57 research outputs found

    A boron-coated CCD camera for direct detection of Ultracold Neutrons (UCN)

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    A new boron-coated CCD camera is described for direct detection of ultracold neutrons (UCN) through the capture reactions 10^{10}B (n,α\alpha0γ\gamma)7^7Li (6%) and 10^{10}B(n,α\alpha1γ\gamma)7^7Li (94%). The experiments, which extend earlier works using a boron-coated ZnS:Ag scintillator, are based on direct detections of the neutron-capture byproducts in silicon. The high position resolution, energy resolution and particle ID performance of a scientific CCD allows for observation and identification of all the byproducts α\alpha, 7^7Li and γ\gamma (electron recoils). A signal-to-noise improvement on the order of 104^4 over the indirect method has been achieved. Sub-pixel position resolution of a few microns is demonstrated. The technology can also be used to build UCN detectors with an area on the order of 1 m2^2. The combination of micrometer scale spatial resolution, few electrons ionization thresholds and large area paves the way to new research avenues including quantum physics of UCN and high-resolution neutron imaging and spectroscopy.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Status of the UCNÏ„ experiment

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    The neutron is the simplest nuclear system that can be used to probe the structure of the weak interaction and search for physics beyond the standard model. Measurements of neutron lifetime and β-decay correlation coefficients with precisions of 0.02% and 0.1%, respectively, would allow for stringent constraints on new physics. The UCNτ experiment uses an asymmetric magneto-gravitational UCN trap with in situ counting of surviving neutrons to measure the neutron lifetime, τ_n = 877.7s (0.7s)_(stat) (+0.4/−0.2s)_(sys). We discuss the recent result from UCNτ, the status of ongoing data collection and analysis, and the path toward a 0.25 s measurement of the neutron lifetime with UCNτ

    A multilayer surface detector for ultracold neutrons

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    A multilayer surface detector for ultracold neutrons (UCNs) is described. The top 10^{10}B layer is exposed to the vacuum chamber and directly captures UCNs. The ZnS:Ag layer beneath the 10^{10}B layer is a few microns thick, which is sufficient to detect the charged particles from the 10^{10}B(n,α\alpha)7^7Li neutron-capture reaction, while thin enough so that ample light due to α\alpha and 7^7Li escapes for detection by photomultiplier tubes. One-hundred-nm thick 10^{10}B layer gives high UCN detection efficiency, as determined by the mean UCN kinetic energy, detector materials and others. Low background, including negligible sensitivity to ambient neutrons, has also been verified through pulse-shape analysis and comparisons with other existing 3^3He and 10^{10}B detectors. This type of detector has been configured in different ways for UCN flux monitoring, development of UCN guides and neutron lifetime research.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure


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