3,900 research outputs found

    Homoclinic Orbits In Slowly Varying Oscillators

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    We obtain existence and bifurcation theorems for homoclinic orbits in three-dimensional flows that are perturbations of families of planar Hamiltonian systems. The perturbations may or may not depend explicitly on time. We show how the results on periodic orbits of the preceding paper are related to the present homoclinic results, and apply them to a periodically forced Duffing equation with weak feedback

    A General Framework for Updating Belief Distributions

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    We propose a framework for general Bayesian inference. We argue that a valid update of a prior belief distribution to a posterior can be made for parameters which are connected to observations through a loss function rather than the traditional likelihood function, which is recovered under the special case of using self information loss. Modern application areas make it is increasingly challenging for Bayesians to attempt to model the true data generating mechanism. Moreover, when the object of interest is low dimensional, such as a mean or median, it is cumbersome to have to achieve this via a complete model for the whole data distribution. More importantly, there are settings where the parameter of interest does not directly index a family of density functions and thus the Bayesian approach to learning about such parameters is currently regarded as problematic. Our proposed framework uses loss-functions to connect information in the data to functionals of interest. The updating of beliefs then follows from a decision theoretic approach involving cumulative loss functions. Importantly, the procedure coincides with Bayesian updating when a true likelihood is known, yet provides coherent subjective inference in much more general settings. Connections to other inference frameworks are highlighted.Comment: This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the article "A General Framework for Updating Belief Distributions", which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Statistical Society - Series B. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archivin

    Helping Junior Lawyers Thrive

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    There has been increased discussion over the past few years about the mental health of lawyers. Most previous studies have researched the extent and causes of psychological distress in law students and lawyers. There has been less attention on also understanding what helps lawyers to thrive and become happy, healthy and ethical members of the legal profession. Our research project, the Transition to Professional Practice Project, has focused on this latter aspect, looking specifically at Australian lawyers in their first year of practice. This can be a difficult and exciting time, but is always a critical period of discovery and change. We were interested to see how newcomers make the transition from student to legal professional and how they develop their professional identity, in the sense of developing their beliefs and practices about what it means to be a lawyer. Lawyers-to-be are often not given opportunities to explore these issues in law school, sometimes resulting in a collision of expectations and reality when first exposed to legal practice