7 research outputs found

    Identification of wood science and technology contents in Digital library of Slovenia: the case of the publication Kmetijske in rokodelske novice

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    Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije (dLib.si), ki deluje pod okriljem Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice (NUK), je decembra 2010 digitalizirala Kmetijske in rokodelske novice (KRN), v katerih smo želeli opredeliti članke z lesarsko vsebino. Pred našim označevanjem v KRN še ni bilo ustreznih sistematičnih predmetnih oznak za lesarske vsebine. Z vizualnim izborom člankov z lesarsko vsebino iz vzorčnega leta 1861 in primerjavo le-teh z rezultati iskanja smo ugotovili, da je vse lesarske članke priklicalo le iskanje z besedo les, ki pa je obenem povzročilo veliko iskalnega šuma oz. podalo množico težko preglednih rezultatov. Zaradi arhivskega, stoletje in pol starega tiska, smo preverili tudi optično prepoznavo besede les v 5 člankih za leto 1846 in ugotovili, da je dovolj uspešna in celovita, tako da lahko z njeno uporabo opravimo iskanje po KRNsicer pa smo po načelu besedilnega korpusa preverili tudi pojavnost drugih oblik te besede in nekaterih sorodnih pojmov. Kot strokovnjaki lesarske stroke smo med 2098 članki, priklicanimi z iskanjem z les po celotnih KRN, po naši osebni oceni izločili 236 člankov ter vsakega razvrstili v eno od 16 vsebinsko ožjih kategorij. Vsakemu od izbranih člankov smo ročno dodali po 4 označevalce - 3, skupne vsem: lesarstvo, lesar, les in četrti označevalec, enega od 16-tih vsebinsko določenih označevalcev. Skupno smo dodali kar 944 označevalcev. Preverili smo možnost dodajanja označevalcev v 5 najpogosteje uporabljenih spletnih brskalnikih in 3 operacijskih sistemih v Sloveniji. V KRN na portalu dLib smo z označevalci uspešno obogatili predmetne oznake. Na portalu bi se lahko k tematskemu pregledovalniku dodalo tudi tako vsebinsko področje, ki bi zajelo lesarstvo oz. podobne vsebine v povezavi z lesom.We assessed wood-technology-related contents in a historic newspaper Kmetijske in rokodelske novice (KRN), digitized through the Digital Library of Slovenia (dLib.si), developed and supported by the National and University Library, Ljubljana (NUK). Prior to our additions to the KRN, no systematic subject headings were available for retrieval of wood-related contents. Based on the samples issued in 1861, we visually (manually) selected articles with wood-related contents and compared such visual selection with the results established on basic- and advanced-search principles in the same year, by employing different wood-related search terms. Digital searches were unsuccessful with the exception of the search term les, which resulted in a huge search-noise - results too numerous to be useful. Accuracy of retrieval with les in the digital version of KRN depended on the optical recognition of a century and a half old printed pagesso we also checked the reliability of the process. Optical identification of the word les in selected articles turned out to be sufficiently accurate and comprehensive, and could thus be used as a satisfactory tool for searching the entire corpus of the KRN. As experts in the wood science profession we then manually narrowed down 2098 articles - resulting from the searching for les - to 236 relevant articles, and classified them in one of the 16 more specific wood-related categories. We manually assigned 4 tags to each article: lesarstvo, lesar, les and the fourth tag (one out of the 16 content-specific tags). Total sum of the added tags was 944. We examined the possibility of adding tags in 5 most commonly used web browsers and 3 most commonly used operating systems in Slovenia. New tags enriched the subject headings of KRN. Future retrieval of wood-related contents in the dLib should consequently be more successful and more accurate. We suggest the inclusion of a wood-related subject category to the dLib topic viewer

    Optical properties of different structures of some herbaceous understorey plant species from temperate deciduous forests

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    This contribution discusses the optical properties of different structures of some herbaceous understorey plant species from temperate deciduous and mixed forests. These forests are marked by annual dynamics of radiation level that is related to the vegetation cycle of forest trees. During winter and early spring, the understorey is exposed to full solar radiation, whilelater in the growing season radiation is limited due to the closing of the tree storey. The plasticity of optical properties ofphotosynthetic structures of understorey plants is directly related to their structural and biochemical phenotypic plasticity that optimises harvesting and use of energy. The optimisation of energy harvesting is also achieved by specific adaptations of green leaves, such as variegation (Pulmonaria officinalis, Cyclamen sp.), anthocyanic lower epidermis (Cyclamen sp.), and by using structures other than green leaves for photosynthesis, such as bracts (Hacquetia epipactis) and sepals (Helleborus sp.). The optical properties of these structures are similar to those of green leaves. The understanding of optical responses of different structures contributes to the understanding of the forest understorey functioning

    Environmental extremes affect productivity and habitus of common reed in intermittent wetland

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    This article describes the effect of extreme water level events and extreme temperatures on the primary productivity and habitus of the common reed (Phragmites australis) growing in lake and riparian habitats at intermittent Lake Cerknica between 2007 and 2021. At each sampling site, the above-ground biomass, leaf biomass and shoot density per m2^2, the number of internodes and leaves per plant, average shoot height, shoot basal diameter and the ratio of flowering plants per total plant number were determined. Stand and plant properties varied significantly between the locations, with exception of the basal diameter, that varied less. Biomass per area and per plant showed the trend of decrease across years, but the reed density remained at the same level. Redundancy analysis of the relationships between environmental parameters and productivity and habitus parameters revealed the importance for the lake stand of high-water level parameters in the 4th quarter of the previous year, while the 1st quarter of the current year was important for the riparian stand. High water level variables explained 60% of variance of productivity parameters of the lake stand and 21% of those of the riparian stand. For low water level parameters, the explained variance was 51 and 24%, respectively. In the case of habitus parameters, variances explained by high water level parameters were 66% for lake stand and 34% for riparian stand and of low water level parameters, the corresponding variances were 45% for lake stand and 59% for riparian stand. Temperature extremes can explain the lower variance. The interrelation between wetland hydrological extremes and reed stand/plant properties that was obtained suggests that an ecohydrological approach may provide a basis for successful management of reed-colonised wetlands

