7 research outputs found

    Reasoning for obligatory preclinical diagnostics of feline chronic kidney disease

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    Diseases of the urinary system of various etiologies are common in all species of animals and over time, they can lead to the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) as the progressive process in which renal function gradually decreases over several years. In modern veterinary medicine, there is a problem of a steeply increase in cases of chronic kidney disease in cats. Pathology occurs most often in aged animals, but recent studies have registered cases of chronic renal dysfunction in young ones as well. In chronic kidney disease the kidneys do not work well for a long time, causing a number of changes in the body. Unfortunately, early symptoms are often missed by pet owners and the disease is not noticed for a long time. In most cases, the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease is established only when effective treatment is no longer possible or ineffective and treatment is able to maintain the homeostasis of the body only to a certain extent and for a short time. Undoubtedly, this approach to the diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease requires changes. In view of the fact that the duration of the preclinical stage of CKD can reach several years, the goals of our study were to show the benefits of early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in cats and the introduction of a new concept of systematic body screening of clinically healthy animals and animals at risk. Also, the goals were to delay the moment of the kidneys compensatory reserve exhaustion and onset of clinical symptoms, which require constant symptomatic and replacement therapy. Reducing the percentage of early mortality of patients and the maximum possible increase in the duration of the preclinical stage of renal pathology were also aimed at. Efforts were also aimed at reducing the percentage of early mortality of patients and the maximum possible increase in the duration of the preclinical stage of renal pathology. Since nephroprotective therapy at the preclinical stage is highly effective in most clinical cases and allows to significantly slow down the progression of any chronic nephropathy, including CKD, there is a need for the formation of innovative diagnostic approaches at the early stages of the disease. It is proposed to conduct a cumulative assessment of the anamnesis in animals from risk groups, monitoring the level of creatinine in the blood serum, complete clinical analysis of urine, ultrasound examination of the kidneys, measurement of protein concentration, since these indicators have not only prognostic value and determine the tactics of treatment, but are also important factors pathogenesis of CKD. Since each parameter will not provide a complete state of the disease, since none of them is 100 % specific, an integrated approach to the early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease is needed for. It is necessary to take into account all the methods listed above, as well as monitoring the condition of the body of animals that have contracted any viral or bacterial infection, or have acute kidney damage, diabetes, hypertension, or metabolic disorders

    On the problem of syncopal conditions in the neurological practice

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    Вступ: Синкопальні стани на сьогоднішній день залишаються міждисциплінарною проблемою. Найбільш часто непритомність є наслідком органічного чи функціонального ураження центральної нервової системи, серцево-судинної системи, ендокринної системи. Мета: Вивчення наукової літератури з проблеми синкопальних станів в неврологічній практиці. Матеріали та методи: Обговорення теми синкопальних станів проведено на основі 43 джерел з даного питання, використовуючи метод контент-аналізу, порівняльний та контрастний, аналітичний та бібліосемантичний методи. Висновки: Серед різних видів пароксизмальних станів, які зустрічаються в неврологічній практиці, синкопальні стани займають за частотою поширеності одне з перших місць. У статті представлений аналіз літературних джерел щодо проблеми синкопальних станів. Показано, що патологія нервової системи не завжди є першопричиною розвитку обмороків. Часто вони розвиваються на тлі соматичної патології. Знання причин розвитку цих станів допомагає правильно встановити діагноз і призначити патогенетично обгрунтоване лікування ; Вступ: Синкопальные состояния на сегодняшний день остаються междисциплинарной проблемой. Наиболее часто обморок является следствием органического или фукнционального поражения центральной нервной системы, сердечно-сосудистой системы, эндокринной системы. Цель: Изучение научной литературы с проблемы синкопальных состояний в неврологической практике. Материалы и методы: Обсуждение темы синкопальных состояний проведено на основании 43 источников с данного вопроса, используя метод контент-анализа, сравнительный и контрастный, аналитический и библиосемантический методы. Выводы: Среди различных видов пароксизмальных состояний, которые встречаются в неврологической практике, синкопальные состояния занимают по частоте распространенности одно из первых мест. В статье представлен анализ литературных источников по проблеме синкопальных состояний. Показано, что патология нервной системы не всегда является первопричиной развития обморока. Часто они развиваются на фоне соматической патологии. Знание причин развития этих состояний помогает правильно установить диагноз и назначить патогенетически обоснованное лечение ; Introduction: At present, syncopal conditions remain an interdisciplinary problem. Most often, syncope is a consequence of organic or functional damage to the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the endocrine system. Among the various types of paroxysmal states that are observed in the neurological practice, syncopal conditions rank the first position by frequency. The aim: The aim of the present paper is to study the scientific literature on the issue of the problem of syncopal conditions in the neurological practice. Materials and methods: The subject under discussion was considered on the basis of 43 sources on this issue, using the method of content analysis, comparative and contrastive methods, analytical and bibliosemantic methods. Conclusions: The article presents the analysis of the literature on the problem of syncopal conditions. It has been shown, that the pathology of the nervous system is not always the root cause of syncopes. They often develop from somatic pathology. The awareness of causes of these syncopal conditions enables the doctor to make correct diagnosis and prescribe pathogenetically substantiated treatment

    Overview of knowledge monitoring online systems

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    The aim of this study is analysis of the online services of knowledge testing. Objectives of the study is to determine the types and categories of the most popular online services of testing, selection of features. The object of research is the process of computer-based testing. The subject of research is the use of online services for computer testing.The paper stressed the relevance of the use of computer-based testing in the learning process. Indicated that online testing services for organizations with features such as mobility, cross-platform and the opportunity instant use. The review of online services designed to create tasks and test control of knowledge. Highlighted two categories of services online knowledge testing

    The concept of forming a learning environment based on cloud services Google apps for education

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    The importance of e-learning for educational institutions is growing rapidly. Many students are creating their own learning environments to optimize their own learning process by combining various Web services with the connected organizers they find most convenient. "Cloud-based services offer educational institutions new dynamic, relevant eLearning applications based on the use of cloud technology - the latest Internet technology

    Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Corynebacterium ulcerans and Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis—General Aspects

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