15 research outputs found

    Rationally designed chemokine-based toxin targeting the viral G protein-coupled receptor US28 potently inhibits cytomegalovirus infection in vivo

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    The use of receptor–ligand interactions to direct toxins to kill diseased cells selectively has shown considerable promise for treatment of a number of cancers and, more recently, autoimmune disease. Here we move the fusion toxin protein (FTP) technology beyond cancer/autoimmune therapeutics to target the human viral pathogen, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), on the basis of its expression of the 7TM G protein-coupled chemokine receptor US28. The virus origin of US28 provides an exceptional chemokine-binding profile with high selectivity and improved binding for the CX3C chemokine, CX(3)CL1. Moreover, US28 is constitutively internalizing by nature, providing highly effective FTP delivery. We designed a synthetic CX(3)CL1 variant engineered to have ultra-high affinity for US28 and greater specificity for US28 than the natural sole receptor for CX(3)CL1, CX(3)CR1, and we fused the synthetic variant with the cytotoxic domain of Pseudomonas Exotoxin A. This novel strategy of a rationally designed FTP provided unparalleled anti-HCMV efficacy and potency in vitro and in vivo

    Selective Boosting of CCR7-Acting Chemokines; Short Peptides Boost Chemokines with Short Basic Tails, Longer Peptides Boost Chemokines with Long Basic Tails

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    The chemokine receptor CCR7 and its ligands CCL19 and CCL21 regulate the lymph node homing of dendritic cells and naïve T-cells and the following induction of a motile DC-T cell priming state. Although CCL19 and CCL21 bind CCR7 with similar affinities, CCL21 is a weak agonist compared to CCL19. Using a chimeric chemokine, CCL19CCL21N-term|C-term, harboring the N-terminus and the C-terminus of CCL21 attached to the core domain of CCL19, we show that these parts of CCL21 act in a synergistic manner to lower ligand potency and determine the way CCL21 engages with CCR7. We have published that a naturally occurring basic C-terminal fragment of CCL21 (C21TP) boosts the signaling of both CCL19 and CCL21. Boosting occurs as a direct consequence of C21TP binding to the CCR7 N-terminus, which seems to free chemokines with basic C-termini from an unfavorable interaction with negatively charged posttranslational modifications in CCR7. Here, we confirm this using a CCL19-variant lacking the basic C-terminus. This variant displays a 22-fold higher potency at CCR7 compared to WT CCL19 and is highly unaffected by the presence of C21TP. WT CCL19 has a short basic C-terminus, CCL21 a longer one. Here, we propose a way to differentially boost CCL19 and CCL21 activity as short and long versions of C21TP boost CCL19 activity, whereas only a long C21TP version can boost chemokines with a full-length CCL21 C-terminus

    GPR183 Is Dispensable for B1 Cell Accumulation and Function, but Affects B2 Cell Abundance, in the Omentum and Peritoneal Cavity.

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    B1 cells constitute a specialized subset of B cells, best characterized in mice, which is abundant in body cavities, including the peritoneal cavity. Through natural and antigen-induced antibody production, B1 cells participate in the early defense against bacteria. The G protein-coupled receptor 183 (GPR183), also known as Epstein-Barr virus-induced gene 2 (EBI2), is an oxysterol-activated chemotactic receptor that regulates migration of B cells. We investigated the role of GPR183 in B1 cells in the peritoneal cavity and omentum. B1 cells expressed GPR183 at the mRNA level and migrated towards the GPR183 ligand 7α,25-dihydroxycholesterol (7α,25-OHC). GPR183 knock-out (KO) mice had smaller omenta, but with normal numbers of B1 cells, whereas they had fewer B2 cells in the omentum and peritoneal cavity than wildtype (WT) mice. GPR183 was not responsible for B1 cell accumulation in the omentum in response to i.p. lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-injection, in spite of a massive increase in 7α,25-OHC levels. Lack of GPR183 also did not affect B1a- or B1b cell-specific antibody responses after vaccination. In conclusion, we found that GPR183 is non-essential for the accumulation and function of B1 cells in the omentum and peritoneal cavity, but that it influences the abundance of B2 cells in these compartments

    Discovery and Characterization of Biased Allosteric Agonists of the Chemokine Receptor CXCR3

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    In this work we report a design, synthesis, and detailed functional characterization of unique strongly biased allosteric agonists of CXCR3 that contain tetrahydroisoquinoline carboxamide cores. Compound <b>11</b> (FAUC1036) is the first strongly biased allosteric agonist of CXCR3 that selectively induces weak chemotaxis and leads to receptor internalization and the β-arrestin 2 recruitment with potency comparable to that of the chemokine CXCL11 without any activation of G proteins. A subtle structural change (addition of a methoxy group, <b>14</b> (FAUC1104)) led to a contrasting biased allosteric partial agonist that activated solely G proteins, induced chemotaxis, but failed to induce receptor internalization or β-arrestin 2 recruitment. Concomitant structure–activity relationship studies indicated very steep structure–activity relationships, which steer the ligand bias between the β-arrestin 2 and G protein pathway. Overall, the information presented provides a powerful platform for further development and rational design of strongly biased allosteric agonists of CXCR3