13 research outputs found


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    Abstract Birth of offspring of a pre-determined sex using flow cytometrically sorted fresh spermatozoa was first achieved in rabbits by Johnson et al. (1989). Since then offspring have been produced using sex-sorted spermatozoa from several different species (reviewed by Johnson, 2000). Initially, efficiency of the sex-sorting technology was poor with only low numbers of spermatozoa sorted per hour. Thus, the offspring derived from flow cytometrically sorted spermatozoa were produced with the use of artificial reproductive technologies (ART) such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and culture (IVC), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and deep artificial insemination (AI) which facilitated low dose insemination of potentially compromised spermatozoa. More recently, the development of high-speed sorters (Johnson and Welch, 1999) has facilitated the production of offspring using conventional AI techniques with low dose inseminates (Seidel et al., 1999) and successful cryopreservation of sorted spermatozoa (Schenk et al., 1999; Johnson et al., 2000; Lindsey et al., 2002; Schenk and DeGrofft, 2003). Increased efficiency of sorting bull spermatozoa has evolved through significant instrumentation and biological developments which have enabled the commercialization of the sperm sexing technology in the dairy industry, although conception rates in cows after low dose AI with sexed frozen-thawed spermatozoa are still lower than after standard frozen semen AI (Seidel et al., 1999). Subsequently, over 20 000 calves of pre-determined sex have been produced from commercially available sex-sorted frozen-thawed bull spermatozoa (Seidel, 2003). However, similar developments have not been made in the sheep industry and were examined in this thesis. In this study, successful cryopreservation of sex-sorted ram spermatozoa and production of offspring of the pre-determined sex (X: 94.4 %; Y: 100 %) was achieved after low dose (2-4 x 106 total) insemination using conventional laparoscopic intrauterine (IU) AI. However, the overall pregnancy rate for ewes inseminated with sex-sorted frozen-thawed spermatozoa was low (25 %) compared to ewes inseminated with a commercial dose (140 x 106 total) of non-sorted frozen-thawed spermatozoa (54 %). Cryopreservation has been found to not only reduce the proportion of motile spermatozoa, but cause the remaining spermatozoa to undergo changes that advance membrane maturation thereby shortening their lifespan, especially after in vivo fertilisation (Gillan and Maxwell, 1999). It was found that sorting prior to cryopreservation accelerated the maturation of sperm membranes and after co-incubation with oviducal cells in vitro, sorted frozen-thawed spermatozoa were released more rapidly than non-sorted (control) frozen-thawed spermatozoa. The potentially reduced lifespan of sorted frozen-thawed spermatozoa, and practical constraints on the number of spermatozoa that can be sorted for an insemination dose, makes insemination close to the site of fertilisation and time of ovulation critical for successful fertilisation. After treatment of ewes with GnRH to increase the precision of insemination in respect to the time of ovulation, there was no difference in pregnancy rate between ewes inseminated before, during or after the assumed time of ovulation. Furthermore, there was no difference in pregnancy rate after IU AI with similar doses of sorted frozen-thawed and non-sorted frozen-thawed spermatozoa in GnRH-treated ewes. The minimum dose of sorted frozen-thawed spermatozoa required for commercially acceptable pregnancy rates determined after IU AI was high (20 x 106 motile). Consequently, alternative methods for efficiently producing large numbers of offspring of a pre-determined sex using flow cytometrically sorted ram spermatozoa were investigated. Ram spermatozoa can be stored for short periods of time in a chilled state (liquid storage) or for an indefinite period of time in a frozen state (frozen storage; Salamon and Maxwell, 2000). The fixed location of the sperm sorter requires the need for transport of semen from the point of collection to the site of sorting and processing, but also from the sperm sorter site to the recipient females under artificial conditions. In this study, ram spermatozoa liquid stored for 24 h prior to sorting were efficiently sorted, frozen, thawed and after in vitro fertilisation and culture produced a high proportion of grade 1 blastocysts. Similarly, spermatozoa stored at reduced temperatures after sorting maintained high sperm quality for up to 6 days. Furthermore, frozen-thawed spermatozoa from rams and some non-human primates were successfully prepared for sorting and efficiently sorted producing spermatozoa with high quality in vitro parameters. The quality of frozen-thawed ram spermatozoa after sorting was such that successful re-cryopreservation after sorting was possible. Low numbers of frozen-thawed sorted and re-frozen and thawed spermatozoa were optimal for IVF and a high proportion of grade 1 in vitro embryos of a pre-determined sex were produced. These embryos were either transferred immediately or vitrified prior to transfer, extending the application of the sperm sexing technology further. The birth of lambs of pre-determined sex after transfer of both fresh and vitrified embryos derived from frozen-thawed sorted spermatozoa was achieved. The findings in this thesis suggest that sorted frozen-thawed ram spermatozoa may have more advanced membrane maturation state than non-sorted frozen-thawed spermatozoa, resulting in a decreased fertilizing lifespan in the female reproductive tract. Despite this, the use of sexed ram spermatozoa in a number of physiological states (fresh, liquid, frozen) with several different ARTs is possible in producing significant numbers of offspring of a pre-determined sex. Improved efficiency in both sperm sexing and associated reproductive technologies is required for commercialization to be achieved in the sheep industry

