31,071 research outputs found

    Metal-metal reinforced laminar composites

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    Two prototype laminar composites have shown potential for high strength and high temperature applications. These composites might be made with less in-place anisotropy and be less expensive than comparable fiber composites

    Active nutation controller

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    An apparatus is described for controlling nutation motion in a spinning body, comprised of an angular accelerometer with its input axis perpendicular to the spin axis of the body, a flywheel with an axis of rotation perpendicular to the axis of the accelerometer and to the spin axis of the body, and a motor for driving the flywheel to attenuate or build nutation. The motor is controlled by circuitry that monitors the output of the angular accelerometer and drives the motor clockwise or counterclockwise during predetermined nutation angles synchronized to the zero crossover points of the accelerometer signal centered about the nutation peaks. The motor drive is phased to damp nutation motion to zero for stabilization. To increase the noise immunity of the system, when the output of the accelerometer falls below a threshold level, the circuitry operates in an open loop, beat mode where data representing the last accelerometer signal that exceeded that threshold level is stored, and the motor drive is controlled by the stored data. In a second version, the motor is controlled to supply a predetermined amount of nutation motion to a body undergoing testing on a spin table for energy dissipation evaluation. In each version, the use of an angular accelerometer rather than a linear accelerometer or gyro to monitor nutation enables placement of the nutation control apparatus at any location relative to the spin axis of the body requiring only crude orientation and no calibration

    Implicit marching solution of compressible viscous subsonic flow in planar and axisymmetric ducts

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    A new streamwise marching procedure was developed and coded for compressible viscous subsonic flow in planar or axisymmetric ducts with or without centerbodies. The continuity, streamwise momentum, cross-flow momentum, and energy equations are written in generalized orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. To allow the use of a marching procedure, second derivatives in the streamwise momentum equation are written as the sum of a known two dimensional imposed pressure field and an unknown one dimensional viscous correction. For turbulent flow, the Reynolds stress and heat flux terms are modeled using two-layer eddy viscosity turbulence models

    Pyrolysis of Wastewater Biosolids Significantly Reduces Estrogenicity

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    Most wastewater treatment processes are not specifically designed to remove micropollutants. Many micropollutants are hydrophobic so they remain in the biosolids and are discharged to the environment through land-application of biosolids. Micropollutants encompass a broad range of organic chemicals, including estrogenic compounds (natural and synthetic) that reside in the environment, a.k.a. environmental estrogens. Public concern over land application of biosolids stemming from the occurrence of micropollutants hampers the value of biosolids which are important to wastewater treatment plants as a valuable by-product. This research evaluated pyrolysis, the partial decomposition of organic material in an oxygen-deprived system under high temperatures, as a biosolids treatment process that could remove estrogenic compounds from solids while producing a less hormonally active biochar for soil amendment. The estrogenicity, measured in estradiol equivalents (EEQ) by the yeast estrogen screen (YES) assay, of pyrolyzed biosolids was compared to primary and anaerobically digested biosolids. The estrogenic responses from primary solids and anaerobically digested solids were not statistically significantly different, but pyrolysis of anaerobically digested solids resulted in a significant reduction in EEQ; increasing pyrolysis temperature from 100 °C to 500 °C increased the removal of EEQ with greater than 95% removal occurring at or above 400 °C. This research demonstrates that biosolids treatment with pyrolysis would substantially decrease (removal \u3e 95%) the estrogens associated with this biosolids product. Thus, pyrolysis of biosolids can be used to produce a valuable soil amendment product, biochar, that minimizes discharge of estrogens to the environment

    Metal-metal laminar composites for high temperature applications

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    A study was conducted to obtain indications of the potentialities of laminar metal-metal composites for elevated temperature use. Most of the composites consisted of multiple layers or laminae of tungsten alternated with laminae of Nichrome V, a ductile, weaker but oxidation-resistant alloy. Composites with 50 volume percent of each phase were tested in tension and stress rupture at temperatures of 871 and 1093 C (1600 and 2000 F) and in impact at 23 and 524 C (73 and 975 F). A tension and a short time stress-rupture test was conducted on specimens of 77 v/o W-Re-Hf-C/23 v/o Inconel alloy 600 at 1093 C (2000 F)

    Method for alleviating thermal stress damage in laminates

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    A method is provided for alleviating the stress damage in metallic matrix composites, such as laminated sheet or foil composites. Discontinuities are positively introduced into the interface between the layers so as to reduce the thermal stress produced by unequal expansion of the materials making up the composite. Although a number of discrete elements could be used to form one of the layers and thus carry out this purpose, the discontinuities are preferably produced by simply drilling holes in the metallic matrix layer or by forming grooves in a grid pattern in this layer

    Ionospheric and magnetospheric plasmapauses'

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    During August 1972, Explorer 45 orbiting near the equatorial plane with an apogee of about 5.2 R sub e traversed magnetic field lines in close proximity to those simultaneously traversed by the topside ionospheric satellite ISIS 2 near dusk in the L range 2-5.4. The locations of the Explorer 45 plasmapause crossings during this month were compared to the latitudinal decreases of the H(+) density observed on ISIS 2 near the same magnetic field lines. The equatorially determined plasmapause field lines typically passed through or poleward of the minimum of the ionospheric light ion trough, with coincident satellite passes occurring for which the L separation between the plasmapause and trough field lines was between 1 and 2. Vertical flows of the H(+) ions in the light ion trough as detected by the magnetic ion mass spectrometer on ISIS were directed upward with velocities between 1 and 2 kilometers/sec near dusk on these passes. These velocities decreased to lower values on the low latitude side of the H(+) trough but did not show any noticeable change across the field lines corresponding to the magnetospheric plasmapause

    A terminal guidance scheme for lifting body entry vehicles

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    Perturbation feedback guidance for terminal phase of lifting body entry vehicl

    Navigation and guidance requirements for commercial VTOL operations

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    The NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) has undertaken a research program to develop the navigation, guidance, control, and flight management technology base needed by Government and industry in establishing systems design concepts and operating procedures for VTOL short-haul transportation systems in the 1980s time period. The VALT (VTOL Automatic Landing Technology) Program encompasses the investigation of operating systems and piloting techniques associated with VTOL operations under all-weather conditions from downtown vertiports; the definition of terminal air traffic and airspace requirements; and the development of avionics including navigation, guidance, controls, and displays for automated takeoff, cruise, and landing operations. The program includes requirements analyses, design studies, systems development, ground simulation, and flight validation efforts