12 research outputs found

    Computerized FDTD Method for Longitudinal Optical Phonon Energy on Semiconductor Hybrid Structure for High Power Devices Fabrication

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    The research problem in this study is the longitudinal optical phonon energy on metal/semiconductor interface for high performance semiconductor device. The research solution is to make the software model with finite difference time domain (FDTD) solution for transmission and reflection pulse between metal and semiconductor interface for carrier dynamics effects. The objective of this study is to find the quantum mechanics understanding on interface engineering for fabricating the high performance device for future semiconductor technology development. The analysis was carried out with the help of MATLAB. The quantum mechanical spatial field on metal-semiconductor stripe structure has been analyzed by FDTD techniques. This emission reveals a characteristic polar radiation distribution of electric dipoles and a wavelength independent of the structure size or the direction of emission; consequently, it is attributed to thermally generate electric dipoles resonating with the longitudinal optical phonon energy. Phonon energy occurs lattice vibration of material by the polarization of light, if the material has rigid structure reflect back the incident light. So, high reflective metal-semiconductor structure always use as photodectors devices in optical fiber communication. No lattice vibration material structure has no phonon effect, so this structure based devices can get high performance any other structure based devices. The transmission and reflection coefficient of metal-semiconductor GaN/Au layer structure compare with GaN/Ti and GaN/Pt structure. Parallel (P) and transverse (S) polarization of light incident on a metal-semiconductor nanolayer structure with IR wavelength. Efficient use of the layer by layer (LbL) method to fabricate nanofilms requires meeting certain conditions and limitations that were revealed in the course of research on model systems

    Role of inclusive self-help groups in prevention and management of diabetes and hypertension in Myanmar:a qualitative study

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    Background: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are a growing public health concern in Myanmar. Community-based self-help groups are essential for participating in health-related activities. However, little is known about the role of inclusive self-help groups (ISHG) in hypertension and diabetes management. This study aimed to assess knowledge and perception of health-related activities of ISHG and explore challenges ISHG group members encountered in performing hypertension and diabetes prevention and management activities.Methods: The study included six townships from three different regions of Myanmar, where ISHG existed. Two focus group discussions (FGDs) were held in each township. A total of twelve FGDs were conducted. All discussions were conducted, audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim in Myanmar language. A thematic analysis was performed using inductive and deductive approaches.Results: The findings revealed that ISHG members provided advice and counselling on behavioural risk factors for hypertension and diabetes prevention and screenings for those diseases. They also offered home care for the elderly and stroke patients who required their assistance. Community members regarded ISHG as a valuable community structure. Members of the ISHG identified a number of challenges, including lack of resources (funding, manpower, and time), lack of confidence, and lack of recognition and acceptance. Support and strengthening activities by local authorities and the government were critical to sustain ISHG's activities and efforts.Conclusions: Hypertension and diabetes management activities of ISHG are appreciative. The public and government should recognize and support ISHG to strengthen their community activities

    Decision Support System Using CBR for Lung Diseases

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    Expert Systems imitate the reasoning process ofexperts for solving specific problems and employ humanknowledge captured in a case based memory. Theprincipal method use in the memory is case-basedreasoning method which can provide the solving newproblem by adapting previous solution to similarproblems. In this system, CBR’s cyclical process is usedto support enhancing a process’s performance of anexpert. This method retrieves the appropriate cases froma larger set of cases. If the similar between a new caseand the retrieved case are very high, the previoussolution to that case is returned to users. But if the casesare not exactly equal, the system gives the possible casesusing nearest neighbor retrieval method. This system istested on Postoperative Patient data.In this paper weconsider the patient who suffers lung and othersymptoms which may or may not be serious.The systemcan diagnose four types of lung disease

    Design and Construction of Wind Power Generation Control System

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    The primary application envisaged for wind is in the generation of electrical energy. Wind-electric systems convert energy in moving air to constant voltage and frequency AC form to be fed into existing utility lines to augment the total energy generated and save fuel. Wind electric systems generate power only when the wind blows. The problem for wind power system is the velocity of the wind is variable unsteady and irregular, Also wind turbine speed is not constant and also the wind-generator output frequency and voltage are fluctuated So wind power generation control system is required to control this output frequency and voltage. This paper emphasizes permanent magnet three-phase generator control system used in small scale wind turbine to control variable voltage and frequency. In voltage control systems composes three-phase uncontrolled rectifier, charging controller, electrically breaking system and in frequency control system uncontrolled rectifier, controlled frequency converter. They have been constructed and tested

    Heavy Metal Accumulation in Selected Plants Irrigated with Sittaung River Water in Taungoo Area

