653 research outputs found

    Purification of quantum trajectories

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    We prove that the quantum trajectory of repeated perfect measurement on a finite quantum system either asymptotically purifies, or hits upon a family of `dark' subspaces, where the time evolution is unitary.Comment: 10 page

    Stretched Exponential Relaxation in the Biased Random Voter Model

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    We study the relaxation properties of the voter model with i.i.d. random bias. We prove under mild condions that the disorder-averaged relaxation of this biased random voter model is faster than a stretched exponential with exponent d/(d+α)d/(d+\alpha), where 0<α20<\alpha\le 2 depends on the transition rates of the non-biased voter model. Under an additional assumption, we show that the above upper bound is optimal. The main ingredient of our proof is a result of Donsker and Varadhan (1979).Comment: 14 pages, AMS-LaTe

    Trapping reactions with subdiffusive traps and particles characterized by different anomalous diffusion exponents

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    A number of results for reactions involving subdiffusive species all with the same anomalous exponent gamma have recently appeared in the literature and can often be understood in terms of a subordination principle whereby time t in ordinary diffusion is replaced by t^gamma. However, very few results are known for reactions involving different species characterized by different anomalous diffusion exponents. Here we study the reaction dynamics of a (sub)diffusive particle surrounded by a sea of (sub)diffusive traps in one dimension. We find rigorous results for the asymptotic survival probability of the particle in most cases, with the exception of the case of a particle that diffuses normally while the anomalous diffusion exponent of the traps is smaller than 2/3.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Simulations for trapping reactions with subdiffusive traps and subdiffusive particles

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    While there are many well-known and extensively tested results involving diffusion-limited binary reactions, reactions involving subdiffusive reactant species are far less understood. Subdiffusive motion is characterized by a mean square displacement tγ \sim t^\gamma with 0<γ<10<\gamma<1. Recently we calculated the asymptotic survival probability P(t)P(t) of a (sub)diffusive particle (γ\gamma^\prime) surrounded by (sub)diffusive traps (γ\gamma) in one dimension. These are among the few known results for reactions involving species characterized by different anomalous exponents. Our results were obtained by bounding, above and below, the exact survival probability by two other probabilities that are asymptotically identical (except when γ=1\gamma^\prime=1 and 0<γ<2/30<\gamma<2/3). Using this approach, we were not able to estimate the time of validity of the asymptotic result, nor the way in which the survival probability approaches this regime. Toward this goal, here we present a detailed comparison of the asymptotic results with numerical simulations. In some parameter ranges the asymptotic theory describes the simulation results very well even for relatively short times. However, in other regimes more time is required for the simulation results to approach asymptotic behavior, and we arrive at situations where we are not able to reach asymptotia within our computational means. This is regrettably the case for γ=1\gamma^\prime=1 and 0<γ<2/30<\gamma<2/3, where we are therefore not able to prove or disprove even conjectures about the asymptotic survival probability of the particle.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter; special issue on Chemical Kinetics Beyond the Textbook: Fluctuations, Many-Particle Effects and Anomalous Dynamics, eds. K.Lindenberg, G.Oshanin and M.Tachiy

    Quantum state estimation and large deviations

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    In this paper we propose a method to estimate the density matrix \rho of a d-level quantum system by measurements on the N-fold system. The scheme is based on covariant observables and representation theory of unitary groups and it extends previous results concerning the estimation of the spectrum of \rho. We show that it is consistent (i.e. the original input state \rho is recovered with certainty if N \to \infty), analyze its large deviation behavior, and calculate explicitly the corresponding rate function which describes the exponential decrease of error probabilities in the limit N \to \infty. Finally we discuss the question whether the proposed scheme provides the fastest possible decay of error probabilities.Comment: LaTex2e, 40 pages, 2 figures. Substantial changes in Section 4: one new subsection (4.1) and another (4.2 was 4.1 in the previous version) completely rewritten. Minor changes in Sect. 2 and 3. Typos corrected. References added. Accepted for publication in Rev. Math. Phy

    The target problem with evanescent subdiffusive traps

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    We calculate the survival probability of a stationary target in one dimension surrounded by diffusive or subdiffusive traps of time-dependent density. The survival probability of a target in the presence of traps of constant density is known to go to zero as a stretched exponential whose specific power is determined by the exponent that characterizes the motion of the traps. A density of traps that grows in time always leads to an asymptotically vanishing survival probability. Trap evanescence leads to a survival probability of the target that may be go to zero or to a finite value indicating a probability of eternal survival, depending on the way in which the traps disappear with time

    Trapping in complex networks

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    We investigate the trapping problem in Erdos-Renyi (ER) and Scale-Free (SF) networks. We calculate the evolution of the particle density ρ(t)\rho(t) of random walkers in the presence of one or multiple traps with concentration cc. We show using theory and simulations that in ER networks, while for short times ρ(t)exp(Act)\rho(t) \propto \exp(-Act), for longer times ρ(t)\rho(t) exhibits a more complex behavior, with explicit dependence on both the number of traps and the size of the network. In SF networks we reveal the significant impact of the trap's location: ρ(t)\rho(t) is drastically different when a trap is placed on a random node compared to the case of the trap being on the node with the maximum connectivity. For the latter case we find \rho(t)\propto\exp\left[-At/N^\frac{\gamma-2}{\gamma-1}\av{k}\right] for all γ>2\gamma>2, where γ\gamma is the exponent of the degree distribution P(k)kγP(k)\propto k^{-\gamma}.Comment: Appendix adde

    Entropy production and fluctuation relations for a KPZ interface

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    We study entropy production and fluctuation relations in the restricted solid-on-solid growth model, which is a microscopic realization of the KPZ equation. Solving the one dimensional model exactly on a particular line of the phase diagram we demonstrate that entropy production quantifies the distance from equilibrium. Moreover, as an example of a physically relevant current different from the entropy, we study the symmetry of the large deviation function associated with the interface height. In a special case of a system of length L=4 we find that the probability distribution of the variation of height has a symmetric large deviation function, displaying a symmetry different from the Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Phase transitions and configuration space topology

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    Equilibrium phase transitions may be defined as nonanalytic points of thermodynamic functions, e.g., of the canonical free energy. Given a certain physical system, it is of interest to understand which properties of the system account for the presence of a phase transition, and an understanding of these properties may lead to a deeper understanding of the physical phenomenon. One possible approach of this issue, reviewed and discussed in the present paper, is the study of topology changes in configuration space which, remarkably, are found to be related to equilibrium phase transitions in classical statistical mechanical systems. For the study of configuration space topology, one considers the subsets M_v, consisting of all points from configuration space with a potential energy per particle equal to or less than a given v. For finite systems, topology changes of M_v are intimately related to nonanalytic points of the microcanonical entropy (which, as a surprise to many, do exist). In the thermodynamic limit, a more complex relation between nonanalytic points of thermodynamic functions (i.e., phase transitions) and topology changes is observed. For some class of short-range systems, a topology change of the M_v at v=v_t was proved to be necessary for a phase transition to take place at a potential energy v_t. In contrast, phase transitions in systems with long-range interactions or in systems with non-confining potentials need not be accompanied by such a topology change. Instead, for such systems the nonanalytic point in a thermodynamic function is found to have some maximization procedure at its origin. These results may foster insight into the mechanisms which lead to the occurrence of a phase transition, and thus may help to explore the origin of this physical phenomenon.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure