65 research outputs found

    A slaughterhouse study on prevalence of sheep liver helminths in region of Sarajevo

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    Sažetak Svrha ovog istraživanja je bila odrediti prevalenciju heminata jetre zaklanih ovaca na području Sarajeva. Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 699 domaćih ovaca pasmine pramenka, različitog spola i starosti. Nakon parazitološke sekcije, vizualnog pregleda i palpacije jetre, učestalost pojave velikog metilja Fasciola hepatica, malog metilja Dicrocoelium dendriticum, hidatidnih cista Echinococcus granulosus i ikrice Cisticercus tenuicollis je bila 54,2%, 74,1%, 22,6% i 12,5%. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da je infestiranost ovim parazitskim vrstama trematoda i razvojnim oblicima cestoda kod zaklanih ovaca prisutna u visokom stupnju, što je od velike važnosti za zdravlje ljudiThe aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of trematodes and cestodoses in slaughtered sheep from the region of Sarajevo. The study was carried out on a total of 699 indigenous sheep of pramenka breed, of various sex and age. After parasitological section, visual examination and palpation of the liver, the prevalence rate of Fasciola hepatica, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, hydatid cysts of Echinococcus granulosus and Cisticercus tenuicollis was 54.2%, 74.1%, 22.6% and 12.5%, respectively. The results of this research indicate that the infestation with these parasitic species and larval forms in slaughtered sheep are present at a high level, which has a great health and economic importance in the region of Sarajevo

    The relationship of limited mobility of the cervical spinewith postural and mental reactions of students

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    Introduction: Previous studies have found that, in addition to the general factors for the occurrence of pain and reduced mobility of the cervical spine, the use of electronic devices promotes these, the excessive use of which can also lead to the occurrence of depressive symptoms in students. The aim of this study was to determine the mobility limitation of the cervical spine in students with reported neck pain, to determine the degree of disability and depression due to neck pain, to determine the correlation of mobility limitation of the cervical spine with the degree of disability and depression of students, and to determine the correlation of the degree of disability with the degree of depression. Methods: The research was conducted as a cross-sectional study from May to July 2021 at the University of Zenica in four faculties. The study used the General Questionnaire and two standardized questionnaires to assess disability due to neck pain (Index of Disability due to Neck Pain) and the degree of depression (patient health questionnaire). Results: A total of 147 students with reported neck pain participated in the study. A limitation of mobility was found in 30.6% of the students in flexion, 25.2% in rotation, 23.8% in lateral flexion, and 20.4% on extension. Mild disability due to neck pain was found in 58.5% of students, moderate in 23.8%, and severe in 2.7%. 45.6% of the students had mild depression, 18.4% had moderate depression, and 5.4% had severe depression.Conclusion: Restricted flexion and rotation are more common than restricted lateral flexion and extension of the cervical spine. About half of the students who reported neck pain had a mild degree of disability and mild depression. A strong positive correlation was found between the degree of disability and depression in students with neck pain

    Značenje funkcionalnosti vodopropusnih objekata u protuerozijskoj zaštiti na šumskim cestama

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    Bosna i Hercegovina ima pretežno brdsko-planinsku konfiguraciju terena, bogata je razvijenom hidrografskom mrežom. Pri projektiranju i izgradnji mreža šumskih cesta učestala je pojava presijecanja stalnih ili povremenih vodotoka pa je zato prijeko potrebno planirati i graditi vodopropusne objekte. Najrizičnija su mjesta, kada je u pitanju negativan utjecaj vodotoka na erozijske procese, upravo točke presijecanja šumske ceste rijekama i brdsko-planinskim vodotocima. Da bi se smanjio postotak neupotrebljivosti primarne mreže šumske transportne infrastrukture, treba pristupiti kvalitetnim rješenjima odvodnje površinskih voda i izgradnji prelazaka preko postojećih planinskih vodotoka. Vodna je erozija jedna od mogućih pojava, koja može nastati na kolničkoj konstrukciji, ako na odgovarajući način nije riješeno pitanje odvodnje površinskih i oborinskih voda. Procjena erozijskih procesa prilikom provođenja istraživanja utjecaja hidrografske mreže na primarnu mrežu šumske transportne infrastrukture obavlja se na osnovi terenskoga snimanja stanja vodopropusnih objekata i kolničke konstrukcije u njezinoj neposrednoj blizini. Prilikom istraživanja nisu analizirani tehnički elementi šumskih cesta (osim erodiranosti kolničke konstrukcije), aktivnosti su usmjerene na vodopropusne objekte, odnosno njihovo stanje i eventualni utjecaj na erodiranje kolničke konstrukcije. Istraživanja su provedena u GJ »Neretvica« u okviru ŠPP »Konjičko«. Analizirano je ukupno 129 različitih vodopropusnih objekata, od kojih su 16 mostova, 73 cijevna betonska propusta i 40 drugih tipova objekata. U okviru provedene analize vodopropusnih objekata obrađena je oštećenost i funkcionalnost vodopropusnih objekata te erodiranost kolničke konstrukcije u njezinoj neposrednoj blizini

