14 research outputs found

    Chronostratigraphy of Miocene Strata in the Berkeley Hills (California Coast Ranges, USA) and the Arrival of the San Andreas Transform Boundary

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    Miocene strata of the Claremont, Orinda, and Moraga formations of the Berkeley Hills (California Coast Ranges, USA) record sedimentation and volcanism during the passage of the Mendocino triple junction and early evolution of the San Andreas fault system. Detrital zircon laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) age spectra indicate a change in sedimentary provenance between the marine Claremont formation (Monterey Group) and the terrestrial Orinda and Moraga Formations associated with uplift of Franciscan Complex lithologies. A sandstone from the Claremont formation produced a detrital zircon chemical abrasion–isotope dilution–thermal ionization mass spectrometry (CA-ID-TIMS) maximum depositional age of 13.298 ± 0.046 Ma, indicating younger Claremont deposition than previously interpreted. A trachydacite tuff clast within the uppermost Orinda Formation yielded a CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon date of 10.094 ± 0.018 Ma, and a dacitic tuff within the Moraga Formation produced a CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon date of 9.974 ± 0.014 Ma. These results indicate rapid progression from subsidence in which deep-water siliceous sediments of the Claremont formation were deposited to uplift that was followed by subsidence during deposition of terrestrial sediments of the Orinda Formation and subsequent eruption of the Moraga Formation volcanics. We associate the Orinda tuff clast and Moraga volcanics with slab-gap volcanism that followed the passage of the Mendocino triple junction. Given the necessary time lag between triple junction passage and the removal of the slab that led to this volcanism, subsidence associated with ca. 13 Ma Claremont sedimentation and subsequent Orinda to Moraga deposition can be attributed to basin formation along the newly arrived transform boundary

    Bridging the Gap Between the Foreland and Hinterland II: Geochronology and Tectonic Setting of Ordovician Magmatism and Basin Formation on the Laurentian Margin of New England and Newfoundland

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    Ordovician strata of the Mohawk Valley and Taconic allochthon of New York and the Humber margin of Newfoundland record multiple magmatic and basin-forming episodes associated with the Taconic orogeny. Here we present new U-Pb zircon geochronology and whole rock geochemistry and neodymium isotopes from Early Paleozoic volcanic ashes and siliciclastic units on the northern Appalachian margin of Laurentia. Volcanic ashes in the Table Point Formation of Newfoundland and the Indian River Formation of the Taconic allochthon in New York yield dates between 466.16 ± 0.12 and 464.20 ± 0.13 Ma. Red, bioturbated slate of the Indian River Formation record a shift to more juvenile neodymium isotope values suggesting sedimentary contributions from the Taconic arc-system by 466 Ma. Eight ashes within the Trenton Group in the Mohawk Valley were dated between 452.63 ± 0.06 and 450.68 ± 0.12 Ma. These ashes contain zircon with Late Ordovician magmatic rims and 1.4 to 1.0 Ga xenocrystic cores that were inherited from Grenville basement, suggesting that the parent magmas erupted through the Laurentian margin. The new geochronological and geochemical data are integrated with a subsidence model and data from the hinterland to refine the tectonic model of the Taconic orogeny. Closure of the Iapetus Ocean by 475 Ma via collision of the peri-Gondwanan Moretown terrane with hyperextended distal fragments of the Laurentian margin is not clearly manifested on the autochthon or the Taconic allochthon other than an increase in sediment accumulation. Pro-foreland basins formed during the Middle Ordovician when these terranes were obducted onto the Laurentian margin. 466 to 464 Ma ashes on the Laurentian margin coincide with a late pulse of magmatism in both the Notre Dame arc in Newfoundland and the Shelburne Falls arc of New England that is potentially related to break-off of an east-dipping slab. Following slab reversal, by 455 Ma, the Bronson Hill arc was established on the new composite Laurentian margin. Thus, we conclude that Late Ordovician strata in the Mohawk Valley and Taconic allochthon of New York and on the Humber margin of Newfoundland were deposited in retro-foreland basins

    Quantifying Inclination Shallowing and Representing Flattening Uncertainty in Sedimentary Paleomagnetic Poles

