11 research outputs found

    Classification of confectionary sunflower genotypes based on morphological characters

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    Knowledge of genetic diversity of confectionary sunflower can have a large impact on its use in breeding programmes. However, levels and distribution of genetic variation within the confectionary sunflower gene pool are still not adequately explored. The aim of the present paper was to describe the diversity of 68 confectionary sunflower genotypes: open-pollinated varieties, lines and hybrids. A total of 32 morphological traits were used for characterization. The Shannon & Weaver diversity index (H) was estimated as a measure of morphological diversity. The mean value of the Shannon index was 0.71, which indicates a high morphological diversity. The lowest diversity was found for leaf descriptors, moderately high to high for seed traits, while the highest values were found for disc flowers and ray florets. The highest individual descriptor diversity was found for: head attitude, the angle of leaf lateral nerves and ray floret disposition. The homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) multivariate reduction technique for nominal categorical data proved to be an efficient method for a comprehensive overview of genotype diversity and group homogeneity. Besides diversity, the number of categories and uniformity of genotype distribution determines discriminative power of descriptors. Traits that contributed the most to the distinction of genotypes were identified, enabling differentiation of genotypes with similar phenotypic attributes. The highest discriminative power was observed in traits such as anthocyanin colouration of stigma (DFIA), seed colour of stripes and seed main colour. The genotypes tested formed two distinctive major groups of varieties and hybrids with inbred lines widely dispersed along both axes. A separate grouping was obtained per the most discriminative traits based on HOMALS analysis, while the best separation was obtained using DFIA. Isolated genotypes that may not be representative by yield or seed-specific traits can be useful sources of traits for breeding. Morphological characterization can be used to improve description and classification of confectionary sunflower germplasm when evaluating diversity

    Uporedno ispitivanje iskorišćenja hladno presovanog ulja semena uljanih i konzumnih hibrida suncokreta

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    Suncokret predstavlja jednu od pet najznačajnijih uljarica na svetu. U Srbiji suncokret predstavlja najčešće korišćenu sirovinu za dobijanje ulja. Godinama je rađeno na oplemenjivanju suncokreta u pravcu povećanja prinosa ulja, te su stvarani hibridi suncokreta sa i preko 50% ulja u semenu

    Tocopherol composition in cold-pressed oil of Serbian confectionary sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids

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    Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an important oilseeds crop among the four major oilseeds crop cultivated in the world viz., soybean, brassica, sunflower and groundnut. Two types of sunflower are grown viz., gil seed purpose and non- oil seed sunflower for commercial market. Non-oilseed sunflower is known as confectionery sunflower and their seed generally is larger than that of the oilseed types and has a lower oil percentage with high protein and sugar content. Vegetable oils are significant sources of antioxidants in human nutrition. Natural antioxidants present in oils have obtained substantial attention because of their health and nutritional effects. Plants produce of antioxidant compounds such as tocopherols and tocotrienols to prevent oxidation of the susceptible substrate. Antioxidant properties the tocopherols content of oils can give human health benefits like modulating cancer, cardiovascular diseases and a protective effect by lowering LDL cholesterol by inhibiting cholesterol biosynthesis. Over the last few years, increased interest for natural antioxidant in cold-pressed plant oils has been observed since they have better nutritive properties in comparation to refined ones. The aim of this study was to investigate tocopherols composition (a-, B-, y- tocopherols) in selected 10 cold-pressed sunflower oils obtained from confectionary sunflower hybrids cultivated in Serbia (2017 harvest). Quantification of tocopherols was carried out using high performance liquid chromatographyon a column Nucleosil 100-5 NHz with fluorescence detection (Acx=280 nm, hem=340 nm). The mobile phase was n-hexane/ethyl acetate (70/30, v/v) with a flow rate of 1 ml/min. Total tocopherols content in cold-pressed sunflower oils ranged from 413.13 mg/kg in NS-H-6791 hybrid to 720.99 mg/kg in NS-H-6488 hybrid. Major vitamers for those tested hybrids was a- tocopherol. The results have shown that there were significant differences in tocopherols composition and content among the hybrids, indicating the great genetic potential for improvement

