35 research outputs found

    Nitrous Oxide Dynamics in the Siberian Arctic Ocean and Vulnerability to Climate Change

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    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a strong greenhouse gas and stratospheric ozone-depleting substance. Around 20% of global emissions stem from the ocean, but current estimates and future projections are uncertain due to poor spatial coverage over large areas and limited understanding of drivers of N2O dynamics. Here, we focus on the extensive and particularly data-lean Arctic Ocean shelves north of Siberia that experience rapid warming and increasing input of land-derived nitrogen with permafrost thaw. We combine water column N2O measurements from two expeditions with on-board incubation of intact sediment cores to assess N2O dynamics and the impact of land-derived nitrogen. Elevated nitrogen concentrations in water column and sediments were observed near large river mouths. Concentrations of N2O were only weakly correlated with dissolved nitrogen and turbidity, reflecting particulate matter from rivers and coastal erosion, and correlations varied between river plumes. Surface water N2O concentrations were on average close to equilibrium with the atmosphere, but varied widely (N2O saturation 38%–180%), indicating strong local N2O sources and sinks. Water column N2O profiles and low sediment-water N2O fluxes do not support strong sedimentary sources or sinks. We suggest that N2O dynamics in the region are influenced by water column N2O consumption under aerobic conditions or in anoxic microsites of particles, and possibly also by water column N2O production. Changes in biogeochemical and physical conditions will likely alter N2O dynamics in the Siberian Arctic Ocean over the coming decades, in addition to reduced N2O solubility in a warmer ocean.publishedVersio

    Stable bromine isotopic composition of methyl bromide released from plant matter

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    Abstract Methyl bromide (CH3Br) emitted from plants constitutes a natural source of bromine to the atmosphere, and is a component in the currently unbalanced global CH3Br budget. In the stratosphere, CH3Br contributes to ozone loss processes. Studies of stable isotope composition may reduce uncertainties in the atmospheric CH3Br budget, but require well-constrained isotope fingerprints of the source end members. Here we report the first measurements of stable bromine isotopes (δ 81 Br

    Characterizing natural degradation of tetrachloroethene (PCE) using a multidisciplinary approach

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    A site in mid-western Sweden contaminated with chlorinated solvents originating from a previous dry cleaning facility, was investigated using conventional groundwater analysis combined with compound-specific isotope data of carbon, microbial DNA analysis, and geoelectrical tomography techniques. We show the value of this multidisciplinary approach, as the different results supported each interpretation, and show where natural degradation occurs at the site. The zone where natural degradation occurred was identified in the transition between two geological units, where the change in hydraulic conductivity may have facilitated biofilm formation and microbial activity. This observation was confirmed by all methods and the examination of the impact of geological conditions on the biotransformation process was facilitated by the unique combination of the applied methods. There is thus significant benefit from deploying an extended array of methods for these investigations, with the potential to reduce costs involved in remediation of contaminated sediment and groundwater

    Use of Cl and C Isotopic Fractionation to Identify Degradation and Sources of Polychlorinated Phenols: Mechanistic Study and Field Application

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    The widespread use of chlorinated phenols (CPs) as a wood preservative has led to numerous contaminated sawmill sites. However, it remains challenging to assess the extent of in situ degradation of CPs. We evaluated the use of compound-specific chlorine and carbon isotope analysis (Cl– and C–CSIA) to assess CP biotransformation. In a laboratory system, we measured isotopic fractionation during oxidative 2,4,6-trichlorophenol dechlorination by representative soil enzymes (<i>C. fumago</i> chloroperoxidase, horseradish peroxidase, and laccase from <i>T. versicolor</i>). Using a mathematical model, the validity of the Rayleigh approach to evaluate apparent kinetic isotope effects (AKIE) was confirmed. A small but significant Cl-AKIE of 1.0022 ± 0.0006 was observed for all three enzymes, consistent with a reaction pathway via a cationic radical species. For carbon, a slight inverse isotope effect was observed (C-AKIE = 0.9945 ± 0.0019). This fractionation behavior is clearly distinguishable from reported reductive dechlorination mechanisms. Based on these results we then assessed degradation and apportioned different types of technical CP mixtures used at two former sawmill sites. To our knowledge, this is the first study that makes use of two-element CSIA to study sources and transformation of CPs in the environment

    Stable bromine isotopic composition of atmospheric CH3Br

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    Tropospheric methyl bromide (CH3Br) is the largest source of bromine to the stratosphere and plays an important role in ozone depletion. Here, the first stable bromine isotope composition (%26dgr%3B81Br) of atmospheric CH3Br is presented. The %26dgr%3B81Br of higher concentration Stockholm samples and free air subarctic Abisko samples suggest a source/background value of %26minus%3B0.04%26plusmn%3B0.28%26permil%3B ranging up to +1.75%26plusmn%3B0.12%26permil%3B. The Stockholm %26dgr%3B81Br versus concentration relationship corresponds to an apparent isotope enrichment factor of %26minus%3B4.7%26plusmn%3B3.7%26permil%3B, representing the combined reaction sink. This study demonstrates the scientific potential of atmospheric %26dgr%3B81Br measurements, which in the future may be combined with other isotope systems in a top-down inverse approach to further understand key source and sink processes of methyl bromide