11,944 research outputs found

    Grid Added Value to Address Malaria

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    Through this paper, we call for a distributed, internet-based collaboration to address one of the worst plagues of our present world, malaria. The spirit is a non-proprietary peer-production of information-embedding goods. And we propose to use the grid technology to enable such a world wide "open source" like collaboration. The first step towards this vision has been achieved during the summer on the EGEE grid infrastructure where 46 million ligands were docked for a total amount of 80 CPU years in 6 weeks in the quest for new drugs.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 6th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Singapore, 16-19 may 2006, to appear in the proceeding

    Lattices of quasi-equational theories as congruence lattices of semilattices with operators, Part I

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    We show that for every quasivariety K of structures (where both functions and relations are allowed) there is a semilattice S with operators such that the lattice of quasi-equational theories of K (the dual of the lattice of sub-quasivarieties of K) is isomorphic to Con(S,+,0,F). As a consequence, new restrictions on the natural quasi-interior operator on lattices of quasi-equational theories are found.Comment: Presented on International conference "Order, Algebra and Logics", Vanderbilt University, 12-16 June, 2007 25 pages, 2 figure

    4He experiments can serve as a database for determining the three-nucleon force

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    We report on microscopic calculations for the 4He compound system in the framework of the resonating group model employing realistic nucleon-nucleon and three nucleon forces. The resulting scattering phase shifts are compared to those of a comprehensive R-matrix analysis of all data in this system, which are available in numerical form. The agreement between calculation and analysis is in most cases very good. Adding three-nucleon forces yields in many cases large effects. For a few cases the new agreement is striking. We relate some differencies between calculation and analysis to specific data and discuss neccessary experiments to clarify the situation. From the results we conclude that the data of the 4He system might be well suited to determine the structure of the three-nucleon force.Comment: title changed,note added, format of figures changed, appearance of figures in black-and-white changed, Phys. Rev. C accepte

    Black hole relics in large extra dimensions

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    Recent calculations applying statistical mechanics indicate that in a setting with compactified large extra dimensions a black hole might evolve into a (quasi-)stable state with mass close to the new fundamental scale M f. Black holes and therefore their relics might be produced at the LHC in the case of extra-dimensional topologies. In this energy regime, Hawking's evaporation scenario is modified due to energy conservation and quantum effects. We reanalyse the evaporation of small black holes including the quantisation of the emitted radiation due to the finite surface of the black hole. It is found that observable stable black hole relics with masses sim 1-3 M f would form which could be identified by a delayed single jet with a corresponding hard momentum kick to the relic and by ionisation, e.g. in a TPC

    GeMSE: A new Low-Background Facility for Meteorite and Material Screening

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    We are currently setting up a facility for low-background gamma-ray spectrometry based on a HPGe detector. It is dedicated to material screening for the XENON and DARWIN dark matter projects as well as to the characterization of meteorites. The detector will be installed in a medium depth (\sim620 m.w.e.) underground laboratory in Switzerland with several layers of shielding and an active muon-veto. The GeMSE facility will be operational by fall 2015 with an expected background rate of \sim250 counts/day (100-2700 keV).Comment: The following article appeared in AIP Conf. Proc. 1672, 120004 (2015) and may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4928010. The muon spectrum in Figure 4 (left) was corrected due to a bug in the code. After correction the muon flux is reduced by a factor of about

    Capillary rise of water in hydrophilic nanopores

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    We report on the capillary rise of water in three-dimensional networks of hydrophilic silica pores with 3.5nm and 5nm mean radii, respectively (porous Vycor monoliths). We find classical square root of time Lucas-Washburn laws for the imbibition dynamics over the entire capillary rise times of up to 16h investigated. Provided we assume two preadsorbed strongly bound layers of water molecules resting at the silica walls, which corresponds to a negative velocity slip length of -0.5nm for water flow in silica nanopores, we can describe the filling process by a retained fluidity and capillarity of water in the pore center. This anticipated partitioning in two dynamic components reflects the structural-thermodynamic partitioning in strongly silica bound water layers and capillary condensed water in the pore center which is documented by sorption isotherm measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure