1,999 research outputs found

    Analysis and Testing of the FBA-11 Force [Balance] Accelerometer

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    The FBA-11 is a feedback-controlled accelerometer widely used to measure and record accelerations arising from earthquakes. It has found application both for structural response and for ground motion studies. The design intent of the FBA-11 was to provide electronic control of the natural frequency, damping, and output voltage. Included in this paper are (1) a circuit analysis yielding the complete closed-loop transfer function, and (2) the corroborative test results from shake table evaluations. The transfer function can be used to correct recorded accelerations for instrument response

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    Injuries Arising Out of an Employment - An employee\u27s duties take him into the streets where he is injured by being run into by an automobile or other vehicle; has he ground for recovery of compensation under the usual WOltM4a,\u27eS COMPENSATION AcT providing for an award for injuries arising out of and in the course of his employment ? Since he was in the street in pursuance of his duties and not in going to or from work, it is clear that the injury was one arising in the course of the employment. But did it arise out of\u27 the employment

    Erosive capacity of dry mouth treatments in the Nordic countries

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnTilgangur: Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að mæla sýrustig efna sem notuð eru í meðhöndlun á munnþurrki á Norðurlöndunum og meta áhrif þeirra með tilliti til glerungseyðingar. Efniviður og aðferðir: Þrettán vörur á Norðurlandamarkaði sem notaðar eru við munnþurrki voru valdar fyrir rannsóknina og sýrustig þeirra mælt með pH mæli. Sítrónusafi var notaður sem jákvæð viðmiðunarlausn og kranavatn sem neikvæð viðmiðunarlausn. 14 krónuhlutar voru sagaðir í tvennt og vigtaðir. Hver krónuhluti var settur í 2mL lausn af efnunum sem sett var á veltigrind. Skipt var um lausnirnar á sólarhringsfresti og hver krónuhluti vigtaður eftir tvær vikur. Notast var við Spearmans fylgnistuðul til að meta samband sýrustigs og glerungseyðandi áhrifa lausnanna á þyngdarbreytingar á krónuhlutunum. Niðurstöður: Tvær vörur sýndu meiri glerungseyðandi áhrif en aðrar, GUM Hydral munnskol og úði, sem ollu 7.7% og 5.63% þyngdartapi. Af þeim 13 vörum sem rannsakaðar voru innihalda einungis GUM Hydral vörurnar sítrónusýru. HAp+ molarnir og Elmex sýndu litla glerungseyðingu miðað við lágt sýrustig en samspil innihaldsefnanna skipa þar stórt hlutverk. Sítrónusafinn mældist með sýrustig 2,3 og olli 64,86% þyngdartapi á tveim vikum á meðan kranavatn var með sýrustig 7,5 og olli engri eyðingu. Markverð neikvæð fylgni mældist milli sýrustigs og þyngdartaps (rs = −0.5456; p = 0.0289). Ályktanir: Flestar prófaðar vörur eru með öruggasta móti, með tveimur undantekningum (Gum Hydral munnskol og úði). Sjúklingar sem þjást af munnþurrki hafa skertar varnir gegn glerungseyðingu og tannátu. Því ætti hvorki að mæla með, né skrifa upp á, meðferð með efnum sem innihalda sítrónusýru.Introduction: The aim of this study was to measure pH values of moisturizers commonly used in the Nordic countries and medications used in dry mouth treatments and to evaluate their erosive capacity via gravimetric analysis. Materials and methods: A pH analysis was performed for 13 different available products on the market in the Nordic countries. Lemon juice and tap water were used as positive and negative controls. Crowns of 14 molars were sectioned with a low speed saw through the middle and thereafter each specimen was weighed. The specimens were submerged in 2 mL of each test product which was renewed every 24 hours for two weeks. After two weeks the specimens were rinsed, dried and weighed. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to assess the relationship between the pH values and the erosive potential. Results: Two products from GUM Hydral caused the most weight loss, the mouthwash 7.7% and spray 5.6%. The products from GUM Hydral were the only ones containing citric acid of all tested products. HAp+ and Elmex showed low erosive potential despite having pH values 3.4 and 4 which can be explained by the complex interplay of their ingredients. The lemon juice showed a pH value of 2.3 and caused 64.86% weight loss while the tap water showed a pH value of 7.5 and caused no erosion. A significant negative correlation exists between the pH value and the erosive potential of products (rs = −0.5456; p = 0.0289). Conclusion: Most products are relatively safe with two exceptions (GUM Hydral mouthwash and spray). Since patients suffering from dry mouth are more susceptible to caries and erosion, products containing low pH values should not be recommended if possible

    Performance and Radiation Testing of a Low-Noise Switched Capacitor Array for the CMS Endcap Muon System.