    Mitochondrial metabolic remodelling in response to genetic and environmental perturbations

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    Mitochondria are metabolic hubs within mammalian cells and demonstrate significant metabolic plasticity. In oxygenated environments with ample carbohydrate, amino acid, and lipid sources, they are able to use the tricarboxylic acid cycle for the production of anabolic metabolites and ATP. However, in conditions where oxygen becomes limiting for oxidative phosphorylation, they can rapidly signal to increase cytosolic glycolytic ATP production, while awaiting hypoxia‐induced changes in the proteome mediated by the activity of transcription factors such as hypoxia‐inducible factor 1. Hypoxia is a well‐described phenotype of most cancers, driving many aspects of malignancy. Improving our understanding of how mitochondria change their metabolism in response to this stimulus may therefore elicit the design of new selective therapies. Many of the recent advances in our understanding of mitochondrial metabolic plasticity have been acquired through investigations of cancer‐associated mutations in metabolic enzymes, including succinate dehydrogenase, fumarate hydratase, and isocitrate dehydrogenase. This review will describe how metabolic perturbations induced by hypoxia and mutations in these enzymes have informed our knowledge in the control of mitochondrial metabolism, and will examine what this may mean for the biology of the cancers in which these mutations are observed. WIREs Syst Biol Med 2016, 8:272–285. doi: 10.1002/wsbm.1334 For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website

    Hypoxia and metabolic adaptation of cancer cells

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    Low oxygen tension (hypoxia) is a pervasive physiological and pathophysiological stimulus that metazoan organisms have contended with since they evolved from their single-celled ancestors. The effect of hypoxia on a tissue can be either positive or negative, depending on the severity, duration and context. Over the long-term, hypoxia is not usually consistent with normal function and so multicellular organisms have had to evolve both systemic and cellular responses to hypoxia. Our reliance on oxygen for efficient adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generation has meant that the cellular metabolic network is particularly sensitive to alterations in oxygen tension. Metabolic changes in response to hypoxia are elicited through both direct mechanisms, such as the reduction in ATP generation by oxidative phosphorylation or inhibition of fatty-acid desaturation, and indirect mechanisms including changes in isozyme expression through hypoxia-responsive transcription factor activity. Significant regions of cancers often grow in hypoxic conditions owing to the lack of a functional vasculature. As hypoxic tumour areas contain some of the most malignant cells, it is important that we understand the role metabolism has in keeping these cells alive. This review will outline our current understanding of many of the hypoxia-induced changes in cancer cell metabolism, how they are affected by other genetic defects often present in cancers, and how these metabolic alterations support the malignant hypoxic phenotype

    Loss of succinate dehydrogenase activity results in dependency on pyruvate carboxylation for cellular anabolism

