217 research outputs found

    Swedish female physiotherapy students have more stress than Dutch female physiotherapy students

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    Health care students’ report high levels of stress with academic pressure as the greatest source. Physiotherapy (PT) curriculum in Sweden is 3 years (180 EC’s) and in the Netherlands 4 years (240 Ec’s) Aim : to determine differences in overall level of stress, stressors and reactions to stressors between PT students at University of Gothenburg(GU) and Hanze University of Applied Sciences (HUAS)

    Changing Shapes of Care:Expressions of Filial Piety among Second-generation Chinese in the Netherlands

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    This study explored perceptions of filial care among second-generation Chinese immigrants in the Netherlands. The provision of filial help or care can be regarded as a cultural phenomenon known as filial piety and it can be considered within the broad scope of caregiving as "family care". Fifteen interviews were conducted, and a thematic analysis was applied. The findings showed that care was given in the form of language brokering, information inquiry, home visits, and facilitative and social support. Care was perceived as a moral duty among the participants and was grounded in their perceived sense of responsibility. The participants' perspectives on current and future care included practical and normative considerations for meeting parental needs, and included opinions based on filial piety norms. In conclusion, this study showed that filial piety, specifically filial care, is still relevant to the younger immigrant Chinese community in the Netherlands

    Beroepsprofiel geriatriefysiotherapeut

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    Een Geriatriefysiotherapeut is een geschoolde en vakbekwame fysiotherapeut die zich, middels een, door de NVAO Geaccrediteerde en KNGF en NVFG erkende, opleiding, heeft gespecialiseerd in de zorg voor kwetsbare ouderen. Het specialisme richt zich op verbetering en behoud van gezondheid, zelfredzaamheid, participatie en kwaliteit van leven van kwetsbare ouderen of ouderen die het risico lopen kwetsbaar te worden, met de focus op het bewegend functioneren. Het domein van de geriatriefysiotherapie valt onder de medische, bewegings- en gedragswetenschappen en baseert zich op actuele wetenschappelijke inzichten, methoden en technieken uit deze kennisgebieden

    KNGF-standaard: beweeginterventie kwetsbare ouderen

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    Gezien het steeds verder stijgende aantal mensen met één of meerdere chronische aandoeningen en de rechtstreeks daaraan gekoppelde stijging van de kosten in de gezondheidszorg, is het KNGF vanaf 2008 gestart met het ontwikkelen van de KNGF-standaarden beweeginterventies. Een KNGF-standaard Beweeginterventie stelt een voldoende competente fysiotherapeut in staat bij mensen met een chronische aandoening een actieve leefstijl te bevorderen en hun mate van fitheid te verhogen. Voorliggende standaard is gericht op kwetsbare ouderen. Er wordt, waar mogelijk, tot het niveau van de beweegnormen gestreefd naar het ontwikkelen en in stand houden van een actieve leefstijl en het verhogen van de fitheid. Daarnaast zal de fysiotherapeut aandacht besteden aan het inspanningsvermogen, de spierfunctie, verminderde range of motion (ROM) en balans, indien dit beperkende factoren zijn voor het opbouwen en/of onderhouden van een actieve leefstijl

    Agreement between rectus femoris muscle thickness by ultrasound and skeletal muscle mass by bio-electrical impedance analysis: a pilot study

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    Rationale: Sarcopenia is a major problem and is common in community-dwelling elderly. In daily practice, there is need for low cost and easily assessable measurement tools to assess depletion of skeletal muscle (SM) mass, for example as one of the indicators of sarcopenia. Bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA) is often used to estimate body composition, whereas ultrasound measurement is an upcoming and promising tool, as it is quick, easy to use and inexpensive in comparison with other tools that assess SM mass. Ultrasound could assess site-specific loss of SM mass and determine myoesteatosis. Therefore, in this pilot study we aimed to assess agreement between muscle thickness of rectus femoris (RF) by ultrasound and SM mass by BIA in an older population. Methods: Twenty-six older adults (mean± standard deviation (SD) age 64 ±5.0 y, 62% women) from the Hanze Health and Ageing Study were included. SM mass by BIA was estimated using the Janssen equation. Muscle thickness of RF was assessed by analyzing ultrasound images from the right leg. Two non-parametric tests were used for analysis. Correlation between ultrasound and BIA was assessed with Spearman Rho. Agreement was determined with Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (Kendall’s W). In both tests a score ≥ 0.7 was considered a strong correlation. Results: Mean (±SD) RF thickness was 18.9 (±3.8) mm. Median SM mass (Interquartile range) was 23.5 (20.8-34.7) kg. Correlation between RF thickness and SM mass was moderately positive (Spearman r=0.611; P = 0.001), whereas Kendall’s W showed a strong agreement (W= 0.835; P=0.002). Conclusion: Ultrasound measurement of RF showed an acceptable agreement with skeletal muscle mass assessed by BIA in our sample of older adults. Therefore, ultrasound could be a promising portable tool to estimate muscle size

    Dementia symptoms in persons with severe/profound intellectual disability: Expertise of practice

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    Aim Life expectancy of people with severe or profound intellectual disability (SPID) increases, which contributes to the risk of developing dementia. However, early detection and diagnosing dementia is complex, because of their low-level baseline functioning. Therefore, the aim is to identify observable dementia symptoms in adults with SPID in available literature. Method A systematic literature search, in line with PRISMA guidelines, was conducted in PubMed, PsycINFO and Web of Science using a combination of search terms for SPID, dementia/aging and aged population. Results In total, fifteen studies met inclusion criteria. Cognitive, behavioral and psychological symptoms (BPSD) and a decline in the ability to perform activities of daily living as well as neurological and physical changes were found. This presentation gives an overview of reported symptoms of (possible) dementia-related symptoms in SPID. Conclusions Despite growing attention for dementia in people with ID in literature, only very few studies have studied dementia symptoms in SPID. Given the complexity of signaling and diagnosing dementia in SPID, dedicated studies are required to unravel the natural history of dementia in SPID, specifically focusing on observable symptoms for caregivers of (early) dementia in this population
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