29,405 research outputs found

    Topological Excitations in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We investigate the properties of skyrmion in the ferromagnetic state of spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates by means of the mean-field theory and show that the size of skyrmion is fixed to the order of the healing length. It is shown that the interaction between two skyrmions with oppositely rotating spin textures is attractive when their separation is large, following a unique power-law behavior with a power of -7/2.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Double Phase Transitions in Magnetized Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensation

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    It is investigated theoretically that magnetized Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) with the internal (spin) degrees of freedom exhibits a rich variety of phase transitions, depending on the sign of the interaction in the spin channel. In the antiferromagnetic interaction case there exist always double BEC transitions from single component BEC to multiple component BEC. In the ferromagnetic case BEC becomes always unstable at a lower temperature, leading to a phase separation. The detailed phase diagram for the temperature vs the polarization, the spatial spin structure, the distribution of non-condensates and the excitation spectrum are examined for the harmonically trapped systems.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Anomalous Magnetic and Thermal Behavior in Some RMn2O5 Oxides

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    The RMn2O5 (R=Pr, Nd, Sm, and Eu) oxides showing magnetoelectric (ME) behavior have been prepared in polycrystalline form by a standard citrate route. The lattice parameters, obtained from the powder XRD analysis, follow the rare-earth contraction indicating the trivalent character of the R ions. Cusp-like anomalies in the magnetic susceptibility curve and sharp peaks in the specific heat were reported at the corresponding temperatures in RMn2O5 (R=Pr, Nd, Sm, and Eu) indicating the magnetic or electric ordering transitions.Comment: 2 pages, 1 table, 3 figures, will be published in the Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Low Temperature Physic

    Hubble Space Telescope H-Band Imaging Survey of Massive Gas-Rich Mergers

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    We report the results from a deep HST NICMOS H-band imaging survey of a carefully selected sample of 33 luminous, late-stage galactic mergers at z < 0.3. Signs of a recent galactic interaction are seen in all of the objects in the HST sample, including all 7 IR-excess Palomar-Green (PG) QSOs in the sample. Unsuspected double nuclei are detected in 5 ULIRGs. A detailed two-dimensional analysis of the surface brightness distributions in these objects indicates that the great majority (81%) of the single-nucleus systems show a prominent early-type morphology. However, low-surface-brightness exponential disks are detected on large scale in at least 4 of these sources. The hosts of 'warm' AGN-like systems are of early type and have less pronounced merger-induced morphological anomalies than the hosts of cool systems with LINER or HII region-like nuclear optical spectral types. The host sizes and luminosities of the 7 PG~QSOs in our sample are statistically indistinguishable from those of the ULIRG hosts. In comparison, highly luminous quasars, such as those studied by Dunlop et al. (2003), have hosts which are larger and more luminous. The hosts of ULIRGs and PG QSOs lie close to the locations of intermediate-size (about 1 -- 2 L*) spheroids in the photometric projection of the fundamental plane of ellipticals, although there is a tendency in our sample for the ULIRGs with small hosts to be brighter than normal spheroids. Excess emission from a young stellar population in the ULIRG/QSO hosts may be at the origin of this difference. Our results provide support for a possible merger-driven evolutionary connection between cool ULIRGs, warm ULIRGs, and PG~QSOs although this sequence may break down at low luminosity. (abridged)Comment: Paper to be published in the Astrophysical Journal; revised based on comments from referee. A PDF file combining both text and figures is available at http://www.astro.umd.edu/~veilleux/pubs/nicmos.pd

    The Mid-infrared Fine-structure Lines of Neon as an Indicator of Star For mation Rate in Galaxies

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    The fine-structure lines of singly ([Ne II] 12.8 micron) and doubly ([Ne III] 15.6 micron) ionized neon are among the most prominent features in the mid-infrared spectra of star-forming regions, and have the potential to be a powerful new indicator of the star formation rate in galaxies. Using a sample of star-forming galaxies with measurements of the fine-structure lines available from the literature, we show that the sum of the [Ne II] and [Ne III] luminosities obeys a tight, linear correlation with the total infrared luminosity, over 5 orders of magnitude in luminosity. We discuss the formation of the lines and their relation with the Lyman continuum luminosity. A simple calibration between star formation rate and the [Ne II]+[Ne III] luminosity is presented.Comment: To appear in ApJ. 8 page

