3,043 research outputs found

    Lunar surface dynamics: Some general conclusions and new results from Apollo 16 and 17

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    Exposure ages of Apollo 17 rocks as measured by tracks and the Kr-Kr rare gas method are reported. Concordant ages of 22 - or + 1 million year (my) are obtained for the station 6 boulder sample 76315. This value is interpreted as the time when the station 6 boulder was emplaced in its present position. Reasonable agreement is also obtained by the two methods for another station 6 boulder, sample 76015. Discordant ages (respectively 5 and 28 my by the track and rare gas methods) are obtained for the station 7 boulder sample, 77135, indicating that the boulder was emplaced at least 5 my ago. The 72 my exposure age of 75035, in general agreement with previous measurements of approximately 85 my for another Camelot boulder, may well date the formation of Camelot. Rock 76015 was split and one surface exposed to the sky through a very small solid angle

    Kinetics of Ordering in Fluctuation-Driven First-Order Transitions: Simulations and Dynamical Renormalization

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    Many systems where interactions compete with each other or with constraints are well described by a model first introduced by Brazovskii. Such systems include block copolymers, alloys with modulated phases, Rayleigh-Benard Cells and type-I superconductors. The hallmark of this model is that the fluctuation spectrum is isotropic and has a minimum at a nonzero wave vector represented by the surface of a d-dimensional hyper-sphere. It was shown by Brazovskii that the fluctuations change the free energy structure from a Ï•4 \phi ^{4} to a Ï•6\phi ^{6} form with the disordered state metastable for all quench depths. The transition from the disordered to the periodic, lamellar structure changes from second order to first order and suggests that the dynamics is governed by nucleation. Using numerical simulations we have confirmed that the equilibrium free energy function is indeed of a Ï•6 \phi ^{6} form. A study of the dynamics, however, shows that, following a deep quench, the dynamics is described by unstable growth rather than nucleation. A dynamical calculation, based on a generalization of the Brazovskii calculations shows that the disordered state can remain unstable for a long time following the quench.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures submitted to PR

    Replica-Immunogold Technique Applied to Studies on Measles Virus Morphogenesis

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    The replica technique was applied to studies on the dynamic process of measles virus budding on infected HeLa cells. Virus structures were identified by labeling with anti-measles antibodies and protein A-gold. The combination of these two methods enabled us (1) to characterize the sequence of virus budding at the plasma membrane, (2) to localize virus structures on cytoskeletons of infected cells, and (3) to study the influence of Ca2+ ions on virus structures at the plasma membrane. Studies on platinum carbon surface replicas suggest that the process of virus budding is similar to the genesis of cellular microvilli. Replicas prepared from cytoskeletons of infected cells reveal a close association of budding virus with actin filaments composing the outer parts of the networks. Replicas of apical plasma membranes isolated from infected cells show the attachment of viral nucleocapsids to the protoplasmic membrane face of infected cells. These nucleocapsids are not present on membranes prepared from cells treated with calcium and the ionophore A23187. In addition viral cell surface antigens become randomly distributed on these cells. The data suggest that measles virus morphogenesis at the plasma membrane of cultured cells is dependent on the function of the cytoskeleton and may be influenced by Ca2+ ions

    Description of paramagnetic--spin glass transition in Edwards-Anderson model in terms of critical dynamics

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    Possibility of description of the glass transition in terms of critical dynamics considering a hierarchy of the intermodal relaxation time is shown. The generalized Vogel-Fulcher law for the system relaxation time is derived in terms of this approach. It is shown that the system satisfies the fluctuating--dissipative theorem in case of the absence of the intermodal relaxation time hierarchy.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Plasma Membrane Antigens Detected by Replica Techniques