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    The 16-channel, 96-cell per channel switched capacitor array ( SCA) ASIC developed at UC Davis for the cathode readout of the cathode strip chambers ( CSC) in the CMS endcap muon system is ready for production. For the final full-sized prototype, the Address Decoder was re-designed and LVDS receivers were incorporated into the chip package. Under precision testing, the chip exhibits excellent linearity within the 1V design range and very low cell-to-cell pedestal variation. Monitored samples of the production design were subjected to exposure to a 63.3 MeV proton beam. The performance of chips after exposures up to 100 krad was within tolerances of an unexposed part

    Sublethal toxicant effects with dynamic energy budget theory: application to mussel outplants

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    We investigate the effectiveness of a sublethal toxic effect model embedded in Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory for the analysis of field data. We analyze the performance of two species of mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis and M. californianus, near a diffuser discharging produced water in the Southern California Bight, California. Produced water is a byproduct of oil production consisting of fossil water together with compounds added during the extraction process, and generally contains highly elevated levels of pollutants relative to sea water. Produced water negatively affects the production of somatic and reproductive biomass in both mussel species; we show that these negative effects can be quantified with our DEB-based modeling framework through the estimation of toxic effect scaling parameters. Our analyses reveal that the toxic impact of produced water on growth and reproduction of M. californianus is substantially higher than for M. galloprovincialis. Projections of the expected lifetime production of gonad biomass indicate that the environmental impact of produced water can be as large as 100%, whereas short-term assessment without the use of DEB theory projects a maximum effect of only 30%

    Science lives: School choices and ‘natural tendencies’

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    An analysis of 12 semi-structured interviews with university-based scientists and non-scientists illustrates their life journeys towards, or away from, science and the strengths and impact of life occurrences leading them to choose science or non-science professions. We have adopted narrative approaches and used Mezirow's transformative learning theory framework. The areas of discussion from the result have stressed on three main categories that include ‘smooth transition’, ‘incremental wavering transition' and ‘transformative transition’. The article concludes by discussing the key influences that shaped initial attitudes and direction in these people through natural inclination, environmental inspirations and perceptions of science

    Book Reviews

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    It was peculiarly fortunate for the cause of the American Revolution that the sympathies of the French people and the policies of the French foreign office which knew no diplomatic methods save those of secret diplomacy, were for once heartily in accord in support of the American revolutionists. Professor Corwin in this book deals entirely with the complicated and obscure political plots and counter-plots which eventually led France to espouse openly the cause of the revolting colonies. The whole question of the timely aid France gave to America has, of course, a very particular value at the present time when this country is preparing to repay the debt we have owed France for so long. That the.author does not deal with the social conditions and the sympathic temper of the French people, which in a real sense underlay the action of France, but confines himself wholly to hante politique does not in any sense take away from the value of his work. He reveals a new side to this very interesting phase in our contest for independence, at least one that will be new to those who are not deeply read in American history. The tendency heretofore has been to emphasize the popular and moral support of the French people and to overlook the political reasons which led to the action of the king and his ministers. The author has throughout relied upon the monumental researches of Doniol and has carefully fortified every point by copious references and quotations

    Intermediate phase, network demixing, boson and floppy modes, and compositional trends in glass transition temperatures of binary AsxS1-x system

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    The structure of binary As_xS_{1-x} glasses is elucidated using modulated-DSC, Raman scattering, IR reflectance and molar volume experiments over a wide range (8%<x<41%) of compositions. We observe a reversibility window in the calorimetric experiments, which permits fixing the three elastic phases; flexible at x<22.5%, intermediate phase (IP) in the 22.5%<x<29.5% range, and stressed-rigid at x>29.5%. Raman scattering supported by first principles cluster calculations reveal existence of both pyramidal (PYR, As(S1/2)3) and quasi-tetrahedral(QT, S=As(S1/2)3) local structures. The QT unit concentrations show a global maximum in the IP, while the concentration of PYR units becomes comparable to those of QT units in the phase, suggesting that both these local structures contribute to the width of the IP. The IP centroid in the sulfides is significantly shifted to lower As content x than in corresponding selenides, a feature identified with excess chalcogen partially segregating from the backbone in the sulfides, but forming part of the backbone in selenides. These ideas are corroborated by the proportionately larger free volumes of sulfides than selenides, and the absence of chemical bond strength scaling of Tgs between As-sulfides and As-selenides. Low-frequency Raman modes increase in scattering strength linearly as As content x of glasses decreases from x = 20% to 8%, with a slope that is close to the floppy mode fraction in flexible glasses predicted by rigidity theory. These results show that floppy modes contribute to the excess vibrations observed at low frequency. In the intermediate and stressed rigid elastic phases low-frequency Raman modes persist and are identified as boson modes. Some consequences of the present findings on the optoelectronic properties of these glasses is commented upon.Comment: Accepted for PR