9 research outputs found

    Model for analysis of environmental impacts of production processes in flooring industry based on LCA

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    Proizvodnja podnih obloga je, s aspekta utjecaja na okoliš, vrlo kompleksan proces zbog velikog broja utjecajnih parametara - različitih kemijskih emisija, neminovnosti otpada, većeg broja utjecajnih fizičkih veličina poput buke i vibracija, prašine i zračenja, zatim potrošnje energije, recikljivosti itd. Zanimanje za primjenu LCA u području proizvodnje podnih obloga traje već skoro dva desetljeća i postaje sve intenzivnije. Tijekom tog razdoblja evidentirani su različiti pristupi i pokušaji realizacije LCA u ovom širokom području. U ovom radu predstavljen je opći model za ocjenjivanje utjecaja na okoliš procesa proizvodnje podnih obloga zasnovan na LCA. Razvijeni model predstavlja doprinos unapređenju stanja u području i dodatni korak ka standardizaciji LCA analiza u području proizvodnje podnih obloga. Verifikacija je realizirana kroz studiju slučaja utemeljenog na realnom industrijskom postrojenju za proizvodnju PVC podnih obloga.The production of floor coverings, in terms of environmental impact, is a very complex process due to a large number of influential parameters – various chemical emissions, inevitability of waste, a great number of influential physical quantities such as noise and vibration, dust and radiation, energy consumption, recyclability, etc. Interest in the application of LCA within the production of floor coverings has been present for almost two decades and is intensely increasing. During this period different approaches and attempts of LCA implementation have been recorded in this broad field. This paper presents a general model for environmental impact assessment of the production process of floor coverings based on LCA. The developed model represents a contribution to the improvement and a further step towards the standardization of LCA analysis in this field of floor covering production. Verification has been carried out through a case study based on an industrial facility which produces PVC floor coverings

    Rule base reasoning in the knowledge-based mould design system

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    U članku se prikazuje parametarski, modularni, integrirani CAD/CAE sustav za konstruiranje kalupa, temeljen na značajkama. Predloženi sustav integrira Pro/E s izvorno razvijenim modulom za izračunavanje parametara injekcijskog prešanja, parametara kalupa i izbor kalupa. Sučelje koristi parametarske CAD/CAE značajke iz tipsko-orijentirane baze podataka, što doprinosi jednostavnijem procesu konstruiranja, uređivanja i izmjene podataka. S obzirom na prethodno istraživanje, članak prikazuje mogućnost modeliranja sustava primjenom pravila. U članku se još predstavlja popis inženjerskih metoda koje su se koristile za gradnju sustava zasnovanog na znanju, a metoda zaključivanja na osnovu pravila proizvodnje predstavlja se detaljnije.This paper describes knowledge-based oriented, parametric, modular, and feature-based integrated CAD/CAE system for mould design. The proposed system integrates Pro/E system with developed original module for calculation of parameters of injection moulding and mould design calculation and selection. The system interface uses parametric and CAD/CAE feature-based database to make the process of design, editing, and reviewing smoother. An example is provided to demonstrate our approach in rule-based representation. Also presented the lists of KBE techniques used for building the knowledge-based system and especially production rules reasoning

    Application of multi-criteria assessment in evaluation of motor vehicles\u27 environmental performances

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    Briga o zaštiti okoliša je bitan element i obveza u suvremenoj automobilskoj industriji. U ovom je radu predstavljen prikaz vrednovanja ekoloških performansi motornih vozila primjenom alata višekriterijskog ocjenjivanja. Prvi dio rada opisuje višekriterijski problem i izbor kriterija za vrednovanje ekoloških performansi motornih vozila. U drugom dijelu rada je opisana primjena višekriterijskog ocjenjivanja primjenom dva pristupa – VK Softvera i metode kompromisnog programiranja (CP), a dobiveni rezultati su uspoređeni i raspravljeni.Concern for environment is an important element and obligation in contemporary automobile manufacturing. This paper presents an approach to assess environmental performances of motor vehicles by the application of multi-criteria assessment tools. Within the first part of the paper the multi-criteria problem is presented, with special emphasis on selection of criteria for assessment of passenger vehicles\u27 environmental performances. The second part of the paper describes the application of a multi-criteria assessment according to two approaches – VK Software and Compromise Programming (CP) method. The obtained results are compared and discussed

    Inteligentní snížení počtu bodů v Reverse Engineering

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    Modern systems for 3D-digitization purposed for Reverse Engineering (RE) modeling are featured by increased scanning speed and also by the possibility to generate large number of points in a short time. In general, this improves the efficiency of the RE modeling process. In practice however, a large number of points in the stage of generation of the CAD model may become a serious problem. Therefore, lately considerable attention is focused to the problem of point data reduction in the 3D-digitization results. This paper presents an approach for intelligent point data reduction based on fuzzy logic, along with the results of its practical application.Moderní systémy pro 3D digitalizaci zaměřené na moderní Reverse Engineering (RE) se zabývají zvýšenou rychlostí skenování a také s možností vytvářet velký počet bodů v krátkém čase. Obecně platí, že to zlepšuje účinnost procesu modelování RE. V praxi se však může velký počet bodů ve fázi generace CAD modelu stát vážným problémem. Proto se v poslední době zaměřuje značná pozornost na problematiku snižování počtu bodů v 3D digitalizace. Tento článek představuje přístup pro inteligentní snížení počtu bodů na základě fuzzy logiky, spolu s výsledky jeho praktického využití

    Different Approaches in Uncertainty Evaluation for Measurement of Complex Surfaces Using Coordinate Measuring Machine

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    This paper describes a methodology for uncertainty assessment for Coordinate Measuring Machine measurement of complex real work pieces from industry. The study applied two approaches (in scanning mode only) for estimating the measurement uncertainty with the support of Taguchi plan in the experiment containing five factors: scanning speed, sample density, probe configuration, scanning direction, and position of measuring object. In the first approach the uncertainty was estimated by measuring the basic geometric objects (primitives like sphere and torus) representing the decomposition of complex surfaces and in the second one a complex surface was treated as an unknown quantity. Calculated uncertainty Type A for both measurement tasks was in the range from 0.65 μm to 6.47 μm. Evaluation of the uncertainty Type B covered specifications of the machine and standard uncertainties derived from temperature effects. Total uB component was found to be in order of 0.4 μm. Future research will be directed towards the development and application of simulation method