6,676 research outputs found

    Social Media Marketing Integration: Agile Project Management

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    The implementation of digital and social media strategies to currently existing marketing strategies requires extensive knowledge and expertise. Project management techniques and practices can be utilized to implement this change and determine its success. Because of the constantly evolving nature of social media marketing, an agile project management approach should be utilized to enhance chances of success. Social media marketing requires a thorough understanding of the target market and their behaviors on social media to deliver appropriate content utilizing the right mediums of communication. The ability to evaluate the success of a project and make changes as needed to meet the goals of the marketing strategies makes agile project management a suitable technique for implementing social media marketing

    Rough solutions of the Einstein Constraint Equations on Asymptotically Flat Manifolds without Near-CMC Conditions

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    In this article we consider the conformal decomposition of the Einstein constraint equations introduced by Lichnerowicz, Choquet-Bruhat, and York, on asymptotically flat (AF) manifolds. Using the non-CMC fixed-point framework developed in 2009 by Holst, Nagy, and Tsogtgerel and by Maxwell, we establish existence of coupled non-CMC weak solutions for AF manifolds. As is the case for the analogous existence results for non-CMC solutions on closed manifolds and compact manifolds with boundary, our results here avoid the near-CMC assumption by assuming that the freely specifiable part of the data given by the traceless-transverse part of the rescaled extrinsic curvature and the matter fields are sufficiently small. The non-CMC rough solutions results here for AF manifolds may be viewed as extending to AF manifolds the 2009 and 2014 results on rough far-from-CMC positive Yamabe solutions for closed and compact manifolds with boundary. Similarly, our results may be viewed as extending the recent 2014 results for AF manifolds of Dilts, Isenberg, Mazzeo and Meier, and of Holst and Meier; while their results are restricted to smoother background metrics and data, the results here allow the regularity to be extended down to the minimum regularity allowed by the background metric and the matter, further completing the rough solution program initiated by Maxwell and Choquet-Bruhat in 2004.Comment: 82 pages. Version 2 has minor changes reflecting comments and minor typos fixed. Version 3 updates a bibliography entr

    Adaptive Finite Element Methods with Inexact Solvers for the Nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann Equation

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    In this article we study adaptive finite element methods (AFEM) with inexact solvers for a class of semilinear elliptic interface problems. We are particularly interested in nonlinear problems with discontinuous diffusion coefficients, such as the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation and its regularizations. The algorithm we study consists of the standard SOLVE-ESTIMATE-MARK-REFINE procedure common to many adaptive finite element algorithms, but where the SOLVE step involves only a full solve on the coarsest level, and the remaining levels involve only single Newton updates to the previous approximate solution. We summarize a recently developed AFEM convergence theory for inexact solvers, and present a sequence of numerical experiments that give evidence that the theory does in fact predict the contraction properties of AFEM with inexact solvers. The various routines used are all designed to maintain a linear-time computational complexity.Comment: Submitted to DD20 Proceeding
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