15 research outputs found


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    Problem. Currently, new educational reforms are intensively being implemented in Ukraine. This is achieved, including, by the development and implementation of new innovative joint training programs. Goal. To improve higher education in accordance with the changing needs of economic and social spheres in the road transport sector due to the growth of innovative energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies. To increase the competitiveness of graduates in employment and the productive cooperation between the universities. To reduce energy consumption and to replace traditional sources by «green» forms of energy in the transport sector as well. Methodology. The analysis of existing joint educational programs for masters was conducted. There was accomplished the analysis and monitoring of the labor market with the determination of its urgent and future needs, taking into account the development of modern electric transport. Results. The project for implementation of the new innovative master’s program in the specialty «Energy-saving technologies in transport» (ESTeT) has been developed. We have proposed the structure of a new specialty. The work packages that address specific tasks in the overall system of the ESTeT project implementation have been briefly described. The division of the new master's specialty into its constituting structural elements has been carried out. Originality. We proposed the new innovative educational joint program for masters ESTeT. Practical value. The implementation of new innovative joint specialties in the field of higher education in Ukraine provides an opportunity to increase the level of Ukrainian higher education itself. This will allow students to acquire the appropriate competencies in the field of study and expand their applications. Also, obtaining two diplomas (Ukrainian and European) by students will significantly expand their employment opportunities


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    The basics of magnetic-pulse attraction of both ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic thin-wall sheet metals are investigated. The design models of inductor systems-magnetic-pulse straightening tools are presented. The final analytical expressins for excited efforts design in the tools under consideration are introduced. The practical testing of magnetic-pulse straightening with the tools under study is given


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    The analysis of existing schemes for building solar power stations on photoelectric modules with the revealing of their operation principles and functionality has been conducted. The specified technical characteristics of each of the analyzed schemes are given. The structural scheme of the solar charging station for electric cars with determining its functional capabilities and operation features is proposed. The practical application of this scheme will help to reduce the dependence on the general electric power supply network and will create conditions for its total rejection


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    The analysis of existing schemes for building solar power stations on photoelectric modules with the revealing of their operation principles and functionality has been conducted. The specified technical characteristics of each of the analyzed schemes are given. The structural scheme of the solar charging station for electric cars with determining its functional capabilities and operation features is proposed. The practical application of this scheme will help to reduce the dependence on the general electric power supply network and will create conditions for its total rejectionПроведен анализ существующих схем построения солнечных электростанций на фотоэлектрических модулях. Раскрыт их принцип работы. Рассмотрены технические характеристики каждой из представленных схем. Предложена схема построения солнечной зарядной станции для электромобилей. Описаны ее функциональные возможности и особенности работыПроведено аналіз існуючих схем будови сонячних електростанцій на фотоелектричних модулях. Розкрито їх принцип роботи. Розглянуто технічні характеристики кожної з поданих схем. Запропоновано схему будови сонячної зарядної станції для електромобілів. Описано її функціональні можливості та особливості робот

    The method of making road markings and performing automatic control of road traffic

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    Currently, the problem of energy independence is one of the most urgent. Consequently, there is a significant need for alternative sources of power. Along with this, throughout the history of human development, the issues of roads and their quality have been very topical and relevant. It is especially true for Ukraine. With the development of science and technology, these issues are expanded by functionality of roads, their safety both for drivers and for other road users and the ability to perform several functions simultaneously, for example, to provide transport traffic and generate electricity. Goal. The goal is development of the method of road marking and automatic control of the road traffic using multifunctional road panels. Methodology. The analytical methods of research on the development and application of methods and devices for transforming the energy of the sun into electricity were used. Methods of mathematical modulation were used when considering the principle of multi-functional road panels, combined in one system. Results. The functional features of multi-functional road panels of pavement are revealed and their scheme on the roadway is presented. The principle of operation of the road as a unified system of multifunctional road surface panels has been researched. The scheme of implementation of road marking and automatic control of road traffic is presented. Originality. It is suggested to use special plates – multifunctional road panels – instead of the top layer of the road cover. Such an upper layer of road clothing will allow the road, as an integral complex system, to perform several functions simultaneously: to be a part of the road for motor transport, to generate electricity and to draw a road marking independently, and if necessary – to change it. Practical value. The use of the proposed method of road markings and automatic control of road traffic will make possible quality performance and rapid change of road markings at any time of the year and day, depending on the current natural and traffic conditions. Also, the proposed road pavement will generate electricity as an alternative renewable source of energy

    Визначення оптимальних параметрів навантаження для ефективної роботи кремнієвих сонячних батарей