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    Methods are introduced for in situ preparation of cell cultures grown on glass coverslips using the replica technique. Special equipment and handling procedures enabled us to prepare large-sized and stable replicas suitable for ultrastructural and immunocytochemical analysis of the different faces of the plasma membrane (PM): the extraplasmic surface (ES), the complementary extraplasmic (EF) and protoplasmic (PF) fracture face, and the protoplasmic surface (PS). Colloidal gold markers in combination with protein A and monospecific/monoclonal antibodies were used to identify virus-specific antigens at the ES of infected cells. Stereo replicas show a coincident location of gold-labeled virus antigens at the ES and structures visible at the EF as well as at the PS. In addition, the association of these antigens with cytoskeletal elements is demonstrated

    Finite-Size Scaling in Two-Dimensional Superfluids

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    Using the x−yx-y model and a non-local updating scheme called cluster Monte Carlo, we calculate the superfluid density of a two dimensional superfluid on large-size square lattices L×LL \times L up to 400×400400\times 400. This technique allows us to approach temperatures close to the critical point, and by studying a wide range of LL values and applying finite-size scaling theory we are able to extract the critical properties of the system. We calculate the superfluid density and from that we extract the renormalization group beta function. We derive finite-size scaling expressions using the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Nelson Renormalization Group equations and show that they are in very good agreement with our numerical results. This allows us to extrapolate our results to the infinite-size limit. We also find that the universal discontinuity of the superfluid density at the critical temperature is in very good agreement with the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Nelson calculation and experiments.Comment: 13 pages, postscript fil

    Modulation Equations: Stochastic Bifurcation in Large Domains

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    We consider the stochastic Swift-Hohenberg equation on a large domain near its change of stability. We show that, under the appropriate scaling, its solutions can be approximated by a periodic wave, which is modulated by the solutions to a stochastic Ginzburg-Landau equation. We then proceed to show that this approximation also extends to the invariant measures of these equations

    Efficient method for simulating quantum electron dynamics under the time dependent Kohn-Sham equation

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    A numerical scheme for solving the time-evolution of wave functions under the time dependent Kohn-Sham equation has been developed. Since the effective Hamiltonian depends on the wave functions, the wave functions and the effective Hamiltonian should evolve consistently with each other. For this purpose, a self-consistent loop is required at every time-step for solving the time-evolution numerically, which is computationally expensive. However, in this paper, we develop a different approach expressing a formal solution of the TD-KS equation, and prove that it is possible to solve the TD-KS equation efficiently and accurately by means of a simple numerical scheme without the use of any self-consistent loops.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Physical Review E, 2002, in pres

    Equivalence of Kinetic Theories of Bose-Einstein Condensation

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    We discuss the equivalence of two non-equilibrium kinetic theories that describe the evolution of a dilute, Bose-Einstein condensed atomic gas in a harmonic trap. The second-order kinetic equations of Walser et al. [PRA 63, 013607 (2001)] reduce to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and the quantum Boltzmann equation in the low and high temperature limits, respectively. These kinetic equations can thus describe the system in equilibrium (finite temperature) as well as in non-equilibrium (real time). We have found this theory to be equivalent to the non-equilibrium Green's function approach originally proposed by Kadanoff and Baym and more recently applied to inhomogeneous trapped systems by M. Imamovi\'c-Tomasovi\'c and A. Griffin [arXiv:cond-mat/9911402].Comment: REVTeX3, 6 pages, 2 eps figures, published version, minor change

    Evolution of ground state and upper critical field in R(1-x)GdxNi2B2C (R = Lu, Y): Coexistence of superconductivity and spin-glass state

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    We report effects of local magnetic moment, Gd3+, doping (x =< 0.3) on superconducting and magnetic properties of the closely related Lu(1-x)GdxNi2B2C and Y(1-x)GdxNi2B2C series. The superconducting transition temperature decreases and the heat capacity jump associated with it drops rapidly with Gd-doping; qualitative changes with doping are also observed in the temperature-dependent upper critical field behavior, and a region of coexistence of superconductivity and spin-glass state is delineated on the x - T phase diagram. The evolution of superconducting properties can be understood within Abrikosov-Gor'kov theory of magnetic impurities in superconductors taking into account the paramagnetic effect on upper critical field with additional contributions particular for the family under study
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