    Effect of myocardial infarction on the occurrence of erectile dysfunction

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    Aim To investigate etiological link between acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and the accompanying impotence/erectile dysfunction (ED). Methods Study included 99 male patients (48 who had AMI - patient group, and 51 healthy examinees without previous cardiovascular disease - control group). All patients completed a standardized questionnaire, the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5). Results Older patients had significantly lower IIEF-5 score (negative correlation) (p <0.05), but higher ED degree (significant positive correlation) (rho=0.522; p=0.0001). In the patient group, 37 (77.1%) patients had ED, while in the control group it was found in 26 (51%) examinees (p<0.05). A clear correlation was found between incidence of ED and diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and positive family history (they were more common in patients with ED, with no statistically significant difference). There was no statistically significant difference between patients with ED and patients without ED according to the beta-blocker usage (p=0.824): ED was reported in 11 (68%) patients in the group who used carvedilol, 14 (82.3%) in the group who used metoprolol, and nine (81.8%) who used nebivolol. Conclusion Myocardial infarction as well as age are directly related to the occurrence of ED. Cardiovascular risk factors are in direct correlation for the occurrence of erectile dysfunction after myocardial infarction


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    Leachate water from sanitary landfills represents one of the most complex global environmental problems. This paper examines the possibility of using aluminosilicate material, pyrophyllite, from the Parsovići deposit, as an adsorbent. It was researched the influence of two granulations of pyrophyllite (0-53 &mu;m and 0-100 &mu;m) on the degree of adsorption of heavy metals (Fe, Ni, Mn) from leachate water from the municipal landfill "Desetine", Tuzla. The adsorption experiment was performed using the Batch method, depending on the contact time between the adsorbent and the adsorbate, the mixing speed, and the mass of the adsorbent, pyrophyllite, through two treatments. The results indicate a higher efficiency of the finer fraction of pyrophyllite, and in the competition of the three examined metals, iron is completely removed in the first treatment with both granulations and then nickel with finer granulation and manganese with coarser. After the first treatment, the unpleasant smell was removed, which is certainly a consequence of the removal of ammonia compounds as the most abundant compounds in leachate water. In these pioneering researches, pyrophyllite proved to be effective, and at the same time, it is a cheap, easily available, and environmentally friendly material for leachate water purification


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    Raspberry cultivars are clonally propagated and therefore all plants belonging to a single cultivar represent the same genotype. Cultivar integrity of raspberry plantlings placed on the market in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is based on examining of morphological traits, which is not a reliable tool for genetic identification. In this study plantlings declared as cultivar ‘Polana’ were genotyped using seven microsatellites, in order to gain preliminary insight into the genetic integrity of raspberry plantlings marketed in B&H. Plant tissue (leaves) from 10 raspberry plants were randomly sampled from a batch of plantlings sold by major fruit nursery in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Along with these samples, four reference cultivars with confirmed identity (‘Polka’, ‘Autumn Bliss’, ‘Heritage’ and ‘Polana’) were also included in the study. Seven primer pairs amplified 31 alleles, or on average 4.4 alleles per locus. UPGMA cluster analysis, based on the Jaccard similarity coefficient, revealed that among the ten samples declared as ‘Polana’ plantlings only five were genetically identical to any of the other samples. The cluster analyses also exposed that none of the ten samples declared as ‘Polana’ seedlings were in fact identical or even closely related to the ‘Polana’ reference cultivar or any of the other reference cultivars. These findings clearly show that the genetic identity of primocane raspberry plantlings , currently sold in Bosnia and Herzegovina, needs to be tested using objective and reliable methods rather than simple morphologic observation