9 research outputs found

    Mutation of the <i>rsh</i> gene reveals a major role in aversive olfactory memory (ARM) and is necessary for appetitive olfactory memory shortly after conditioning.

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    <p>Flies were either trained with odorants paired with electric shock or sugar reward. The training, cold-shock, retention intervals, and testing patterns (both pre and post) are diagrammed for each panel, the time axis is not to scale. (<i>A</i>) Olfactory memory tested three min after training is reduced in <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i> flies compared to CS flies, although levels do not reach statistical significance (F(1,12) β€Š=β€Š3.5, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.09). To reveal the <i>rsh</i> function in aversive olfactory memory, wild-type CS and <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i> flies were trained with odorant / shock pairings, then after 2 hrs were given a cold-shock, memory was tested 1 hr later. Memory performance of <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i> flies was significantly lower than wild-type CS flies with this procedure (F(1,10) β€Š=β€Š5.0, * β€Š=β€Š Pβ€Š=β€Š0.04). (<i>B</i>) Appetitive olfactory short-term memory was tested at 3, 30, and 60 min after the odorant / sucrose training session. A <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i> phenotype was evident at all tested time points after training (3 min: F(1,16) β€Š=β€Š29.2, *** β€Š=β€Š P<0.001; 30 min: F(1,14) β€Š=β€Š12.3, ** β€Š=β€Š P<0.01; 60 min: F(1,14) β€Š=β€Š12.1, ** β€Š=β€Š P<0.01). (<i>C</i>) The <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i> appetitive short term olfactory memory phenotype is rescued with a transgenic copy of the wild-type version of the <i>rsh</i> gene (F(3,32) β€Š=β€Š13.0, P<0.0001; post-hoc tests: CS vs <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i> *** β€Š=β€ŠP<0.001, <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i> vs. <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i>; hs-<i>rsh-1</i> * β€Š=β€ŠP<0.05, CS vs. <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i>; hs-<i>rsh-1</i>, * β€Š=β€ŠP<0.05; <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i> vs. CS; hs-<i>rsh-1</i> * β€Š=β€ŠP<0.05; CS vs. CS; hs-<i>rsh-1</i> * β€Š=β€ŠP<0.05). The values are means and error bars represent s.e.m.</p

    Control behaviors of wild-type CS and <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i> mutant flies.

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    <p>MCH avoidance: ANOVA F(3,32) β€Š=β€Š1.07, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.4; Oct avoidance: F(3,20) β€Š=β€Š1.3, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.3; Sugar attractiveness: ANOVA F(3,44)β€Š=β€Š0.75, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.53; Activity: F(1,561)β€Š=β€Š3.3, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.07.</p

    Mutation of the <i>rsh</i> gene does not influence conditioning or place memory tested directly after training.

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    <p>Following a 30 s pre-test period (black bars), wild-type CS and <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i> mutant flies were trained in two equal length periods for a total of either 6 or 20 min with 41Β°C (light gray bars). A 3 min memory was tested directly following in the post-test period (dark gray bars). The training, retention intervals, and testing patterns (both pre and post) are diagrammed for each panel, the time axis is not to scale. (<i>A</i>), Conditioning and memory tests were similar between the genotypes with 6 min of training (Nβ€Š=β€Š331; pre-test: Uβ€Š=β€Š12753.5, zβ€Š=β€Š1.07, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.28; 1<sup>st</sup> training period: Uβ€Š=β€Š11877.0, zβ€Š=β€Š2.08, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.04; 2<sup>nd</sup> training period: Uβ€Š=β€Š12888.5, zβ€Š=β€Š0.92, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.36; post-test: Uβ€Š=β€Š13237.0, zβ€Š=β€Š0.51, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.61). (<i>B</i>) Conditioning and memory tests were also similar between the genotypes with 20 min of training (Nβ€Š=β€Š232; pre-test: Uβ€Š=β€Š6106.5, zβ€Š=β€Š1.22, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.22; 1<sup>st</sup> training period: Uβ€Š=β€Š5740.5, zβ€Š=β€Š1.93, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.06; 2<sup>nd</sup> training period: Uβ€Š=β€Š5802.0, zβ€Š=β€Šβˆ’1.81, β€Š=β€Š0.07; post-test: Uβ€Š=β€Š6463.0, zβ€Š=β€Šβˆ’0.52, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.60). (<i>C</i>) The <i>rsh</i> gene is necessary for normal short-term place memory. Flies were trained with intermittent training and then held for varying times (1 – 40 min) before being tested for memory with a short reminder training. The <i>rsh<sup>1</sup></i> flies had memory performance similar to wild-type CS levels with a 1 min delay between training and the memory test (Nβ€Š=β€Š447, Uβ€Š=β€Š24641.5, zβ€Š=β€Š0.24, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.8). Significant differences were found at several time points following training (10 min: Nβ€Š=β€Š295, Uβ€Š=β€Š8637.0, zβ€Š=β€Š.02, ** β€Š=β€Š P<0.01; 20 min: Nβ€Š=β€Š330, Uβ€Š=β€Š10074.5, zβ€Š=β€Š3.95, *** β€Š=β€Š P<0.001; 30 min: Nβ€Š=β€Š311, Uβ€Š=β€Š10926.0, zβ€Š=β€Š1.45, Pβ€Š=β€Š0.1; 40 min: Nβ€Š=β€Š351, Uβ€Š=β€Š12941.5, zβ€Š=β€Š2.48, ** β€Š=β€Š P<0.01). The values are means and error bars represent s.e.m.</p

    The <i>aru<sup>8–128</sup></i> allele reduces olfactory memory performance.

