23 research outputs found

    Tuned neural responses to haptic numerosity in the putamen

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    The ability to perceive the numerosity of items in the environment is critical for behavior of species across the evolutionary tree. Though the focus of studies of numerosity perception lays on the parietal and frontal cortices, the ability to perceive numerosity by a range of species suggests that subcortical nuclei may be implicated in the process. Recently, we have uncovered tuned neural responses to haptic numerosity in the human cortex. Here, we questioned whether subcortical nuclei are also engaged in perception of haptic numerosity. To that end, we utilized a task of haptic numerosity exploration, together with population receptive field model of numerosity selective responses measured at ultra-high field MRI (7T). We found tuned neural responses to haptic numerosity in the bilateral putamen. Similar to the cortex, the population receptive fields tuning width increased with numerosity. The tuned responses to numerosity in the putamen extend its role in cognition and propose that the motor-sensory loops of the putamen and basal ganglia might take an active part in numerosity perception and preparation for future action

    Assessing the ecological validity of numerosity-selective neuronal populations with real-world natural scenes

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    Animals and humans are able to quickly and effortlessly estimate the number of items in a set: their numerosity. Numerosity perception is thought to be critical to behavior, from feeding to escaping predators to human mathematical cognition. Virtually, all scientific studies on numerosity mechanisms use well controlled but artificial stimuli to isolate the numerosity dimension from other physical quantities. Here, we probed the ecological validity of these artificial stimuli and evaluate whether an important component in numerosity processing, the numerosity-selective neural populations, also respond to numerosity of items in real-world natural scenes. Using 7T MRI and natural images from a wide range of categories, we provide evidence that the numerosity-tuned neuronal populations show numerosity-selective responses when viewing images from a real-world natural scene. Our findings strengthen the role of numerosity-selective neurons in numerosity perception and provide an important link to their function in numerosity perception in real-world settings

    Micro-structural assessment of short term plasticity dynamics

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    Diffusion MRI enables the non-invasive investigation of neuroplasticity in the human brain. A recent DTI study has shown that a short learning task of only 2 h can yield changes in diffusion parameters. In the current study we aimed to discover whether a biophysical model of diffusion MRI, the CHARMED framework, which models hindered and restricted compartments within the tissue can constitute a more specific method than DTI to study structural plasticity. In addition we set to explore the time scale of the MRI learning-induced-changes. Subjects were scanned with both DTI and CHARMED before and after participating in the same car-racing task. Repetition of a shorter version of the task was done the following week. Results provide additional support to the former discovery of reduction in mean diffusivity after 2 h training using DTI. In addition we show that the CHARMED framework provides a more sensitive method than DTI for discovering microstructural modification. An increase in the fraction of the restricted compartment (Fr) was found after participating in the tasks. Between tasks values of Fr returned to baseline, reflecting the dynamics of structural remodeling. By modeling different compartments in the tissue we suggest that interpretation of the biological processes that induced changes in diffusion is more straightforward, and allows improved detection of the progression of these changes

    Non-symbolic numerosity maps at the occipitotemporal cortex respond to symbolic numbers

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    Numerosity, the set size of a group of items, helps guide human and animals' behavior and decisions. Numerosity perception is thought to be a precursor of symbolic numerical cognition. Previously, we uncovered neural populations selectively tuned to numerosities organized in a network of topographic maps in human association cortex. Here we investigate whether these numerosity maps are also involved in the processing of symbolic numbers, using 7T fMRI and a number-detection task. We recruited seven participants (three females) and found that the numerosity map at the temporal-occipital cortex (NTO) also respond to symbolic numbers. Furthermore, we found that numerosity-tuned neuronal populations at the NTO map in the left hemisphere are tuned to symbolic numbers. These results reveal different functions of the numerosity maps and support a link between numerosity representation and symbolic number processing in the ventral temporal-occipital cortex.Significance Statement:Humans and other animals share an intuitive 'number sense' to approximately represent numerosity. However, humans possess a unique ability to process number symbols (e.g., Arabic numbers). It has been argued that the human understanding of symbolic numbers is rooted in our ability to numerosity perception. Here we investigate whether numerosity-tuned neuronal populations organized at a network of topographic maps also respond to symbolic numbers. We find one of the maps at the temporal-occipital cortex is involved in symbolic numerical cognition and the neuronal populations are tuned to numbers. These results provide evidence for a link between non-symbolic numerosity and symbolic number processing

    Topographic maps representing haptic numerosity reveals distinct sensory representations in supramodal networks