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    Abstract Inclination is the angle of a magnetization vector from horizontal. Clastic sedimentary rocks often experience inclination shallowing whereby syn‐ to post‐depositional processes result in flattened detrital remanent magnetizations relative to local geomagnetic field inclinations. The deviation of recorded inclinations from true values presents challenges for reconstructing paleolatitudes. A widespread approach for estimating flattening factors (f) compares the shape of an assemblage of magnetization vectors to that derived from a paleosecular variation model (the elongation/inclination [E/I] method). Few studies exist that compare the results of this statistical approach with empirically determined flattening factors and none in the Proterozoic Eon. In this study, we evaluate inclination shallowing within 1.1 billion‐year‐old, hematite‐bearing red beds of the Cut Face Creek Sandstone that is bounded by lava flows of known inclination. Taking this inclination from the volcanics as the expected direction, we found that detrital hematite remanence is flattened with f=0.650.560.75 whereas the pigmentary hematite magnetization shares a common mean with the volcanics. Using the pigmentary hematite direction as the expected inclination results in f=0.610.550.67. These flattening factors are consistent with those estimated through the E/I method f=0.640.510.85 supporting its application in deep time. However, all methods have significant uncertainty associated with determining the flattening factor. This uncertainty can be incorporated into paleomagnetic poles with the resulting ellipse approximated with a Kent distribution. Rather than seeking to find “the flattening factor,” or assuming a single value, the inherent uncertainty in flattening factors should be recognized and incorporated into paleomagnetic syntheses

    Tectonostratigraphic Evolution of the c. 780–730 Ma Beck Spring Dolomite: Basin Formation in the Core of Rodinia

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    The Beck Spring Dolomite is a mixed carbonate–siliciclastic succession exposed in Death Valley, California, that was deposited between 780 and 717 Ma. Along with its bounding units, the Horse Thief Springs Formation below and unit KP1 of the Kingston Peak Formation above, the Beck Spring Dolomite were deposited in one of the ChUMP (Chuar–Uinta Mountains–Pahrump) basins with subsidence commonly attributed to the nascent rifting of Rodinia. These pre-Sturtian successions preserve eukaryotic microfossil assemblages, diverse microbialites, and large carbon isotope anomalies directly below Sturtian-age glacial deposits. Here we present new geological mapping, measured stratigraphic sections, carbon isotope chemostratigraphy and detrital zircon geochronology from the Beck Spring Dolomite and its bounding units. The carbon isotope excursion at the top of the Beck Spring Dolomite has previously been attributed to meteoric diagenesis associated with karst breccias, but here we demonstrate that these breccias are instead mass flow deposits that formed during deposition of the Kingston Peak Formation and that the carbon isotope excursion is not only reproducible throughout the basin, but is associated with transgression rather than regression and exposure. In addition, we refine local correlations and discuss the use of chemostratigraphic curves from these units for regional and global correlations. The Beck Spring Dolomite was deposited during the second of three distinct basin-forming events recorded in the Pahrump Group with basin inversion occurring between each event. The presence of syn-sedimentary faults, the character of the lateral facies change and detrital zircon provenance analyses indicate that the Beck Spring Dolomite fringed a coeval palaeo-high to the south in a tectonically active basin. Detrital zircon age distributions in the Beck Spring Dolomite show sharp probability peaks at c. 1200, 1400 and 1800 Ma, consistent with local sources to the SW in the Mojave block rather than transcontinental rivers. The c. 1800 Ma probability peak is less prominent in the KP1 samples. In addition, KP1 also records slump folding and is overlain by an unconformity. We suggest that these features are consistent with the emergence of a local fault to the NE. Deposition of the Beck Spring Dolomite and bounding units do not record evidence of incipient rifting of the western margin of Laurentia but instead reflect a distinct and separate tectonothermal event

    Cambrian Explosion Condensed: High-Precision Geochronology of the Lower Wood Canyon Formation, Nevada

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    The geologically rapid appearance of fossils of modern animal phyla within Cambrian strata is a defining characteristic of the history of life on Earth. However, temporal calibration of the base of the Cambrian Period remains uncertain within millions of years, which has resulted in mounting challenges to the concept of a discrete Cambrian explosion. We present precise zircon U–Pb dates for the lower Wood Canyon Formation, Nevada. These data demonstrate the base of the Cambrian Period, as defined by both ichnofossil biostratigraphy and carbon isotope chemostratigraphy, was younger than 533 Mya, at least 6 My later than currently recognized. This new geochronology condenses previous age models for the Nemakit–Daldynian (early Cambrian) and, integrated with global records, demonstrates an explosive tempo to the early radiation of modern animal phyla