1,651 research outputs found

    Register in Mah Meri

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    This paper presents the results of a first phonetic investigation of register in Mah Meri, a Southern Aslian language spoken in Peninsular Malaysia, and part of the larger Austroasiatic family spread throughout South and Southeast Asia. Voice register, a complex of laryngeal and supralaryngeal properties, is a common areal feature amongst members of the Austroasiatic family (particularly the Mon-Khmer group) but has never previously been reported to occur in an Aslian language. We consider general spectral appearance, duration and f0 in order to see how well they correlate with perceived differences in register

    «Hallöchen Herr Professor!»: Überlegungen zur Normierungsproblematik in der E-Mail-Kommunikation am Beispiel des Hochschulkontextes

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    Obwohl die E-Mail mittlerweile zu den alltĂ€glichen Kommunikationsformen an Hochschulen zĂ€hlt, kommt es immer wieder zu Irritationen – ausgelöst durch ­E- Mails, die von Seiten der Lehrenden zum Teil als «schlampig» oder «frech» empfunden werden. Dieses PhĂ€nomen wird im vorliegenden Beitrag zum Anlass genommen, der Frage nachzugehen, warum sich in der E-Mail-Kommunikation bislang wenig allgemeingĂŒltige Regeln herausgebildet haben. Dabei wird erstens die These vertreten, dass die (oftmals gescholtenen) studentischen E-Mails keineswegs regelfrei verfasst werden; sie werden aber von den EmpfĂ€nger/innen als «abweichend» erlebt, da die E-Mail als Gattung oder Textsorte – insbesondere zu Beginn der Kommunikation – auf sehr unterschiedlichen Referenztextsorten fusst: Die Verfasser/innen orientieren sich an zahlreichen anderen Formaten, wie etwa dem Brief, der Kurznotiz, dem AlltagsgesprĂ€ch, der Verfahrensanweisung oder dem Kommentar. Erst im Verlauf einer weiteren E-Mail- Kommunikation können dann gemeinsame Regeln ausgehandelt werden. Da jedoch – so die zweite These im Anschluss – der E-Mail-Verkehr meist interpersonal geschlossen bleibt, kommt es nicht zu einer kollektiven Normbildung, die durch grössere Öffentlichkeiten dauerhaft geteilt wĂŒrde. Solange also die Referenznormen zu Beginn eines Austausches derart unterschiedlich sind, und sie fĂŒr die jeweilige digitale Interaktion im Verlauf immer neu interpersonal justiert werden mĂŒssen, solange wird die E-Mail als ein individualisierender, vermeintlich regelloser «SelbstlĂ€ufer» wahrgenommen. Die beiden Thesen basieren nicht auf eigenen empirischen Erhebungen, sie stellen vielmehr Überlegungen dar, die das alltĂ€glich auftretende PhĂ€nomen der «Normverletzung» bei E-Mail-Texten – methodisch explorativ anhand von Beispieltexten – aufgreifen, um es mit Forschungsbefunden zur Spezifik der E-Mail bzw. zur digitalen Kommunikation zu kontrastieren bzw. zu erschliessen

    Rethinking reinterpretation : the application and potential of the IPOP theory in decoloniality and wider engagement for new museum audiences

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    Globally, the application of museum interpretative theory is an effective way to communicate with diverse and democratic audiences. However, museums inadequately relate to their audiences, as the world in which they operate is volatile and in recent years has dramatically changed. Despite transformative efforts, museum interpretation does not always meet audience expectations. This is largely due to many challenges facing museums, such as a continued lack of interpretative expertise, funding not directed at widening public engagement and superficial consultation. Social and political issues to address decolonisation, multiple identities and inclusive narratives towards shared notions of nation building, social cohesion and museum change often compound these problems. The purpose of this paper is to explore the application of a (re)interpretation theory known as the IPOP theory to engage South African museum audiences better, and more inclusively. IPOP is orientated towards museum audiences’ primary interests: Ideas (intangible), People, Objects and the Physical (tangible). As a model, it has never been utilised in a South African environment before, nor surfaced within local museological discourse. It offers a stimulating avenue of new enquiry for South African museology as well as heritage site reinterpretation. IPOP theory has been successful in both Western and non-Western contexts, so it has potential for Africa and the global south. The IPOP theory is introduced as a method and proposes practical benefits utilising a pilot study, which has already produced positive outcomes. The IPOP theory certainly has strong resolve in a South African museum (re)interpretative context and has further potential to unpack within the ongoing decoloniality discourse.https://journals.co.za/content/journal/samabpm2020Historical and Heritage Studie

    Price setting in the euro area: Some stylized facts from Individual Consumer Price Data

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    This paper documents patterns of price setting at the retail level in the euro area, summarized in six stylized facts. First, the average euro area monthly frequency of price adjustment is 15 p.c., compared to about 25 p.c. in the US. Second, the frequency of price changes is characterized by substantial cross product heterogeneity - prices of oil and unprocessed food products change very often, while price adjustments are less frequent for processed food, non energy industrial goods and services. Third, cross country heterogeneity exists but is less pronounced. Fourth, price decreases are not uncommon. Fifth, price increases and decreases are sizeable compared to aggregate and sectoral inflation rates. Sixth, price changes are not highly synchronized across retailers. Moreover, the frequency of price changes in the euro area is related to several factors, such as seasonality, outlet type, indirect taxation, pricing practices as well as aggregate or product specific inflation.Price-setting, consumer price, frequency of price change.