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    The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle is a central metabolic pathway responsible for supplying reducing potential for oxidative phosphorylation and anabolic substrates for cell growth, repair and proliferation. As such it thought to be essential for cell proliferation and tissue homeostasis. However, since the initial report of an inactivating mutation in the TCA cycle enzyme complex, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) in paraganglioma (PGL), it has become clear that some cells and tissues are not only able to survive with a truncated TCA cycle, but that they are also able of supporting proliferative phenotype observed in tumours. Here, we show that loss of SDH activity leads to changes in the metabolism of non-essential amino acids. In particular, we demonstrate that pyruvate carboxylase is essential to re-supply the depleted pool of aspartate in SDH-deficient cells. Our results demonstrate that the loss of SDH reduces the metabolic plasticity of cells, suggesting vulnerabilities that can be targeted therapeutically

    Oncogenic IDH1 Mutations Promote Enhanced Proline Synthesis through PYCR1 to Support the Maintenance of Mitochondrial Redox Homeostasis

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    Summary: Since the discovery of mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) in gliomas and other tumors, significant efforts have been made to gain a deeper understanding of the consequences of this oncogenic mutation. One aspect of the neomorphic function of the IDH1 R132H enzyme that has received less attention is the perturbation of cellular redox homeostasis. Here, we describe a biosynthetic pathway exhibited by cells expressing mutant IDH1. By virtue of a change in cellular redox homeostasis, IDH1-mutated cells synthesize excess glutamine-derived proline through enhanced activity of pyrroline 5-carboxylate reductase 1 (PYCR1), coupled to NADH oxidation. Enhanced proline biosynthesis partially uncouples the electron transport chain from tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle activity through the maintenance of a lower NADH/NAD+ ratio and subsequent reduction in oxygen consumption. Thus, we have uncovered a mechanism by which tumor cell survival may be promoted in conditions associated with perturbed redox homeostasis, as occurs in IDH1-mutated glioma. : Hollinshead et al. demonstrate a role for PYCR1 in control of mitochondrial redox homeostasis. Expression of IDH1 R132H mutation leads to increased NADH-coupled proline biosynthesis, mediated by PYCR1. The resulting metabolic phenotype partially uncouples mitochondrial NADH oxidation from respiration, representing an oxygen-sparing metabolic phenotype. Keywords: glioma, IDH1, redox, metabolism, prolin

    Multiple screening approaches reveal HDAC6 as a novel regulator of glycolytic metabolism in triple-negative breast cancer

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    © 2021 American Association for the Advancement of Science. All rights reserved. Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a subtype of breast cancer without a targeted form of therapy. Unfortunately, up to 70% of patients with TNBC develop resistance to treatment. A known contributor to chemoresistance is dysfunctional mitochondrial apoptosis signaling. We set up a phenotypic small-molecule screen to reveal vulnerabilities in TNBC cells that were independent of mitochondrial apoptosis. Using a functional genetic approach, we identified that a "hit" compound, BAS-2, had a potentially similar mechanism of action to histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDAC). An in vitro HDAC inhibitor assay confirmed that the compound selectively inhibited HDAC6. Using state-of-the-art acetylome mass spectrometry, we identified glycolytic substrates of HDAC6 in TNBC cells. We confirmed that inhibition or knockout of HDAC6 reduced glycolytic metabolism both in vitro and in vivo. Through a series of unbiased screening approaches, we have identified a previously unidentified role for HDAC6 in regulating glycolytic metabolism

    Diverse intracellular pathogens activate Type III Interferon expression from peroxisomes

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    Type I Interferon (IFN) responses are considered the primary means by which viral infections are controlled in mammals. Despite this view, several pathogens activate antiviral responses in the absence of Type I IFNs. The mechanisms controlling Type I IFN-independent responses are undefined. We have found that RIG-I like Receptors (RLRs) induce Type III IFN expression in a variety of human cell types, and identified factors that differentially regulate Type I and III IFN expression. We identified peroxisomes as a primary site that initiates Type III IFN expression, and revealed that the process of intestinal epithelial cell differentiation upregulates peroxisome biogenesis and promotes robust Type III IFN responses in human cells. These findings highlight the interconnections between innate immunity and cell biology