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    Dedicated maps for cognitive quantities such as timing, size and numerosity support the view that topography is a general principle of brain organization. To date, however, all of these maps were driven by the visual system. Here, we ask whether there are supramodal topographic maps representing cognitive dimensions irrespective of the stimulated sensory modality. We measured haptically and visually driven numerosity-selective neural responses using model-based analyses and ultra-high field (7T) fMRI. We found topographically organized neural populations tuned to haptic numerosity. The responses to visual or haptic numerosity shared a similar cortical network. However, the maps of the two modalities only partially overlap. Thus, although both visual and haptic numerosities are processed in a similar supramodal functional network, the underlying neural populations may be related, but distinct. Therefore, we hypothesize that overlap between modality-specific maps facilitates cross-modal interactions and supramodal representation of cognitive quantities

    Topographic maps representing haptic numerosity reveals distinct sensory representations in supramodal networks

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    Dedicated maps for cognitive quantities such as timing, size and numerosity support the view that topography is a general principle of brain organization. To date, however, all of these maps were driven by the visual system. Here, we ask whether there are supramodal topographic maps representing cognitive dimensions irrespective of the stimulated sensory modality. We measured haptically and visually driven numerosity-selective neural responses using model-based analyses and ultra-high field (7T) fMRI. We found topographically organized neural populations tuned to haptic numerosity. The responses to visual or haptic numerosity shared a similar cortical network. However, the maps of the two modalities only partially overlap. Thus, although both visual and haptic numerosities are processed in a similar supramodal functional network, the underlying neural populations may be related, but distinct. Therefore, we hypothesize that overlap between modality-specific maps facilitates cross-modal interactions and supramodal representation of cognitive quantities

    Attention drives human numerosity-selective responses

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    Numerosity, the set size of a group of items, helps guide behavior and decisions. Previous studies have shown that neural populations respond selectively to numerosities. How numerosity is extracted from the visual scene is a longstanding debate, often contrasting low-level visual with high-level cognitive processes. Here, we investigate how attention influences numerosity-selective responses. The stimuli consisted of black and white dots within the same display. Participants' attention was focused on either black or white dots, while we systematically changed the numerosity of black, white, and total dots. Using 7 T fMRI, we show that the numerosity-tuned neural populations respond only when attention is focused on their preferred numerosity, irrespective of the unattended or total numerosities. Without attention, responses to preferred numerosity are suppressed. Unlike traditional effects of attention in the visual cortex, where attention enhances already existing responses, these results suggest that attention is required to drive numerosity-selective responses

    Topographic maps and neural tuning for sensory substitution dimensions learned in adulthood in a congenital blind subject

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    Topographic maps, a key principle of brain organization, emerge during development. It remains unclear, however, whether topographic maps can represent a new sensory experience learned in adulthood. MaMe, a congenitally blind individual, has been extensively trained in adulthood for perception of a 2D auditory-space (soundscape) where the y- and x-axes are represented by pitch and time, respectively. Using population receptive field mapping we found neural populations tuned topographically to pitch, not only in the auditory cortices but also in the parietal and occipito-temporal cortices. Topographic neural tuning to time was revealed in the parietal and occipito-temporal cortices. Some of these maps were found to represent both axes concurrently, enabling MaMe to represent unique locations in the soundscape space. This case study provides proof of concept for the existence of topographic maps tuned to the newly learned soundscape dimensions. These results suggest that topographic maps can be adapted or recycled in adulthood to represent novel sensory experiences

    Individualized cognitive neuroscience needs 7T: Comparing numerosity maps at 3T and 7T MRI

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    The field of cognitive neuroscience is weighing evidence about whether to move from the current standard field strength of 3 Tesla (3T) to ultra-high field (UHF) of 7T and above. The present study contributes to the evidence by comparing a computational cognitive neuroscience paradigm at 3T and 7T. The goal was to evaluate the practical effects, i.e. model predictive power, of field strength on a numerosity task using accessible pre-processing and analysis tools. Previously, using 7T functional magnetic resonance imaging and biologically-inspired analyses, i.e. population receptive field modelling, we discovered topographical organization of numerosity-selective neural populations in human parietal cortex. Here we show that these topographic maps are also detectable at 3T. However, averaging of many more functional runs was required at 3T to reliably reconstruct numerosity maps. On average, one 7T run had about four times the model predictive power of one 3T run. We believe that this amount of scanning would have made the initial discovery of the numerosity maps on 3T highly infeasible in practice. Therefore, we suggest that the higher signal-to-noise ratio and signal sensitivity of UHF MRI is necessary to build mechanistic models of the organization and function of our cognitive abilities in individual participants