1,582 research outputs found

    Cosmological Parameter Extraction from the First Season of Observations with DASI

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    The Degree Angular Scale Interferometer (\dasi) has measured the power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropy over the range of spherical harmonic multipoles 100<l<900. We compare this data, in combination with the COBE-DMR results, to a seven dimensional grid of adiabatic CDM models. Adopting the priors h>0.45 and 0.0<=tau_c<=0.4, we find that the total density of the Universe Omega_tot=1.04+/-0.06, and the spectral index of the initial scalar fluctuations n_s=1.01+0.08-0.06, in accordance with the predictions of inflationary theory. In addition we find that the physical density of baryons Omega_b.h^2=0.022+0.004-0.003, and the physical density of cold dark matter Omega_cdm.h^2=0.14+/-0.04. This value of Omega_b.h^2 is consistent with that derived from measurements of the primordial abundance ratios of the light elements combined with big bang nucleosynthesis theory. Using the result of the HST Key Project h=0.72+/-0.08 we find that Omega_t=1.00+/-0.04, the matter density Omega_m=0.40+/-0.15, and the vacuum energy density Omega_lambda=0.60+/-0.15. (All 68% confidence limits.)Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, minor changes in response to referee comment

    Role of tyrosine M210 in the initial charge separation of reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides

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    Femtosecond spectroscopy was used in combination with site-directed mutagenesis to study the influence of tyrosine M210 (YM210) on the primary electron transfer in the reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The exchange of YM210 to phenylalanine caused the time constant of primary electron transfer to increase from 3.5 f 0.4 ps to 16 f 6 ps while the exchange to leucine increased the time constant even more to 22 f 8 ps. The results suggest that tyrosine M210 is important for the fast rate of the primary electron transfer

    Time-resolved spectroscopy of the primary photosynthetic processes of membrane-bound reaction centers from an antenna-deficient mutant of Rhodobacter capsulatus

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    The primary photosynthetic reactions in whole membranes of the antenna-deficient mutant strain U43 (pTXA6–10) of Rhodobacter capsulatus are studied by transient absorption and emission spectroscopy with subpicosecond time resolution. Extensive similarities between the transient absorption data on whole membranes and on isolated reaction centers support the idea that the primary processes in isolated reaction centers are not modified by the isolation procedure

    Analysis of Transient Absorption Data from Reaction Centers of Purple Bacteria

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    DASI First Results: A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Angular Power Spectrum

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    We present measurements of anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) from the first season of observations with the Degree Angular Scale Interferometer (DASI). The instrument was deployed at the South Pole in the austral summer 1999--2000, and made observations throughout the following austral winter. We have measured the angular power spectrum of the CMB in the range 100<l<900 with high signal-to-noise. In this paper we review the formalism used in the analysis, in particular the use of constraint matrices to project out contaminants such as ground and point source signals, and to test for correlations with diffuse foreground templates. We find no evidence of foregrounds other than point sources in the data, and find a maximum likelihood temperature spectral index beta = -0.1 +/- 0.2 (1 sigma), consistent with CMB. We detect a first peak in the power spectrum at l approx 200, in agreement with previous experiments. In addition, we detect a peak in the power spectrum at l approx 550 and power of similar magnitude at l approx 800 which are consistent with the second and third harmonic peaks predicted by adiabatic inflationary cosmological models.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, minor changes in response to referee comment

    Pressure-Induced Superconductivity in Sc to 74 GPa

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    Using a diamond anvil cell with nearly hydrostatic helium pressure medium we have significantly extended the superconducting phase diagram Tc(P) of Sc, the lightest of all transition metals. We find that superconductivity is induced in Sc under pressure, Tc increasing monotonically to 8.2 K at 74.2 GPa. The Tc(P) dependences of the trivalent d-electron metals Sc, Y, La, and Lu are compared and discussed within a simple s-d charge transfer framework.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. B (Brief Reports

    A Method for Individual Source Brightness Estimation in Single- and Multi-band Data

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    We present a method of reliably extracting the flux of individual sources from sky maps in the presence of noise and a source population in which number counts are a steeply falling function of flux. The method is an extension of a standard Bayesian procedure in the millimeter/submillimeter literature. As in the standard method, the prior applied to source flux measurements is derived from an estimate of the source counts as a function of flux, dN/dS. The key feature of the new method is that it enables reliable extraction of properties of individual sources, which previous methods in the literature do not. We first present the method for extracting individual source fluxes from data in a single observing band, then we extend the method to multiple bands, including prior information about the spectral behavior of the source population(s). The multi-band estimation technique is particularly relevant for classifying individual sources into populations according to their spectral behavior. We find that proper treatment of the correlated prior information between observing bands is key to avoiding significant biases in estimations of multi-band fluxes and spectral behavior, biases which lead to significant numbers of misclassified sources. We test the single- and multi-band versions of the method using simulated observations with observing parameters similar to that of the South Pole Telescope data used in Vieira, et al. (2010).Comment: 11 emulateapj pages, 3 figures, revised to match published versio

    Millimeter Wavelength Brightness Fluctuations of the Atmosphere Above the South Pole

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    We report measurements of the millimeter wavelength brightness fluctuations produced by the atmosphere above the South Pole made with the Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver (ACBAR). The data span the 2002 Austral winter during which ACBAR was mounted on the Viper telescope at the South Pole. We recover the atmospheric signal in the presence of instrument noise by calculating the correlation between signals from distinct elements of the ACBAR bolometer array. With this method, it is possible to measure atmospheric brightness fluctuations with high SNR even under the most stable atmospheric conditions. The observed atmospheric signal is characterized by the parameters of the Komolgorov-Taylor (KT) model, which are the amplitude and power law exponent describing the atmospheric power spectrum, and the two components of the wind angular velocity at the time of the observation. The KT model is typically a good description of the observed fluctuations, and fits to the data produce values of the Komolgorov exponent that are consistent with theoretical expectations. By combining the wind angular velocity results with measurements of the wind linear velocity, we find that the altitude of the observed atmospheric fluctuations is consistent with the distribution of water vapor determined from radiosonde data. For data corresponding to frequency passbands centered on 150, 219, and 274 GHz, we obtain median fluctuation power amplitudes of [10, 38, 74] mK^{2} rad^{-5/3} in Rayleigh-Jeans temperature units. Comparing with previous work, we find that these median amplitudes are approximately an order of magnitude smaller than those found at the South Pole during the Austral summer and at least 30 times lower than found at the ALMA site in the Atacama desert.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, submitted to ApJ, vertical margins fixe
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