    Optimizacija postupka ekstrakcije polifenola iz pogače konzumnog suncokreta

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    Seme suncokreta se odavnina koristi u Ijudskoj ishrani i u danaSnje vreme predstavlja jednu od najvise gajenih uljanih kultura u svetu. Razlikuju se dva tipa suncokreta koji se gaje, uljani tip | konzumni tip. Uljani tip suncokreta se proizvodi za dobijanje jestivog biljnog ulja, dok se konzumni suncokret odlikuje manjim sadrzajem ulja i visokim sadrzajem proteina i drugih bioloski aktivnih jedinjenja, i koristi se preteZno za lIjudsku ishranu usled visoke hranljive vrednosti. U poslednje vreme, mogucnost proizvodnje ulja od konzumnog suncokreta je predmet interesovanja kako u nauénim krugovima, tako i u krugovima proizvodaga i preradivaéa. Ulja iz konzumnog suncokreta dobijaju se cedenjem, tj. primenom mehanickih presa i delovanjem sile na seme. Nerafinisano, hladno cedeno ulje poseduje karakteristi€na senzorna svojstva i sadrzi ocuvane bioaktivne komponente koje poti€u iz semena suncokreta. Usled odsustva rafinacije, ova ulja su specificna po svom izgledu, boji, mirisu i ukusu, hemijskom sastavu, nutritivnoj vrednosti i odrzivosti. Nakon mehanickog izdvajanja ulja presovanjem semena zaostaje pogaca koja prakti¢no predstavija otpad iz prehrambene industrije i najéeée se koristi za ishranu Zivotinja. Pored visokog sadrzaja proteina, pogaca sadrizi znaéajne koliéine biologki aktivnih jedinjenja, te moze predstavijati polaznu sirovinu za dobijanje ekstrakata koji sadrze visoko vredna jedinjenja i koji bi dalje mogli da se koriste za obogacivanje prehrambenih proizvoda ili kao dodaci u farmaceutskim proizvodima. Polifenoli, pored ostalih vaznih jedinjenja, predstavijaju veoma znacajnu grupu supstanci koje se nalaze u konzumnom suncokretu. Unosenje ove vrste jedinjenja hranom ima visestruke efekte na |judsko zdravije, prvenstveno povezanih sa njihovom izrazenom antioksidativnom aktivnoscu i sposobnosti eliminacije slobodnih radikala. Konzumacija hrane bogate antioksidantima smanjuje inflamaciju i nivo oksidativnog stresa kod €oveka.?? Takode oni pozitivno uti€u na celokupan kardiovaskularni sistem i proces starenja. Istrazivanja su potvrdila pozitivnu ulogu polifenolnih jedinjenja u prevenciji razvoja raka, kardiovaskularnih bolesti, dijabetesa, osteoporoze i neurodegenerativnih bolesti.? $ obzirom na pozitivno dejstvo na zdravije ljudi, otuda i veliko interesovanje za proucavanje ovih prirodnih jedinjenja, kao i ispitivanje njihovih novih potencijalnih izvora unosa. Za ekstrakciju polifenola iz razlicitih biljnih materijala mogu se koristiti razli¢ite tehnike ekstrakcije. Uobiéajeni postupci ekstrakcije su nedovoljno efikasni i ne omogucavaju visoko iskoriscenje biljnog materijala, zahtevaju upotrebu zna¢ajno vecih kolicina organiskih rastvaraca, uz istovremeni veliki utroSak energije usled dugotrajnih procesa ekstrakcije, neophodnosti zagrevanje i mesanja. U poslednje vreme se mnogo cesce koriste moderne tehnike kao Sto su mikrotalasna i ultrazvuéna ekstrakcija koje se ubrajaju u metode ,,zelene ekstrakcije“ i imaju za cilj zastitu Zivotne sredine i opsteg zdravlja Ijudi. Generalno, koncept zelenih tehnika podrazumeva smanjenje ili eliminaciju primene toksi¢nih rastvaraca za ekstrakciju uz istovremeno povecanje iskoriscenja procesa kroz manji utrosak energije, manje generisanje otpada, kra¢e vreme trajanja procesa i manje angazovanje operatera

    Sunflower seed cake as a potential bioresource for isolation of flavonoids

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    Sunflower seed cake is remaining after isolation of oil from sunflower seeds and practically represents a waste from production of cold pressed sunflower oils. This waste product is consider as a viable potential source of various natural compounds and can be exploited for the production of new products and isolation of valuable substances such as biologically active compounds and nutraceuticals. In addition, isolation of biologically active substances from food waste represents the way for recycling and may be economically attractive as well. Flavonoids represent a group of polyphenol compounds with a high antioxidant power. These phytochemicals are known to reduce many chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, heart diseases, diabetes, obesity and certain cancer [1]. In this work we investigated the flavonoids content in seven sunflower seed cakes coming from cold pressed oil production. Flavonoids are extracted by using 80% ethanol and ultrasound-assisted extraction at 30°C for 10 minutes. Total flavonoid content is determined by a colorimetric method [2]. The results showed that sunflower seed cakes contained significant amounts of total flavonoids. The total flavonoids content is found to be in the range from 12.3 to 24.6 mg of catechin equivalent/g. The results proved that sunflower seed cakes obtained from cold pressed oil production represent valuable by-product and can be used as a raw material for isolation of bioactive flavonoids which could be further applied for development of various functional foods

    Modelling root water uptake under deficit irrigation and rewetting in Northwest China

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    The spatial and temporal distribution of root water uptake (RWU) under deficit irrigation are critical factors for crop growth. The SWAP (soil–water–atmosphere–plant) model was applied to analyze the pattern of RWU for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under three irrigation levels: no water deficit (100% evapotranspiration [ET]), moderate water deficit (80% ET) and severe water deficit (60% ET). The 2–yr experiments indicated that SWAP was highly accurate (mean relative error [MRE] 3 cm−3) in simulating the soil water content (SWC). Root water uptake was significantly (P 3 cm−3 d−1. The critical SWC was 67.9% of the field capacity, when the RWU dropped to 95% of the control treatment. After rewetting, compensation and hysteresis effects on RWU were observed. The ranking of RWU recovery ability after rewetting was: emergence to jointing > jointing to heading > grain filling to maturity > heading to grain filling. Recovery time of RWU was 2 to 11 d and gradually increased with growth stage. The simplified RWU model established using path analysis and regression performed well (R2 = 0.836; P < 0.01) for RWU. This provided a more convenient way to accurately estimate RWU with fewer variables.</p