9 research outputs found

    Acceleration of dynamic ice loss in Antarctica from satellite gravimetry

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    The dynamic stability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is one of the largest uncertainties in projections of future global sea-level rise. Essential for improving projections of the ice sheet evolution is the understanding of the ongoing trends and accelerations of mass loss in the context of ice dynamics. Here, we examine accelerations of mass change of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from 2002 to 2020 using data from the GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment; 2002–2017) and its follow-on GRACE-FO (2018-present) satellite missions. By subtracting estimates of net snow accumulation provided by re-analysis data and regional climate models from GRACE/GRACE-FO mass changes, we isolate variations in ice-dynamic discharge and compare them to direct measurements based on the remote sensing of the surface-ice velocity (2002–2017). We show that variations in the GRACE/GRACE-FO time series are modulated by variations in regional snow accumulation caused by large-scale atmospheric circulation. We show for the first time that, after removal of these surface effects, accelerations of ice-dynamic discharge from GRACE/GRACE-FO agree well with those independently derived from surface-ice velocities. For 2002–2020, we recover a discharge acceleration of -5.3 ± 2.2 Gt yr−2 for the entire ice sheet; these increasing losses originate mainly in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Sea Embayment regions (68%), with additional significant contributions from Dronning Maud Land (18%) and the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf region (13%). Under the assumption that the recovered rates and accelerations of mass loss persisted independent of any external forcing, Antarctica would contribute 7.6 ± 2.9 cm to global mean sea-level rise by the year 2100, more than two times the amount of 2.9 ± 0.6 cm obtained by linear extrapolation of current GRACE/GRACE-FO mass loss trends

    Design and evaluation of a lidar-based feedforward controller for the INNWIND.EU 10 MW wind turbine

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    For the development of the next generation of multi megawatt wind turbines, advanced control concepts are one of the major tasks. Reduction of fatigue and extreme loading could help to improve the overall design process and make plants more cost effective. This work deals with the application of the promising methodology of feedforward control using nacelle-based lidar sensor measurements on a 10 MW wind turbine concept. After lidar data processing has been described, the feedforward controller is designed such that disturbances from the changing wind speed to the generator speed are compensated by adding an update to the collective pitch rate signal of the normal feedback controller. The evaluation of the feedforward controller is done in two steps: Firstly, simulations using perfect lidar data measurements are applied to check the robustness of the controller against model uncertainties. After that, simulations with realistic lidar measurements are investigated. To improve control performance, the scanning configuration of the used lidar system is optimized. Over all it can be shown that lidar-assisted control leads to significant load reductions, especially in the full load region of the 10 MW turbine

    Optimizing Lidars for Wind Turbine Control Applications—Results from the IEA Wind Task 32 Workshop

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    IEA Wind Task 32 serves as an international platform for the research community and industry to identify and mitigate barriers to the use of lidars in wind energy applications. The workshop “Optimizing Lidar Design for Wind Energy Applications” was held in July 2016 to identify lidar system properties that are desirable for wind turbine control applications and help foster the widespread application of lidar-assisted control (LAC). One of the main barriers this workshop aimed to address is the multidisciplinary nature of LAC. Since lidar suppliers, wind turbine manufacturers, and researchers typically focus on their own areas of expertise, it is possible that current lidar systems are not optimal for control purposes. This paper summarizes the results of the workshop, addressing both practical and theoretical aspects, beginning with a review of the literature on lidar optimization for control applications. Next, barriers to the use of lidar for wind turbine control are identified, such as availability and reliability concerns, followed by practical suggestions for mitigating those barriers. From a theoretical perspective, the optimization of lidar scan patterns by minimizing the error between the measurements and the rotor effective wind speed of interest is discussed. Frequency domain methods for directly calculating measurement error using a stochastic wind field model are reviewed and applied to the optimization of several continuous wave and pulsed Doppler lidar scan patterns based on commercially-available systems. An overview of the design process for a lidar-assisted pitch controller for rotor speed regulation highlights design choices that can impact the usefulness of lidar measurements beyond scan pattern optimization. Finally, using measurements from an optimized scan pattern, it is shown that the rotor speed regulation achieved after optimizing the lidar-assisted control scenario via time domain simulations matches the performance predicted by the theoretical frequency domain model

    Enzyme sensor with Polydimethylsiloxane membrane and CMOS potentiostat for wide-range glucose measurements.

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    We report on an electrochemical measurement setup comprising a glucose sensor and a CMOS potentiostat with a two-layer membrane as the first steps toward the development of an integrated in-situ sensor system for bioreactors. The potentiostat has a chip size of 2.1 mm× 2.5 mm and a linear current range from −220 nA to 240 nA with a linearity of R2 = 0.9995. For wide range measurements of glucose concentrations in cell culture media, electrodes functionalized with the enzyme glucose oxidase were spin-coated with membranes made from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). A two-stage curing scheme of the PDMS was applied, and different membrane thicknesses and curing times were evaluated. With these membranes, glucose concentrations up to 500 mM were measured with a linear measurement range up to 200 mM. The sensors were successfully employed in the glucose monitoring of a culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to monitor the glucose consumption of the cells. For interference elimination, the cellulose acetate membranes were employed

    Safety assessment of 2‐methyloxolane as a food extraction solvent

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    Abstract The EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes and Processing Aids (CEP) assessed the safety of 2‐methyloxolane as an extraction solvent under the intended conditions of use and the maximum residue limits (MRLs) proposed by the applicant. 2‐Methyloxolane is intended to be used in processes currently applying hexane for oil and protein extraction from plant sources or for extraction of food additives. The proposed MRLs for the following uses are: (i) 1 mg/kg in fat, oil or butter; (ii) 10 mg/kg in defatted protein products, defatted flour and other defatted solid ingredients; (iii) 1 mg/kg in food category 13 (foods intended for particular nutritional uses as defined by Directive 2009/39/EC); and (iv) 1 mg/kg for the extraction of food additives. The Panel calculated the dietary exposure with the highest potential maximum (95th percentile) for toddlers as 0.32 mg/kg body weight (bw) per day. Based on the available toxicological data, the Panel concluded that 2‐methyloxolane was rapidly metabolised with a low bioaccumulation potential and does not raise a concern for genotoxicity. The Panel identified different no observed adverse effect levels (NOAELs) in a subchronic oral toxicity study in rats, an oral developmental toxicity study and an extended one‐generation reproductive toxicity study, and a TDI of 1 mg/kg bw per day for 2‐methyloxolane was derived based on the lowest identified NOAEL (100 mg/kg bw per day) for reproductive and developmental toxicity. This TDI was not exceeded in any of the population groups at the mean and 95th percentile exposure. The Panel concluded that the extraction solvent 2‐methyloxolane does not raise a safety concern when used according to the intended conditions and at the proposed MRLs in the extracted foods or food ingredients