnetic blood micropump

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    The magnetic properties of blood allow it to be manipulated with an electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic blood flow pumps are a robust technology which provide more elegant and sustainable performance compared with conventional medical pumps. Blood is a complex multi-phase suspension with non-Newtonian characteristics which are significant in micro-scale transport. Motivated by such applications, in the present article a mathematical model is developed for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) pumping of blood in a deformable channel with peristaltic waves. A Jeffery’s viscoelastic formulation is employed for the rheology of blood. A twophase fluid-particle (“dusty”) model is utilized to better simulate suspension characteristics (plasma and erythrocytes). Hall current and wall slip effects are incorporated to achieve more realistic representation of actual systems. A two-dimensional asymmetric channel with dissimilar peristaltic wave trains propagating along the walls is considered. The governing conservation equations for mass, fluid and particle momentum are formulated with appropriate boundary conditions. The model is simplified using of long wavelength and creeping flow approximations. The model is also transformed from the fixed frame to the wave frame and rendered non-dimensional. Analytical solutions are derived. The resulting boundary value problem is solved analytically and exact expressions are derived for the fluid velocity, particulate velocity, fluid/particle fluid and particulate volumetric flow rates, axial pressure gradient, pressure rise and skin friction distributions are evaluated in detail. Increasing Hall current parameter reduces bolus growth in the channel, particle phase velocity and pressure difference in the augmented pumping region whereas it increases fluid phase velocity, axial pressure gradient and pressure difference in the pumping region. Increasing the hydrodynamic slip parameter accelerates both particulate and fluid phase flow at and close to the channel walls, enhances wall skin friction, boosts pressure difference in the augmented pumping region and increases bolus magnitudes. Increasing viscoelastic parameter (stress relaxation time to retardation time ratio) decelerates the fluid phase flow, accelerates the particle phase flow, decreases axial pressure gradient, elevates pressure difference in the augmented pumping region and reduces pressure difference in the pumping region. Increasing drag particulate suspension parameter decelerates the particle phase velocity, accelerates the fluid phase velocity, strongly elevates axial pressure gradient and reduces pressure difference (across one wavelength) in the augmented pumping region. Increasing particulate volume fraction density enhances bolus magnitudes in both the upper and lower zones of the channel and elevates pressure rise in the augmented pumping region

    A Versatile ΦC31 Based Reporter System for Measuring AP-1 and Nrf2 Signaling in Drosophila and in Tissue Culture

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    This paper describes the construction and characterization of a system of transcriptional reporter genes for monitoring the activity of signaling pathways and gene regulation mechanisms in intact Drosophila, dissected tissues or cultured cells. Transgenic integration of the reporters into the Drosophila germline was performed in a site-directed manner, using ΦC31 integrase. This strategy avoids variable position effects and assures low base level activity and high signal responsiveness. Defined integration sites furthermore enable the experimenter to compare the activity of different reporters in one organism. The reporter constructs have a modular design to facilitate the combination of promoter elements (synthetic transcription factor binding sites or natural regulatory sequences), reporter genes (eGFP, or DsRed.T4), and genomic integration sites. The system was used to analyze and compare the activity and signal response profiles of two stress inducible transcription factors, AP-1 and Nrf2. To complement the transgenic reporter fly lines, tissue culture assays were developed in which the same synthetic ARE and TRE elements control the expression of firefly luciferase

    Model and experiences of initiating collaboration with traditional healers in validation of ethnomedicines for HIV/AIDS in Namibia

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    Many people with Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in Namibia have access to antiretroviral drugs but some still use traditional medicines to treat opportunistic infections and offset side-effects from antiretroviral medication. Namibia has a rich biodiversity of indigenous plants that could contain novel anti-HIV agents. However, such medicinal plants have not been identified and properly documented. Various ethnomedicines used to treat HIV/AIDS opportunistic infections have not been scientifically validated for safety and efficacy. These limitations are mostly attributable to the lack of collaboration between biomedical scientists and traditional healers. This paper presents a five-step contextual model for initiating collaboration with Namibian traditional healers in order that candidate plants that may contain novel anti-HIV agents are identified, and traditional medicines used to treat HIV/AIDS opportunistic infections are subjected to scientific validation. The model includes key structures and processes used to initiate collaboration with traditional healers in Namibia; namely, the National Biosciences Forum, a steering committee with the University of Namibia (UNAM) as the focal point, a study tour to Zambia and South Africa where other collaborative frameworks were examined, commemorations of the African Traditional Medicine Day (ATMD), and consultations with stakeholders in north-eastern Namibia. Experiences from these structures and processes are discussed. All traditional healers in north-eastern Namibia were willing to collaborate with UNAM in order that their traditional medicines could be subjected to scientific validation. The current study provides a framework for future collaboration with traditional healers and the selection of candidate anti-HIV medicinal plants and ethnomedicines for scientific testing in Namibia

    A qualitative investigation into knowledge, beliefs, and practices surrounding mastitis in sub-Saharan Africa: what implications for vertical transmission of HIV?

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    BACKGROUND: Mastitis constitutes an important risk factor in HIV vertical transmission. Very little, however, is known on how women in sub-Saharan Africa conceptualise health problems related to breastfeeding, such as mastitis, and how they act when sick. We aimed at filling this gap in knowledge, by documenting the indigenous nosography of mastitis, health seeking behaviour, and remedies for prophylaxis and treatment in rural sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS: The study was conducted in the Nouna Health District, rural Burkina Faso. We employed a combination of in-depth individual interviews and focus group discussions reaching both women and guérisseuers. All material was transcribed, translated, and analysed inductively, applying data and analyst triangulation. RESULTS: Respondents perceived breast problems related to lactation to be highly prevalent and described a sequence of symptoms which resembles the biomedical understanding of pathologies related to breastfeeding, ranging from breast engorgement (stasis) to inflammation (mastitis) and infection (breast abscess). The aetiology of disease, however, differed from biomedical notions as both women and guerisseurs distinguished between "natural" and "unnatural" causes of health problems related to breastfeeding. To prevent and treat such pathologies, women used a combination of traditional and biomedical therapies, depending on the perceived cause of illness. In general, however, a marked preference for traditional systems of care was observed. CONCLUSION: Health problems related to breastfeeding are perceived to be very common in rural Burkina Faso. Further epidemiological research to assess the actual prevalence of such pathologies is urgently needed to inform the design of adequate control measures, especially given the impact of mastitis on HIV vertical transmission. Our investigation into local illness concepts and health care seeking behaviour is useful to ensure that such measures be culturally sensitive. Further research into the efficacy of local customs and traditional healing methods and their effect on viral load in breast milk is also urgently needed