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    Taungoo is located at the west bank of Sittaung River, Bago Region. It is situated on northern part of central alluvial plane of Sittaung River basins. There are small scale farmlands along the Sittaung River bank in Taungoo area. In this study, six soil samples from farmlands along the Sittaung River bank in Taungoo area were collected together with four selected plants viz., bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), brinjal (Solanummelongena), spinach (Spinaciaoleracea) and asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) for some heavy metals (Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Cadmium, Chromium and Lead) investigation by using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Some heavy metals (cadmium, chromium, lead, copper, manganese and zinc) concentrations in soils from irrigated farmlands were determined and it was found that chromium was not detected in soil samples. The concentrations of heavy metals were below the respective maximum recommended limits. Among heavy metals determined, manganese content was the highest (158.15 ppm) followed by zinc (35.42 ppm), copper (21.30 ppm), cadmium (0.054 ppm) and lead (0.005ppm). Among the plants, manganese uptake was highest in asparagus (57.27 ppm) followed by spinach (44.43 ppm), bean (42.05 ppm) and brinjal (28.40 ppm). High zinc contents in plants inhibit the cadmium uptake. Lead mobility from soil to plants was low in this study. Though heavy metals were absorbed, their concentration were below WHO/FAO recommended limits. Vegetables cultivated with irrigated Sittaung River water may be considered safe for consumption

    Modelling and Implementation of Autonomous Control for Octocopter UAV

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    This paper presents the modeling andimplementation of autonomous control system foroctocopter UAV. In the first part, the details ofdynamic and kinetic model of octocopter UAV arederived by applying the Newton-Euler method. Theformulated model is detailed including aerodynamiceffects and rotor dynamics that are omitted in otherliteratures. Different hardware materials and framelayout is introduced and then construction is alsocontinued. In this work, the frame design of thisvehicle is developed. The arm of the frame is inclinedto three degrees to get more lift force and it can getmore stable than normal frame. The octocopter’sstability is implemented using the PID controller inreal flight. After implementing above these steps,autonomous flight tests of octocopter UnmannedAerial Vehicle (UAV) is also performed in real field

    Determination of Calorie Contents of Myanmar Snacks from Thanlyin Township

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    The main aim of our project work is to determine the calorie content of the five items of Myanmar snacks such as shwe hta min, kauk nyin htoke, mont kywe the, htan thee mont, and mont sein paung from Thanlyin Township. In this research work vitamin B1content was determined by fluorometric method. The highest content of vitamin B1 (0.057mg %) was found in htan thee mont. The protein, carbohydrate, and fat contents were also determined and the highest contents were found in mont sein paung and the values are 4.13g/100g; 39.95g/100g; and l.88g/100g respectively. Mineral contents of the five items of Myanmar snacks were also determined by AAS method. Phosphorous content was the highest in mont sein paung (56.99 mg%); iron content was the highest in htan thee mont (12.17 mg%); sodium, magnesium and potassium contents were the highest in kauk nyin htoke and the values were 10.58 ppm; 4.21 ppm and 7.29 ppm respectively. Calcium content was the highest in mont kywe the (143.08 mg %). The highest energy values of total digestible nutrient were calculated for the given samples and the highest value (187.21 cal/100g) was found in mont sein paung. According to the observation of this work it is clear that among the five items, mont sein paung has the highest calorie content as well as energy value. Not only mont sein paung but also other four items (shwe hta min, kauk nyin htoke, mont kywe the, and htan thee mont) have enough calorie contents to meet human energy requirements

    Epidemiology of Uveitis in a Tertiary Eye Center in Myanmar

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    To identify the characteristics of uveitis in a tertiary eye center in Myanmar. A retrospective study was undertaken to obtain the characteristics of uveitis in a tertiary eye center in Myanmar from September 2013 to September 2014, using a standard clinical protocol and tailored laboratory investigations

    Myanmar's human resources for health: current situation and its challenges

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    Background: Human resources for health (HRH) are the cornerstone of health systems, enabling the improvement of health service coverage. The systematic fortification of healthcare in Myanmar has accelerated since a new ruling party took office. Since 2006, Myanmar has been listed as one of the 57 crisis countries facing critical health workforce shortages. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the current situation of HRH in the public health sector where major healthcare services are provided to the people of Myanmar. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from January to May 2017 by collecting secondary data from the official statistic of the Ministry of Health and Sports (MoHS), official reports, press-releases, and presentations of Government officials. The data were collected using a formatted excel spreadsheet. A descriptive analysis was applied and the density ratio per 1,000 population for medical doctors and health workers was calculated. Findings: In total, 16,292 medical doctors and 36,054 nurses working at 1,134 hospitals were under the management of MoHS in 2016. The finding revealed that 13 out of 15 States and Regions were below the WHO recommended minimum number of 1 per 1,000 population for medical doctor. The distribution of medical doctors per 1,000 population in the public sector showed a gradually decreasing trend since 2006. Urban and rural medical doctor ratios observed wide disparities. Interpretation: The HRH shortage occurred in almost all State and Regions of Myanmar, including major cities. Wide disparities of HRH were found in urban and rural areas. The Myanmar government needs to consider the proper cost-effective HRH supply-chain management systems and retention strategies. The projection of health workforce, distribution of workforce by equity, effective management, and health information systems should be strengthened