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    Problem. Currently, the most commonly used method is the so-called direct method of converting solar radiation into electric current using a variety of solar batteries (SB). The most widely used in the application were silicon SB. Consequently, the question arises as to which optimal parameters should have an electrical load in order to ensure the efficient operation of SB. Goal. Determination of the optimal active load parameter for monocrystalline and polycrystalline SB, which meets the criterion for transmitting maximum power to load. Methodology. The analytical methods of research on the development and application of methods and devices for transforming the energy of the sun into electricity were used. Experimental methods of research and mathematical methods of processing experimental research were used. Results. The analysis of existing types of silicon SB is carried out, their classification is presented. The determination of the optimal active load parameter for monocrystalline and polycrystalline SB is carried out, which corresponds to the criterion of transfer of maximum power to load. The results of experimental studies are presented as volt-ampere characteristics and the dependence of the power of SB on the load current. An analysis of the results of experimental studies showed that for the most efficient operation of the SB, its active load should be maintained in the range from 3 ohms to 3,5 ohms. Originality. The method for determining the optimal electrical load parameters for silicon monocrystal and polycrystalline SB has been improved. The method of correlation of electric loading of SB to their own active resistance is presented. Practical value. The obtained results allow us to determine the optimal electrical load parameters for silicon monocrystalline and polycrystalline SB. If the types of SB in question are compiled into systems with a corresponding serial-parallel connection, then it is necessary to determine the internal resistance of such a system. Applying this principle, you can determine the optimal load parameters for any silicon solar system.Определены оптимальные параметры активной нагрузки для монокристаллических и поликристаллических солнечных батарей (СБ), соответствующие критерию передачи максимальной мощности в нагрузку. Раскрыта и проанализирована классификация СБ. Результаты экспериментальных исследований представлены в виде вольт-амперных характеристик и зависимости мощности СБ от тока нагрузки. Визначено оптимальні параметри активного навантаження для монокристалічних та полікристалічних сонячних батарей (СБ), що відповідають критерію передачі максимальної потужності в навантаження. Розкрито та проаналізовано класифікацію СБ. Результати експериментальних досліджень подано у вигляді вольт-амперних характеристик та залежності потужності СБ від струму навантаження.


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    In the paper the properties of piezoelectric substances are studied and the possibilities of their application as a source of electric energy are analyzed. The characteristics of piezoelectric substances properties are considered and the main analytical connections during their calculation are given. The piezoceramic elements as energy converters with reference to the basic schemes of their application are investigated. The schemes of constructing piezogenerators for the systems and devices of electric power generation are presented


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    Currently, new educational reforms are intensively being implemented in Ukraine. This is achieved, including, by the development and implementation of new innovative joint training programs. Goal. To improve higher education in accordance with the changing needs of economic and social spheres in the road transport sector due to the growth of innovative energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies. To increase the competitiveness of graduates in employment and the productive cooperation between the universities. To reduce energy consumption and to replace traditional sources by «green» forms of energy in the transport sector as well. Methodology. The analysis of existing joint educational programs for masters was conducted. There was accomplished the analysis and monitoring of the labor market with the determination of its urgent and future needs, taking into account the development of modern electric transport. Results. The project for implementation of the new innovative master’s program in the specialty «Energy-saving technologies in transport» (ESTeT) has been developed. We have proposed the structure of a new specialty. The work packages that address specific tasks in the overall system of the ESTeT project implementation have been briefly described. The division of the new master's specialty into its constituting structural elements has been carried out. Originality. We proposed the new innovative educational joint program for masters ESTeT. Practical value. The implementation of new innovative joint specialties in the field of higher education in Ukraine provides an opportunity to increase the level of Ukrainian higher education itself. This will allow students to acquire the appropriate competencies in the field of study and expand their applications. Also, obtaining two diplomas (Ukrainian and European) by students will significantly expand their employment opportunities.На цей час в Україні активно впроваджуються нові освітні реформи. Це досягається, зокрема, шляхом розробки та впровадження нових інноваційних спільних навчальних програм. До того ж, через зростання інноваційних енергоефективних та енергозберігаючих технологій важливо поліпшувати вищу освіту відповідно до змін у потребах економіки та соціальної сфери у секторі автомобільного транспорту, підвищувати конкурентоспроможність випускників у сфері зайнятості, впроваджувати продуктивну співпрацю між університетами. До того ж, енергетичні й екологічні проблеми в Україні змушують знижувати споживання енергії та заміняти традиційні джерела на «зелені» види енергії в усіх сферах життя і діяльності держави, зокрема і в транспортному секторі, що сприяє приєднанню навчального процесу до вирішення цих проблем. Проведено аналіз існуючих спільних освітніх програм для магістрів. Проведено аналіз та моніторинг ринку праці з визначенням його поточніх та майбутніх потреб, з урахуванням розвитку сучасного електричного транспорту. Розроблено проект впровадження нової інноваційної магістерської програми зі спеціальності «Енергозберігаючі технології на транспорті». Запропоновано структуру нової спеціальності. Коротко описані робочі пакети, що стосуються конкретних завдань у загальній системі реалізації проекту «Енергозберігаючі технології на транспорті». Проведено поділ нової спеціальності магістрів на структурні елементи. Реалізація нових інноваційних спільних спеціальностей у сфері вищої освіти в Україні дає можливість підвищити рівень самої вищої освіти України. Це дозволить студентам набути відповідних компетенцій у галузі навчання та розширити їх застосування. Крім того, отримання студентами двох дипломів (українського та європейськиого) значно розширить можливості для працевлаштування


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    The results of the experimental researches of the basic parameter – the inductance of the tools as inductors for magnetic pulse methods of the body repair of vehicles has been carried out. The photos of the studied inductor systems and the measured oscillograms have been presented. The treatment of the oscillograms with definition of the inductance of the studied inductor system is carried out


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    Construction features of monitoring and control system of magnetic pulse installation at work in unipolar mode were detected. Installation control system algorithm at work in multiple repeating mode of discharge pulses is proposed. Description of monitoring and control system structure schemes and their purposes have been conducted