    Price setting in the euro area: Some stylized facts from Individual Consumer Price Data

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    This paper documents patterns of price setting at the retail level in the euro area. A set of stylized facts on the frequency and size of price changes is presented along with an econometric investigation of their main determinants. Price adjustment in the euro area can be summarized in six stylized facts. First, prices of most products change rarely. The average monthly frequency of price adjustment is 15 p.c., compared to about 25 p.c. in the US. Second, the frequency of price changes is characterized by substantial crossproduct heterogeneity and pronounced sectoral patterns: prices of (oilrelated) energy and unprocessed food products change very often, while price adjustments are less frequent for processed food products, nonenergy industrial goods and services. Third, crosscountry heterogeneity exists but is less pronounced. Fourth, price decreases are not uncommon. Fifth, price increases and decreases are sizeable compared to aggregate and sectoral inflation rates. Sixth, price changes are not highly synchronized across pricesetters. Moreover, the frequency of price changes in the euro area is related to a number of factors, in particular seasonality, outlet type, indirect taxation, use of attractive prices as well as aggregate or productspecific inflation.

    Prevalence and molecular characterization of C. pecorum detected in Swiss fattening pigs

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    Chlamydia (C.) pecorum, an obligate intracellular bacterial species commonly found in ruminants, can also occur in pigs. However, its significance as a potential porcine pathogen, or commensal, is still unclear. In a previous study (Hoffmann et al. 2015), mixed infections of C. suis and C. pecorum were detected in 14 Swiss fattening pig farms. Using these samples, we aimed to investigate the infection dynamics of C. suis and C. pecorum mixed infections in these farms. In addition, we analyzed the genetic diversity of Swiss porcine C. pecorum strains in relation to globally circulating strains. In total, 1284 conjunctival and rectal swabs from 391 pigs, collected at the beginning and end of the fattening period, were tested during the course of this study. We determined the bacterial loads of C. suis and C. pecorum using species-specific real-time PCR (qPCR) and compared these results to already existing DNA-microarray and Chlamydiaceae qPCR data. Overall, C. suis and Chlamydiaceae copy numbers decreased in the course of the fattening period, whereas C. pecorum copy numbers increased. No association was found between clinical signs (conjunctivitis, lameness and diarrhea) and the bacterial loads. Preventive antibiotic treatment at the beginning of the fattening period significantly lowered the chlamydial load and outdoor access was associated with higher loads. Proximity to the nearest ruminants correlated with increased C. pecorum loads, indicating that C. pecorum could be transmitted from ruminants to pigs. Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) and major outer membrane protein (ompA) genotyping revealed two novel sequence types (STs) (301, 302) and seven unique ompA genotypes (1-7) that appear to form a specific clade separate from other European C. pecorum strain

    Price setting in the euro area: some stylized facts from individual consumer price data

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    This paper documents patterns of price setting at the retail level in the euro area, summarized in six stylized facts. First, the average euro area monthly frequency of price adjustment is 15 p.c., compared to about 25 p.c. in the US. Second, the frequency of price changes is characterized by substantial cross product heterogeneity - prices of oil and unprocessed food products change very often, while price adjustments are less frequent for processed food, non energy industrial goods and services. Third, cross country heterogeneity exists but is less pronounced. Fourth, price decreases are not uncommon. Fifth, price increases and decreases are sizeable compared to aggregate and sectoral inflation rates. Sixth, price changes are not highly synchronized across retailers. Moreover, the frequency of price changes in the euro area is related to several factors, such as seasonality, outlet type, indirect taxation, pricing practices as well as aggregate or product specific inflation. JEL Classification: E31, D40, C25consumer price, frequency of price change, Pricesetting

    Empathische Reaktionen gegenĂŒber einem Roboter

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    Es ist bereits bekannt, dass Menschen soziale Reaktionen auf Computer und artifizielle Wesen wie virtuelle Agenten zeigen. Auch fĂŒr die Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion konnten erste Studien zeigen, dass Menschen Verhalten zeigen, das man lediglich in der Mensch-Mensch-Kommunikation erwarten wĂŒrde. Ob auch empathische Reaktionen gegenĂŒber Robotern gezeigt werden, wurde bislang nicht untersucht. In einem 2x2 laborexperimentellen Design betrachteten die Probanden (N=40) zwei Filme, in denen ein Spielzeugroboter in Dinosaurierform entweder gequĂ€lt oder gestreichelt wird (Treatmentfaktor 1, within subjects). Der einen HĂ€lfte der Probanden wurde der Roboter vorab vorgestellt und 10 Minuten zum Kennenlernen ĂŒberlassen, wĂ€hrend der anderen HĂ€lfte der Probanden der Roboter vollkommen fremd war (Treatment Faktor 2, between subjects). Nach jedem Video wurde das emotionale Befinden mit Hilfe der PANAS erhoben und die Probanden fĂŒllten am Ende einen Fragebogen zur Bewertung des Roboters aus. Nach der Rezeption des Videos, in dem der Roboter gequĂ€lt wird, fĂŒhlten die Probanden sich signifikant schlechter (F(1/39)=26,946; p=.000). Die Bedingungsvariation der vorherigen Interaktion zeigte jedoch keinen Einfluss auf das emotionale Befinden nach der Rezeption des Videos oder die empfundene Empathie. Somit konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine negative Behandlung eines Roboters das eigene Empfinden beeinflusst, dass eine kurzzeitige Interaktion mit dem Roboter das Mitleiden aber nicht verstĂ€rkt
