148 research outputs found

    Future CMB tests of dark matter: ultra-light axions and massive neutrinos

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    Measurements of cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies provide strong evidence for the existence of dark matter and dark energy. They can also test its composition, probing the energy density and particle mass of different dark-matter and dark-energy components. CMB data have already shown that ultra-light axions (ULAs) with mass in the range 10−32 eV→10−26 eV10^{-32}~{\rm eV} \to 10^{-26}~{\rm eV} compose a fraction <0.01< 0.01 of the cosmological critical density. Here, the sensitivity of a proposed CMB-Stage IV (CMB-S4) experiment (assuming a 1 arcmin beam and <1 μK−arcmin< 1~\mu K{\rm-arcmin} noise levels over a sky fraction of 0.4) to the density of ULAs and other dark-sector components is assessed. CMB-S4 data should be ∼10\sim 10 times more sensitive to the ULA energy-density than Planck data alone, across a wide range of ULA masses 10−32<ma<10−23 eV10^{-32}< m_{a}< 10^{-23}~{\rm eV}, and will probe axion decay constants of fa≈1016 GeVf_{a}\approx 10^{16}~{\rm GeV}, at the grand unified scale. CMB-S4 could improve the CMB lower bound on the ULA mass from ∼10−25 eV\sim 10^{-25}~{\rm eV} to 10−23 eV10^{-23}~{\rm eV}, nearing the mass range probed by dwarf galaxy abundances and dark-matter halo density profiles. These improvements will allow for a multi-σ\sigma detection of percent-level departures from CDM over a wide range of masses. Much of this improvement is driven by the effects of weak gravitational lensing on the CMB, which breaks degeneracies between ULAs and neutrinos. We also find that the addition of ULA parameters does not significantly degrade the sensitivity of the CMB to neutrino masses. These results were obtained using the axionCAMB code (a modification to the CAMB Boltzmann code), presented here for public use.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. The axionCAMB code will be available online at http://github.com/dgrin1/axionCAMB from 1 August 201

    Cosmological simulations of mixed ultralight dark matter

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    The era of precision cosmology allows us to test the composition of the dark matter. Mixed ultralight or fuzzy dark matter (FDM) is a cosmological model with dark matter composed of a combination of particles of mass m≤10−20  eVm\leq 10^{-20}\;\mathrm{eV}, with an astrophysical de Broglie wavelength, and particles with a negligible wavelength sharing the properties of cold dark matter (CDM). In this work, we simulate cosmological volumes with a dark matter wave function for the ultralight component coupled gravitationally to CDM particles. We investigate the impact of a mixture of CDM and FDM in various proportions (0%,  1%,  10%,  50%,  100%)(0\%,\;1\%,\;10\%,\;50\%,\;100\%) and for ultralight particle masses ranging over five orders of magnitude (2.5×10−25  eV−2.5×10−21  eV)(2.5\times 10^{-25}\;\mathrm{eV}-2.5\times 10^{-21}\;\mathrm{eV}). To track the evolution of density perturbations in the non-linear regime, we adapt the simulation code AxioNyx to solve the CDM dynamics coupled to a FDM wave function obeying the Schr\"odinger-Poisson equations. We obtain the non-linear power spectrum and study the impact of the wave effects on the growth of structure on different scales. We confirm that the steady-state solution of the Schr\"odinger-Poisson system holds at the center of halos in the presence of a CDM component when it composes 50%50\% or less of the dark matter but find no stable density core when the FDM accounts for 10%10\% or less of the dark matter. We implement a modified friends-of-friends halo finder and find good agreement between the observed halo abundance and the predictions from the adapted halo model axionHMCode.Comment: Added reference

