92 research outputs found

    Microfield distributions in strongly coupled two-component plasmas

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    The electric microfield distribution at charged particles is studied for two-component electron-ion plasmas using molecular dynamics simulation and theoretical models. The particles are treated within classical statistical mechanics using an electron-ion Coulomb potential regularized at distances less than the de Broglie length to take into account the quantum-diffraction effects. The potential-of-mean-force (PMF) approximation is deduced from a canonical ensemble formulation. The resulting probability density of the electric microfield satisfies exactly the second-moment sum rule without the use of adjustable parameters. The correlation functions between the charged radiator and the plasma ions and electrons are calculated using molecular dynamics simulations and the hypernetted-chain approximation for a two-component plasma. It is shown that the agreement between the theoretical models for the microfield distributions and the simulations is quite good in general.Comment: 18 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Renormalized cluster expansion of the microfield distribution in a strongly coupled two-component plasmas

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    The electric microfield distribution (MFD) at an impurity ion is studied for two-component (TCP) electron-ion plasmas using molecular dynamics simulation and theoretical models. The particles are treated within classical statistical mechanics using an electron-ion Coulomb potential regularized at distances less than the de Broglie length to take into account quantum-diffraction effects. Corrections to the potential-of-mean-force exponential (PMFEX) approximation recently proposed for MFD in a strongly coupled TCP [Phys. Rev. E 72, 036403 (2005)] are obtained and discussed. This has been done by a generalization of the standard Baranger-Mozer and renormalized cluster expansion techniques originally developed for the one-component plasmas to the TCPs. The results obtained for a neutral point are compared with those from molecular dynamics simulations. It is shown that the corrections do not help to improve the PMFEX approximation for a TCP with low ionic charge Z. But starting with Z > 5 the PMFEX model is substantially improved and the agreement with numerical simulations is excellent. We have also found that with increasing coupling the PMFEX approximation becomes invalid to predict the MFD at a neutral point while its corrected version agrees satisfactory with the simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Bioenergy as climate change mitigation option within a 2 °C target—uncertainties and temporal challenges of bioenergy systems

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    Bioenergy is given an important role in reaching national and international climate change targets. However, uncertainties relating to emission reductions and the timeframe for these reductions are increasingly recognised as challenges whether bioenergy can deliver the required reductions. This paper discusses and highlights the challenges and the importance of the real greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction potential of bioenergy systems and its relevance for a global 450 ppm CO2e stabilisation target in terms of uncertainties and temporal aspects. The authors aim to raise awareness and emphasise the need for dynamic and consequential approaches for the evaluation of climate change impacts of bioenergy systems to capture the complexity and challenges of their real emission reduction potential within a 2 °C target. This review does not present new research results. This paper shows the variety of challenges and complexity of the problem of achieving real GHG emission reductions from bioenergy systems. By reflecting on current evaluation methods of emissions and impacts from bioenergy systems, this review points out that a rethinking and going beyond static approaches is required, considering each bioenergy systems according to its own characteristics, context and feedbacks. With the development of knowledge and continuously changing systems, policies should be designed in a way that they provide a balance between flexibility to adapt to new information and planning security for investors. These will then allow considering if a bioenergy system will deliver the required emission saving in the appropriate timeframe or not

    Statistics of the gravitational force in various dimensions of space: from Gaussian to Levy laws

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    We discuss the distribution of the gravitational force created by a Poissonian distribution of field sources (stars, galaxies,...) in different dimensions of space d. In d=3, it is given by a Levy law called the Holtsmark distribution. It presents an algebraic tail for large fluctuations due to the contribution of the nearest neighbor. In d=2, it is given by a marginal Gaussian distribution intermediate between Gaussian and Levy laws. In d=1, it is exactly given by the Bernouilli distribution (for any particle number N) which becomes Gaussian for N>>1. Therefore, the dimension d=2 is critical regarding the statistics of the gravitational force. We generalize these results for inhomogeneous systems with arbitrary power-law density profile and arbitrary power-law force in a d-dimensional universe

    Statistical mechanics of two-dimensional vortices and stellar systems

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    The formation of large-scale vortices is an intriguing phenomenon in two-dimensional turbulence. Such organization is observed in large-scale oceanic or atmospheric flows, and can be reproduced in laboratory experiments and numerical simulations. A general explanation of this organization was first proposed by Onsager (1949) by considering the statistical mechanics for a set of point vortices in two-dimensional hydrodynamics. Similarly, the structure and the organization of stellar systems (globular clusters, elliptical galaxies,...) in astrophysics can be understood by developing a statistical mechanics for a system of particles in gravitational interaction as initiated by Chandrasekhar (1942). These statistical mechanics turn out to be relatively similar and present the same difficulties due to the unshielded long-range nature of the interaction. This analogy concerns not only the equilibrium states, i.e. the formation of large-scale structures, but also the relaxation towards equilibrium and the statistics of fluctuations. We will discuss these analogies in detail and also point out the specificities of each system.Comment: Chapter of the forthcoming "Lecture Notes in Physics" volume: ``Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems with Long Range Interactions'', T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, E. Arimondo, M. Wilkens Eds., Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 602, Springer (2002
