7 research outputs found

    Fluid Milk or Cream for Iowa Creameries?

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    Iowa\u27s milk marketing machinery is being overhauled. It appears that more of Iowa\u27s milk can profitably enter fluid milk channels- because of changes in demand for dairy products, because of the rapid technical developments in processing and distributing milk and because of the development of substitutes for skimmilk in livestock feeding

    What Is Bulk Milk Handling?

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    The bulk-tank cooling system offers so many advatages so many advantages is quality and efficiency that its eventual adoption for market milk appears certain. However, the problem of the small producer still remains unsolved

    Spray drying costs in low-volume milk plants

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    Since World War II several developments have given impetus to a shift from marketing farm-separated cream to marketing whole milk. The increased consumer demand for nonfat dry milk, the government price-support program, the introduction of drying equipment small enough to make drying feasible for small plants, and farmers preferences have all had a share in inducing plants to shift from a butter manufacturing operation to a butter-powder operation.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/specialreports/1016/thumbnail.jp