5 research outputs found

    Comparison of modern and traditional methods of soilsorption complex measurement : the basis of long -term studies and modelling

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    This paper presents the correlations between two different analytical methods of assessing soil nutrient contents. Soil nutrient content measurements measured using the flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS ) method, which uses barium chloride extraction, were compared with those of the now-unused Gedroiz method, which uses ammonium chloride extraction (calcium by titration, magnesium, potassium and sodium by weighing). Natural forest soils from the Ukrainian Carpathians at the localities of Javorník and Pop Ivan were used. Despite the risk of analysis errors during the complicated analytical procedure, the results showed a high level of correlation between different nutrient content measurements across the whole soil profile. This allows concentration values given in different studies to be linearly recalculated on results of modern method. In this way, results can be used to study soil’s chemical changes over time from the soil samples that were analysed in the past using labour-intensive and time-consuming methods with a higher risk of analytic error

    Гриби і грибоподібні організми Ківерцівського національного природного парку “Цуманська пуща”

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    As a result of mycological surveys of the territory of Kivertsi National Nature Park “Tsumanska Pushcha” during 2004–2021, 203 species of fungi and fungus-like organisms were detected and registered. A comparative analysis of the species composition of the mycoflora of the park was carried out. The most diversified and rich was the phylum Basidiomycota, which comprises 172 species, belonging to 48 genera of 49 families, ten orders of the class Agaricomycetes. Many rare macromycetes that are rare or relatively rare for Ukraine (i.e., Cortinarius bolaris, Craterellus cornucopioides, Entoloma bloxamii, Fistulina hepatica, and Gyroporus castaneus) and listed in the Red Book of Ukraine (Grifola frondosa, Phaeolepiota aurea, Pseudoboletus parasiticus, and Sparassis crispa) have been discovered. For two species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine (Grifola frondosa and Pseudoboletus parasiticus), new localities have been discovered. As of today, the conducted studies expand information about the mycoflora of the Kivertsi National Nature Park “Tsumanska Pushcha”. However, the mycoflora of the park still requires further, more detailed research and inventory.У результаті мікологічних обстежень території Ківерцівського національного природного парку “Цуманська пуща” впродовж 2004–2021 років виявлено та зареєстровано 203 види грибів і грибоподібних організмів. Проведено порівняльний аналіз видового складу мікофлори парку. Найбільш таксономічно різноманітним та багатим виявився відділ Basidiomycota, який налічує 172 види, що належать до 48 родів із 49 родин, десяти порядків з класу Agaricomycetes. Виявлено низку раритетних макроміцетів, які є рідкісними чи відносно рідкісними в Україні (Cortinarius bolaris, Craterellus cornucopioides, Entoloma bloxamii, Fistulina hepatica і Gyroporus castaneus) та занесені до Червоної книги України (Grifola frondosa, Phaeolepiota aurea, Pseudoboletus parasiticus і Sparassis crispa). Для двох видів, які занесені до Червоної книги України (Grifola frondosa та Pseudoboletus parasiticus) встановлено нові локалітети. Станом на сьогодні проведені дослідження розширюють відомості про мікофлору національного природного парку “Цуманська пуща”. Однак мікофлора парку все ще потребує подальших детальніших досліджень та інвентаризації

    Drivers of wood‐inhabiting fungal diversity in European and Oriental beech forests

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    Abstract The hyperdiverse wood‐inhabiting fungi play a crucial role in the global carbon cycle, but often are threatened by deadwood removal, particularly in temperate forests dominated by European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis). To study the impact of abiotic drivers, deadwood factors, forest management and biogeographical patterns in forests of both beech species on fungal composition and diversity, we collected 215 deadwood‐drilling samples in 18 forests from France to Armenia and identified fungi by meta‐barcoding. In our analyses, we distinguished the patterns driven by rare, common, and dominant species using Hill numbers. Despite a broad overlap in species, the fungal composition with focus on rare species was determined by Fagus species, deadwood type, deadwood diameter, precipitation, temperature, and management status in decreasing order. Shifting the focus on common and dominant species, only Fagus species, both climate variables and deadwood type remained. The richness of species within the deadwood objects increased significantly only with decay stage. Gamma diversity in European beech forests was higher than in Oriental beech forests. We revealed the highest gamma diversity for old‐growth forests of European beech when focusing on dominant species. Our results implicate that deadwood retention efforts, focusing on dominant fungi species, critical for the decay process, should be distributed across precipitation and temperature gradients and both Fagus species. Strategies focusing on rare species should additionally focus on different diameters and on the conservation of old‐growth forests

    Drivers of tree-related microhabitat profiles in European and Oriental beech forests

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    Tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) provide a quantitative indicator of habitat heterogeneity in forests, including beech (Fagus) forests. However, systematic analyses of the factors driving TreM diversity and composition in Fagus sylvatica and F. orientalis forests are lacking. In this study, the TreMs of beech forests on 203 plots of 22 forest sites (production and old-growth forest) across the full longitudinal range of both species were assessed following a standardized TreM protocol. A unified diversity and ordination framework based on Hill numbers was applied to account for unobserved TreM types and to extend the sensitivity of our findings focusing from rare to dominant TreMs. The composition of TreM assemblages was mostly determined by Fagus species and elevation, a surrogate for climate, and with focus on dominant TreMs by DBH, whereas old-growth versus production forest had no effect. The coverage of detected TreMs per plot increased with the number of trees assessed and DBH, but was lower in old-growth than in production forests. When standardized for sampling * Corresponding author at: Field Station Fabrikschleichach, 2 coverage, the diversity of rare and dominant TreM types was higher in old-growth than in production forests, but increased with elevation only focusing on dominant TreMs. These findings corroborate regional studies showing a higher TreM diversity in old-growth forests. Moreover, they demonstrate the importance of focusing conservation efforts on forests of both Fagus species and at different elevations, covering the full range of TreM assemblages. Future studies comparing TreM diversity in different forests should standardize diversity by sample coverage, as currently done in many biodiversity studies