    Single-object Imaging and Spectroscopy to Enhance Dark Energy Science from LSST

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    Single-object imaging and spectroscopy on telescopes with apertures ranging from ~4 m to 40 m have the potential to greatly enhance the cosmological constraints that can be obtained from LSST. Two major cosmological probes will benefit greatly from LSST follow-up: accurate spectrophotometry for nearby and distant Type Ia supernovae will expand the cosmological distance lever arm by unlocking the constraining power of high-z supernovae; and cosmology with time delays of strongly-lensed supernovae and quasars will require additional high-cadence imaging to supplement LSST, adaptive optics imaging or spectroscopy for accurate lens and source positions, and IFU or slit spectroscopy to measure detailed properties of lens systems. We highlight the scientific impact of these two science drivers, and discuss how additional resources will benefit them. For both science cases, LSST will deliver a large sample of objects over both the wide and deep fields in the LSST survey, but additional data to characterize both individual systems and overall systematics will be key to ensuring robust cosmological inference to high redshifts. Community access to large amounts of natural-seeing imaging on ~2-4 m telescopes, adaptive optics imaging and spectroscopy on 8-40 m telescopes, and high-throughput single-target spectroscopy on 4-40 m telescopes will be necessary for LSST time domain cosmology to reach its full potential. In two companion white papers we present the additional gains for LSST cosmology that will come from deep and from wide-field multi-object spectroscopy.Comment: Submitted to the call for Astro2020 science white paper

    Wide-field Multi-object Spectroscopy to Enhance Dark Energy Science from LSST

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    LSST will open new vistas for cosmology in the next decade, but it cannot reach its full potential without data from other telescopes. Cosmological constraints can be greatly enhanced using wide-field (>20>20 deg2^2 total survey area), highly-multiplexed optical and near-infrared multi-object spectroscopy (MOS) on 4-15m telescopes. This could come in the form of suitably-designed large surveys and/or community access to add new targets to existing projects. First, photometric redshifts can be calibrated with high precision using cross-correlations of photometric samples against spectroscopic samples at 0<z<30 < z < 3 that span thousands of sq. deg. Cross-correlations of faint LSST objects and lensing maps with these spectroscopic samples can also improve weak lensing cosmology by constraining intrinsic alignment systematics, and will also provide new tests of modified gravity theories. Large samples of LSST strong lens systems and supernovae can be studied most efficiently by piggybacking on spectroscopic surveys covering as much of the LSST extragalactic footprint as possible (up to ∼20,000\sim20,000 square degrees). Finally, redshifts can be measured efficiently for a high fraction of the supernovae in the LSST Deep Drilling Fields (DDFs) by targeting their hosts with wide-field spectrographs. Targeting distant galaxies, supernovae, and strong lens systems over wide areas in extended surveys with (e.g.) DESI or MSE in the northern portion of the LSST footprint or 4MOST in the south could realize many of these gains; DESI, 4MOST, Subaru/PFS, or MSE would all be well-suited for DDF surveys. The most efficient solution would be a new wide-field, highly-multiplexed spectroscopic instrument in the southern hemisphere with >6>6m aperture. In two companion white papers we present gains from deep, small-area MOS and from single-target imaging and spectroscopy.Comment: Submitted to the call for Astro2020 science white papers; tables with estimates of telescope time needed for a supernova host survey can be seen at http://d-scholarship.pitt.edu/id/eprint/3604

    Ultra-light axions and the S8S_8 tension: joint constraints from the cosmic microwave background and galaxy clustering

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    We search for ultra-light axions as dark matter (DM) and dark energy particle candidates, for axion masses 10−32 eV≤ma≤10−24 eV10^{-32}\,\mathrm{eV} \leq m_\mathrm{a} \leq 10^{-24}\,\mathrm{eV}, by a joint analysis of cosmic microwave background (CMB) and galaxy clustering data -- and consider if axions can resolve the tension in inferred values of the matter clustering parameter S8S_8. We give legacy constraints from Planck 2018 CMB data, improving 2015 limits on the axion density Ωah2\Omega_\mathrm{a} h^2 by up to a factor of three; CMB data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and the South Pole Telescope marginally weaken Planck bounds at ma=10−25 eVm_\mathrm{a} = 10^{-25}\,\mathrm{eV}, owing to lower (and theoretically-consistent) gravitational lensing signals. We jointly infer, from Planck CMB and full-shape galaxy power spectrum and bispectrum data from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), that axions are, today, <10%< 10\% of the DM for ma≤10−26 eVm_\mathrm{a} \leq 10^{-26}\,\mathrm{eV} and <1%< 1\% for 10−30 eV≤ma≤10−28 eV10^{-30}\,\mathrm{eV} \leq m_\mathrm{a} \leq 10^{-28}\,\mathrm{eV}. BOSS data strengthen limits, in particular at higher mam_\mathrm{a} by probing high-wavenumber modes (k<0.4h Mpc−1k < 0.4 h\,\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}). BOSS alone finds a preference for axions at 2.7σ2.7 \sigma, for ma=10−26 eVm_\mathrm{a} = 10^{-26}\,\mathrm{eV}, but Planck disfavours this result. Nonetheless, axions in a window 10−28 eV≤ma≤10−25 eV10^{-28}\,\mathrm{eV} \leq m_\mathrm{a} \leq 10^{-25}\,\mathrm{eV} can improve consistency between CMB and galaxy clustering data, e.g., reducing the S8S_8 discrepancy from 2.7σ2.7 \sigma to 1.6σ1.6 \sigma, since these axions suppress structure growth at the 8h−1 Mpc8 h^{-1}\,\mathrm{Mpc} scales to which S8S_8 is sensitive. We expect improved constraints with upcoming high-resolution CMB and galaxy lensing and future galaxy clustering data, where we will further assess if axions can restore cosmic concordance.Comment: 52 pages, 22 figure