    Distribution of the macrophyte communities in the Danube reflects river serial discontinuity

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    The Danube is the second-longest river in Europe that is subjected to various man-made alterations, including those related to hydro-power plants. We surveyed and analyzed the presence and abundance of macrophytes in the main channel from 2582 river kilometers (rkm) to 171 rkm. We also assessed selected habitat parameters in the sampled river stretches. Sixty-eight different plant species were recorded along the entire course. Among neophytes, we found Elodea nuttallii, E. canadensis, Vallisneria spiralis and Azolla filiculoides. Based on similarity analysis, we distinguished 15 plant communities, most of which were defined as associations, which were classified into 5 alliances and represented three vegetation classes, namely vegetation of rooted hydrophytes Potamogetonetea, the vegetation of pleustophytes Lemnetea and vegetation of marshes Phragmitetea. The number and abundance of plant species, as well as plant communities recorded in single stretches, varied along the course. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that environmental parameters explained 21% of plant species composition. CCA runs with neophytes explained 41% of the variance, and current velocity, water transparency, species number and bank structure were significant variables. The present study revealed that the free-running sections of the river are poor in number and abundance of plant species, whereas impounded reaches mainly show an opposite result

    Long-term changes in macrophyte distribution and abundance in a lowland river

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    The aim of this study was to reveal the changes of macrophyte community over time and along the course of the Ižica River. In 1996, 2000, and 2016, we surveyed the distribution and abundance of macrophyte species in the lowland Ižica River, which originates in the town of Ig and then flows through an agricultural landscape. We calculated the River Macrophyte Index (RMI), which reflects the ecological status of the river. In 2016, ecomorphological conditions of the river, using the Riparian, Channel and Environmental inventory, were also assessed. In just 10.5 km of the river, we identified 27 taxa of macrophytes, among which Potamogeton natans, Sagittaria sagittifolia, and P. perfoliatus were the most abundant. Detrended correspondence analysis showed that, in 1996, the surveyed stretches differed more according to macrophyte composition than in the following years. The assessed environmental parameters explained 43% of the variability of the macrophyte speciesriverbank stability explained 20%, riverbed structure 10%, while vegetation type of the riparian zone and bottom type explained 7 and 5%, respectively. The species composition of the macrophyte community revealed significant changes over the years of the riverine ecosystem. Comparison of RMIs in 1996 revealed better conditions in the upper and middle part of the river, while in 2016, the situation was the opposite, since the conditions in the upper part deteriorated significantly over time, while the lower part of the river had the best ecological status. These changes may be due to a considerable increase in the population of the settlement Ig, while better status in the lower course of the river may be a consequence of improvements in the infrastructure and the use of sustainable agricultural practices in the catchment due to the establishment of a formal area of protection

    Distribution of vascular plant communities in Slovenian watercourses

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    Rivers and streams are heterogenous ecosystems that host a great number of vascular plant communities. The territory of Slovenia is highly diverse regarding geomorphologic, geologic, climatic, and edaphic conditions. We presumed that environmental variability will also affect the distribution of hygrophilous vascular plants in running waters and consequently the structure of plant communities they form. We analyzed macrophyte, spatial, and environmental parameters in 906 stretches of the watercourses occurring in the Dinaric, Pannonian, and Po lowland hydro-ecoregions. We determined 87 vascular plant taxa. The most abundant were Myriophyllum spicatum, Phalaris arundinacea, and Potamogeton nodosus. Submerged macrophytes presented about one third of total species abundance, while amphiphytes were somewhat less abundant. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that distance from the source explained 15.1% of the growth form type variability, and current velocity and latitude explained 4.1% each. With the assessed parameters, we explained 31.6% of the variability. When CCA was run with taxa, only 20.9% of their variability was explained with statistically significant parameters. We distinguished 25 different plant associations belonging to five classes and nine alliances. The majority of defined plant communities were distributed in different watercourses belonging to different hydro-ecoregions. Only seven communities had a narrower distribution range, three of them on karst poljes. Among them, the new association Mentho aquaticae-Oenanthetum fistulosae from the river Mali Obrh on the Loško polje was described in this contribution

    Distribution of the Macrophyte Communities in the Danube Reflects River Serial Discontinuity

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    The Danube is the second-longest river in Europe that is subjected to various man-made alterations, including those related to hydro-power plants. We surveyed and analyzed the presence and abundance of macrophytes in the main channel from 2582 river kilometers (rkm) to 171 rkm. We also assessed selected habitat parameters in the sampled river stretches. Sixty-eight different plant species were recorded along the entire course. Among neophytes, we found Elodea nuttallii, E. canadensis, Vallisneriaspiralis and Azolla filiculoides. Based on similarity analysis, we distinguished 15 plant communities, most of which were defined as associations, which were classified into 5 alliances and represented three vegetation classes, namely vegetation of rooted hydrophytes Potamogetonetea, the vegetation of pleustophytes Lemnetea and vegetation of marshes Phragmitetea. The number and abundance of plant species, as well as plant communities recorded in single stretches, varied along the course. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that environmental parameters explained 21% of plant species composition. CCA runs with neophytes explained 41% of the variance, and current velocity, water transparency, species number and bank structure were significant variables. The present study revealed that the free-running sections of the river are poor in number and abundance of plant species, whereas impounded reaches mainly show an opposite result