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    <p>Wild-type CS and Berlin (B) flies, as well as <i>aru<sup>8–128</sup></i> flies in either the CS or B genetic backgrounds were trained and tested for olfactory three minute memory. The memory performance was statistically different from wild-type only in the Berlin genetic background (CS vs. <i>aru<sup>8–128</sup></i> (CS), F(1,10)β€Š=β€Š0.44, p>0.1, Nβ€Š=β€Š12; Berlin vs. <i>aru<sup>8–128</sup></i> (B), F(1,12)β€Š=β€Š27.5, ***β€Š=β€Šp<0.001, Nβ€Š=β€Š14). The values are means and error bars represent SEMs.</p

    Control behaviors in wild-type CS, Berlin, and different <i>aru</i> EPS8L3 mutant flies.

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    <p>Control behaviors of wild-type and <i>aru</i> EPS8L3 mutant flies were largely similar. A) The avoidance of 41Β°C high temperature was similar between wild-type flies and all other flies with the three different <i>aru</i> EPS8L3 alleles (p's>0.1, N's between 100 and 240 for each genotype). B) Shock avoidance for flies with different <i>aru</i> EPS8L3 alleles were not statistically significantly different (CS compared to the three other <i>aru</i> EPS8L3 alleles: F(3,20)β€Š=β€Š0.32, p>0.1; Berlin compared to the three other <i>aru</i> EPS8L3 alleles: F(3,24)β€Š=β€Š1.29, p>0.1). C) Avoidance of MCH compared to ambient air was not statistically different between wild-type flies and flies with the three other <i>aru</i> EPS8L3 alleles (CS compared to the three other alleles: F(3,20)β€Š=β€Š0.54, p>0.1; Berlin compared to the three other alleles: F(3,22)β€Š=β€Š1.28, p>0.1). D) The only statistically significant difference in the different genotypes in the avoidance of octanol (OCT) was between flies from the CS and <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i> genotypes (CS background: F(3,20)β€Š=β€Š3.5, pβ€Š=β€Š0.04, *β€Š=β€Šp<0.05 with Newman-Keuls <i>post-hoc</i> test with <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i> (CS) and CS; Berlin genetic background: F(3,20)β€Š=β€Š0.57, p>0.1).</p

    Place memory phenotypes of <i>aru<sup>8–128</sup></i>, <i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i>, and <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i> flies.

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    <p>Wild-type CS and Berlin, as well as flies with a precise excision (<i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i>) and imprecise excision (<i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i>) in both genetic backgrounds, were trained in the heat-box and tested for place memory. A) The memory score of flies from wild-type, <i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i> and <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i>genotypes are presented, where there were no statistically significant differences detected in any of the genotypes (CS with <i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i> (CS), and <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i> (CS) p's>0.1, Nβ€Š=β€Š371). B) Flies with the <i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i> and <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i>alleles in the wild-type Berlin background were also not significantly different (p's>0.1, Nβ€Š=β€Š341). The values are means and error bars represent SEMs.</p

    Molecular characterization of new <i>aru</i> alleles.

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    <p>A) The <i>aru<sup>8–128</sup></i> allele is an insertion of a PGawB element in the genome corresponding to either the first intron of the RD and RC transcripts or 5β€² of the RA transcripts. PCR primer pairs corresponding to the P-element inverted repeats (primer 1) and adjacent genomic sequence (primers 2 and 3) were used to characterize two new <i>aru</i> alleles, <i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i>and <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i> (which were generated by re-mobilizing PGawB element in <i>aru<sup>8–128</sup></i>flies). B) Amplification across the PGawB insertion site using primers 2 and 3 was possible from wild-type CS and <i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i>, but not <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i>, genomic DNA. Amplification with the 1–2 and 1–3 primer pairs amplified the expected size products from genomic DNA from <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i> flies.</p

    The olfactory short-memory defect of <i>aru<sup>8–128</sup></i> flies is reverted to normal in flies with a precise excision allele (<i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i>) but reduced in flies with an imprecise excision allele (<i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i>).

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    <p>Wild-type CS and Berlin flies, as well as flies with a precise excision (<i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i>) and imprecise excision (<i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i>), were trained and tested for olfactory three minute memory. The short-term memory score of flies from wild-type, <i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i> and <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i>genotypes are presented. A) The memory performance was statistically different in flies with the imprecise excision allele and their corresponding wild-type strain (CS with <i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i> (CS) and <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i> (CS) F(2,15)β€Š=β€Š5.8, p<0.01, *β€Š=β€Šp<0.05 with a Newman-Keuls <i>post-hoc</i> test of CS and <i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i> (CS) with <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i> (CS), Nβ€Š=β€Š18). B) Differences were also identified in flies from the wild-type Berlin backgrounds (Berlin with <i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i> (B) and <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i> (B) F(2,29)β€Š=β€Š7.3, p<0.002, *β€Š=β€Šp<0.05 with a Newman-Keuls <i>post-hoc</i> test of Berlin and <i>aru<sup>S8</sup></i> (B) with <i>aru<sup>S13</sup></i> (B), Nβ€Š=β€Š32). The values are means and error bars represent SEMs.</p

    The <i>aru<sup>8–128</sup></i> allele reduces place memory performance.

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    <p>Wild-type CS and Berlin (B) flies, as well as <i>aru<sup>8–128</sup></i> flies in either the CS or B genetic backgrounds were trained for 20 min and then examined for place memory directly afterward. The mutant memory performance was statistically different from wild-type only in the CS genetic background (CS vs. <i>aru<sup>8–128</sup></i> (CS), **β€Š=β€Šp<0.01, Nβ€Š=β€Š215; Berlin vs. <i>aru<sup>8–128</sup></i> (B), p>0.1, Nβ€Š=β€Š643). The values are means and error bars represent SEMs.</p