    Precision Epoch of Reionization studies with next-generation CMB experiments

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    Future arcminute resolution polarization data from ground-based Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations can be used to estimate the contribution to the temperature power spectrum from the primary anisotropies and to uncover the signature of reionization near ℓ=1500\ell=1500 in the small angular-scale temperature measurements. Our projections are based on combining expected small-scale E-mode polarization measurements from Advanced ACTPol in the range 300<ℓ<3000300<\ell<3000 with simulated temperature data from the full Planck mission in the low and intermediate ℓ\ell region, 2<ℓ<20002<\ell<2000. We show that the six basic cosmological parameters determined from this combination of data will predict the underlying primordial temperature spectrum at high multipoles to better than 1%1\% accuracy. Assuming an efficient cleaning from multi-frequency channels of most foregrounds in the temperature data, we investigate the sensitivity to the only residual secondary component, the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) term. The CMB polarization is used to break degeneracies between primordial and secondary terms present in temperature and, in effect, to remove from the temperature data all but the residual kSZ term. We estimate a 15σ15 \sigma detection of the diffuse homogeneous kSZ signal from expected AdvACT temperature data at ℓ>1500\ell>1500, leading to a measurement of the amplitude of matter density fluctuations, σ8\sigma_8, at 1%1\% precision. Alternatively, by exploring the reionization signal encoded in the patchy kSZ measurements, we bound the time and duration of the reionization with σ(zre)=1.1\sigma(z_{\rm re})=1.1 and σ(Δzre)=0.2\sigma(\Delta z_{\rm re})=0.2. We find that these constraints degrade rapidly with large beam sizes, which highlights the importance of arcminute-scale resolution for future CMB surveys.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Deep Multi-object Spectroscopy to Enhance Dark Energy Science from LSST

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    Community access to deep (i ~ 25), highly-multiplexed optical and near-infrared multi-object spectroscopy (MOS) on 8-40m telescopes would greatly improve measurements of cosmological parameters from LSST. The largest gain would come from improvements to LSST photometric redshifts, which are employed directly or indirectly for every major LSST cosmological probe; deep spectroscopic datasets will enable reduced uncertainties in the redshifts of individual objects via optimized training. Such spectroscopy will also determine the relationship of galaxy SEDs to their environments, key observables for studies of galaxy evolution. The resulting data will also constrain the impact of blending on photo-z's. Focused spectroscopic campaigns can also improve weak lensing cosmology by constraining the intrinsic alignments between the orientations of galaxies. Galaxy cluster studies can be enhanced by measuring motions of galaxies in and around clusters and by testing photo-z performance in regions of high density. Photometric redshift and intrinsic alignment studies are best-suited to instruments on large-aperture telescopes with wider fields of view (e.g., Subaru/PFS, MSE, or GMT/MANIFEST) but cluster investigations can be pursued with smaller-field instruments (e.g., Gemini/GMOS, Keck/DEIMOS, or TMT/WFOS), so deep MOS work can be distributed amongst a variety of telescopes. However, community access to large amounts of nights for surveys will still be needed to accomplish this work. In two companion white papers we present gains from shallower, wide-area MOS and from single-target imaging and spectroscopy.Comment: Science white paper submitted to the Astro2020 decadal survey. A table of time requirements is available at http://d-scholarship.pitt.edu/36036
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