143 research outputs found

    Ökologischer Landbau in Ungarn auf dem Weg in die EU – Eine Situationsanalyse anhand von Fallbeispielen [Organic Agriculture in Hungary going towards the EU]

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    Im Rahmen der Hochschulzusammenarbeit zwischen der Berliner Humboldt-Universität und der Szent István-Universität in Gödöllö/ Ungarn wurde 2002 in einem Gruppenstudienprojekt eine Situationsanalyse des Ökologischen Landbaus in Ungarn unter dem Aspekt des EU-Beitritts vorgenommen. Neben Literaturrecherchen wurden ausgewählte Betriebe besucht sowie Wissenschaftler und Vertreter von Institutionen zum Ökologischen Landbau in Ungarn befragt. Erste Ergebnisse werden im Beitrag vorgestellt

    Publikationsliste PD Dr. Heide Hoffmann - Publikationen zum Ă–kolandbau

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    Publikationen von Heide Hoffmann C. Stroemel S. MĂĽller G. Marx N. KĂĽnkel Ch.-L. Chang W. HĂĽbner K. Reute

    Ökologischer Landbau auf leichten Böden - Ertragsparameter und Bodenfruchtbarkeitskennziffern aus dem Demonstrationsversuch Ackerbausysteme in Blumberg bei Berlin

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    In einem langzeit-Feldversuch in Blumerg (bei Berlin) wurden seit 1993 landwirtschaftliche Nutzungssysteme miteinander verglichen. Untersucht und verglichen wurde die Entwicklung der Erträge, der Nährstoffzustand und biologische Parameter der Sandböden unter konventioneller und biologischer Bewirtschaftung. 7 Jahre nach Versuchsbeginn waren die Erträge der konventionellen Variante um 27% höher als die in der biologischen Variante. Es wurden nur geringe Unterschiede zwischen den Nährstoffgehalten der Anbausysteme. Die potentielle Bodenfruchtbarkeit, die in einem Gefäßversuch untersucht wurde, schien im biologischen Wirtschaftssystem höher zu sein. Die Auswertung der biologischen Parameter steht noch aus

    „Umweltfreundlicher Landbau“ in Südkorea

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    In Südkorea wird seit 1998 „umweltfreundlicher Landbau“ staatlich gefördert – ein Zehntel davon ist Landbau nach Öko-Richtlinien. Der Inlandmarkt für derartige Produkte ist noch klein, wächst aber stetig

    Nachhaltigkeitskriterien als essentieller Bestandteil einer novellierten EU-Ă–ko-Basisverordnung

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    The main goal of this study was to develop sustainability criteria for the advancement of the EU-Eco-Regulations. To achieve this, the authors analyzed 8 international certification schemes for sustainable aspects which could be transferred to existing regulations. By doing so it was possible to abstract 10 sustainability criteria and in the prozess evaluate their value for future developments of the EU-Eco-Regulations. Sustainability of agricultural systems is of the utmost importance for future development of mankind itself. Since ecological agriculture is the most sustainable System we have that works on a large scale (cf. Pick 2009), it is reasonable to suggest that the outline we use for this kind of agriculture – producing best quality with fewest external inputs – is true for sustainable agriculture itself. This work proofed this conjecture to be true. So although the here found sustainability criteria are only partly adopted in the ad-vancement of the EU-Eco-Regulations it can be said that sustainable agriculture of any kind should involve the criteria found in this work

    Identifikationsbildung des organisch-biologischen Landbaus

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    The motivation to start practising organic farming is substantially initiated and influenced by few charismatic personalities and role models. This can explicitly be discerned when observing the origination of organic farming and subsequently the first phases of development of the movement into various branches. This paper examines what leading roles personalities as for example the pioneers of the “Organisch-biologischer Landbau” Dr. Hans Müller, Maria Müller and Dr. Hans Peter Rusch, played in creation of the identity for the movement and draws conclusions in regards of modern ecological agriculture. Recent interviews with those early stage protagonists of organic farming still alive as well as with young “Bioland” practitioners deliver strong evidence that today there is a growing interest to consider the foundations of organic farming and to further develop it considering the microbiology of the soil as first Dr. Rusch had suggested

    „Praktizierter Naturschutz – Nützlich und schön“ - Partizipative Entwicklung eines ökologischen Nutzungs-konzeptes unter Naturschutzbedingungen -

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    The goal of this work was to develop a concept for the ecological and productive agricultural use of the private sites and the surrounding public areas, protected by nature conservation, on the inland island “Schöninsel” in Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania. The challenge was to harmonize the interests of the property owner as well as concerned public groups, and to adjust the concept to requirements of nature conversation and natural and socioeconomic site factors. In all planning phases, permaculture principles and design methods were used. Practical planning was guided by the following goals: harmonization of aesthetic aspects and usefulness, preservation and enhancement of biodiversity, nature conservation, and raising awareness by environmental education. For the private area, a display vegetable garden combined with the cultivation of fruits and beekeeping is planned. For the public areas we recommend the creation of orchard meadows combined with grazing by the rare and endangered Pomeranian Coarsewool

    Emergent Phenomena Induced by Spin-Orbit Coupling at Surfaces and Interfaces

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    Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) describes the relativistic interaction between the spin and momentum degrees of freedom of electrons, and is central to the rich phenomena observed in condensed matter systems. In recent years, new phases of matter have emerged from the interplay between SOC and low dimensionality, such as chiral spin textures and spin-polarized surface and interface states. These low-dimensional SOC-based realizations are typically robust and can be exploited at room temperature. Here we discuss SOC as a means of producing such fundamentally new physical phenomena in thin films and heterostructures. We put into context the technological promise of these material classes for developing spin-based device applications at room temperature
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