    Gutzwiller density functional theory for correlated electron systems

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    We develop a new density functional theory (DFT) and formalism for correlated electron systems by taking as reference an interacting electron system that has a ground state wavefunction which obeys exactly the Gutzwiller approximation for all one particle operators. The solution of the many electron problem is mapped onto the self-consistent solution of a set of single particle Schroedinger equations analogous to standard DFT-LDA calculations.Comment: 4 page

    Growing supermassive black holes in the late stages of galaxy mergers are heavily obscured

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    Mergers of galaxies are thought to cause significant gas inflows to the inner parsecs, which can activate rapid accretion onto supermassive black holes (SMBHs), giving rise to Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). During a significant fraction of this process, SMBHs are predicted to be enshrouded by gas and dust. Studying 52 galactic nuclei in infrared-selected local Luminous and Ultra-luminous infrared galaxies in different merger stages in the hard X-ray band, where radiation is less affected by absorption, we find that the amount of material around SMBHs increases during the last phases of the merger. We find that the fraction of Compton-thick (CT, N H≥1024 cm−2N_{\rm\,H}\geq 10^{24}\rm\,cm^{-2}) AGN in late merger galaxies is higher (f CT=65−13+12%f_{\rm\,CT}=65^{+12}_{-13}\%) than in local hard X-ray selected AGN (f CT=27±4%f_{\rm\,CT}=27\pm 4\%), and that obscuration reaches its maximum when the nuclei of the two merging galaxies are at a projected distance of D12≃0.4−10.8D_{12}\simeq0.4-10.8 kiloparsecs (f CT=77−17+13%f_{\rm\,CT}=77_{-17}^{+13}\%). We also find that all AGN of our sample in late merger galaxies have N H>1023 cm−2N_{\rm\,H}> 10^{23}\rm\,cm^{-2}, which implies that the obscuring material covers 95−8+4%95^{+4}_{-8}\% of the X-ray source. These observations show that the material is most effectively funnelled from the galactic scale to the inner tens of parsecs during the late stages of galaxy mergers, and that the close environment of SMBHs in advanced mergers is richer in gas and dust with respect to that of SMBHs in isolated galaxies, and cannot be explained by the classical AGN unification model in which the torus is responsible for the obscuration.Comment: Final version matching the article published in MNRAS - 30 pages, 16 figure

    Mean field ground state of a spin-1 condensate in a magnetic field

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    We revisit the topic of the mean field ground state of a spin-1 atomic condensate inside a uniform magnetic field (BB) under the constraints that both the total number of atoms (NN) and the magnetization (M\cal M) are conserved. In the presence of an internal state (spin component) independent trap, we also investigate the dependence of the so-called single spatial mode approximation (SMA) on the magnitude of the magnetic field and M{\cal M}. Our result indicate that the quadratic Zeeman effect is an important factor in balancing the mean field energy from elastic atom-atom collisions that are known to conserve both NN and M\cal M.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, to be published in New J. Phys. (http://www.njp.org/

    Superconductivity and the high field ordered phase in the heavy fermion compound PrOs4_4Sb12_{12}

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    Superconductivity is observed in the filled skutterudite compound \PrOsSb{} below a critical temperature temperature Tc=1.85T_\mathrm{c} = 1.85 K and appears to develop out of a nonmagnetic heavy Fermi liquid with an effective mass m∗≈50mem^{*} \approx 50 m_\mathrm{e}, where mem_\mathrm{e} is the free electron mass. Features associated with a cubic crystalline electric field are present in magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, electrical resistivity, and inelastic neutron scattering measurements, yielding a Pr3+^{3+} energy level scheme consisting of a Γ3\Gamma_{3} nonmagnetic doublet ground state, a low lying Γ5\Gamma_{5} triplet excitied state at ∼10\sim 10 K, and much higher temperature Γ4\Gamma_{4} triplet and Γ1\Gamma_{1} singlet excited states. Measurements also indicate that the superconducting state is unconventional and consists of two distinct superconducting phases. At high fields and low temperatures, an ordered phase of magnetic or quadrupolar origin is observed, suggesting that the superconductivity may occur in the vicinity of a magnetic or quadrupolar quantum critical point.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, presented at the 3rd international symposium on Advance Science Research (ASR 2002), JAERI Tokai, Ibaraki, Japa
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