42 research outputs found

    A Novel PAN/Apple Domain-Containing Protein from Toxoplasma gondii: Characterization and Receptor Identification

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    Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite that invades nucleated cells, causing toxoplasmosis in humans and animals worldwide. The extremely wide range of hosts susceptible to T. gondii is thought to be the result of interactions between T. gondii ligands and receptors on its target cells. In this study, a host cell-binding protein from T. gondii was characterized, and one of its receptors was identified. P104 (GenBank Access. No. CAJ20677) is 991 amino acids in length, containing a putative 26 amino acid signal peptide and 10 PAN/apple domains, and shows low homology to other identified PAN/apple domain-containing molecules. A 104-kDa host cell-binding protein was detected in the T. gondii lysate. Immunofluorescence assays detected P104 at the apical end of extracellular T. gondii. An Fc-fusion protein of the P104 N-terminus, which contains two PAN/apple domains, showed strong affinity for the mammalian and insect cells evaluated. This binding was not related to protein-protein or protein-lipid interactions, but to a protein-glycosaminoglycan (GAG) interaction. Chondroitin sulfate (CS), a kind of GAG, was shown to be involved in adhesion of the Fc-P104 N-terminus fusion protein to host cells. These results suggest that P104, expressed at the apical end of the extracellular parasite, may function as a ligand in the attachment of T. gondii to CS or other receptors on the host cell, facilitating invasion by the parasite

    An Escherichia coli Expressed Multi-Disulfide Bonded SARS-CoV-2 RBD Shows Native-like Biophysical Properties and Elicits Neutralizing Antisera in a Mouse Model

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    A large-scale Escherichia coli (E. coli) production of the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 could yield a versatile and low-cost antigen for a subunit vaccine. Appropriately folded antigens can potentially elicit the production of neutralizing antisera providing immune protection against the virus. However, E. coli expression using a standard protocol produces RBDs with aberrant disulfide bonds among the RBD’s eight cysteines resulting in the expression of insoluble and non-native RBDs. Here, we evaluate whether E. coli expressing RBD can be used as an antigen candidate for a subunit vaccine. The expressed RBD exhibited native-like structural and biophysical properties as demonstrated by analytical RP-HPLC, circular dichroism, fluorescence, and light scattering. In addition, our E. coli expressed RBD binds to hACE2, the host cell’s receptor, with a binding constant of 7.9 × 10−9 M, as indicated by biolayer interferometry analysis. Our E. coli-produced RBD elicited a high IgG titer in Jcl:ICR mice, and the RBD antisera inhibited viral growth, as demonstrated by a pseudovirus-based neutralization assay. Moreover, the increased antibody level was sustained for over 15 weeks after immunization, and a high percentage of effector and central memory T cells were generated. Overall, these results show that E. coli-expressed RBDs can elicit the production of neutralizing antisera and could potentially serve as an antigen for developing an anti-SARS-CoV-2 subunit vaccine

    Interaction between Theileria orientalis 23-kDa piroplasm membrane protein and heparin

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    The 23-kDa piroplasm membrane protein of Theileria orientalis (p23) is an immunogenic protein expressed during the intraerythrocytic stage of the parasite; its function, however, remains unclear. To evaluate the host factor or factors that interact with p23, we examined the binding of p23 to components of the host cell surface. Recombinant p23 protein of the Ikeda genotype failed to bind to bovine red blood cells or to peripheral blood mononuclear cells, but did bind to Madin-Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK) cells. A glycoarray assay showed that recombinant p23 proteins from the three genotypes bound to heparin, indicating that p23 is a heparin-binding Theileria surface molecule. Further analysis of heparin-binding molecules is useful for understanding attachment and invasion of T. orientalis merozoites

    Challenges for Precise Subtyping and Sequencing of a H5N1 Clade Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Isolated in Japan in the 2022–2023 Season Using Classical Serological and Molecular Methods

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    The continuous evolution of H5Nx highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs) is a major concern for accurate diagnosis. We encountered some challenges in subtyping and sequencing a recently isolated H5N1 HPAIV strain using classical diagnostic methods. Oropharyngeal, conjunctival, and cloacal swabs collected from a dead white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla albicilla) were screened via real-time RT-PCR targeting the influenza A virus matrix (M) gene, followed by virus isolation. The hemagglutination inhibition test was applied in order to subtype and antigenically characterize the isolate using anti-A/duck/Hong Kong/820/80 (H5N3) reference serum or anti-H5N1 cross-clade monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Sequencing using previously reported universal primers was attempted in order to analyze the full-length hemagglutinin (HA) gene. Oropharyngeal and conjunctival samples were positive for the M gene, and high hemagglutination titers were detected in inoculated eggs. However, its hemagglutination activity was not inhibited by the reference serum or mAbs. The antiserum to a recently isolated H5N1 clade strain inhibited our isolate but not older strains. A homologous sequence in the previously reported forward primer and HA2 region in our isolate led to partial HA gene amplification. Finally, next-generation sequencing confirmed the isolate as H5N1 clade HPAIV, with genetic similarity to H5N1 strains circulating in Japan since November 2021

    Non-Glycosylated SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.5 Receptor Binding Domain (RBD) with a Native-like Conformation Induces a Robust Immune Response with Potent Neutralization in a Mouse Model

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    The Omicron BA.5 variant of SARS-CoV-2 is known for its high transmissibility and its capacity to evade immunity provided by vaccine protection against the (original) Wuhan strain. In our prior research, we successfully produced the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in an E. coli expression system. Extensive biophysical characterization indicated that, even without glycosylation, the RBD maintained native-like conformational and biophysical properties. The current study explores the immunogenicity and neutralization capacity of the E. coli-expressed Omicron BA.5 RBD using a mouse model. Administration of three doses of the RBD without any adjuvant elicited high titer antisera of up to 7.3 × 105 and up to 1.6 × 106 after a booster shot. Immunization with RBD notably enhanced the population of CD44+CD62L+ T cells, indicating the generation of T cell memory. The in vitro assays demonstrated the antisera’s protective efficacy through significant inhibition of the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 and its human receptor, ACE2, and through potent neutralization of a pseudovirus. These findings underscore the potential of our E. coli-expressed RBD as a viable vaccine candidate against the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2

    Identification of Toxoplasma gondii cAMP Dependent Protein Kinase and Its Role in the Tachyzoite Growth

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    Background: cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) has been implicated in the asexual stage of the Toxoplasma gondii life cycle through assaying the effect of a PKA-specific inhibitor on its growth rate. Since inhibition of the host cell PKA cannot be ruled out, a more precise evaluation of the role of PKA, as well as characterization of the kinase itself, is necessary. Methodology/Principal Finding: The inhibitory effects of two PKA inhibitors, H89, an ATP-competitive chemical inhibitor, and PKI, a substrate-competitive mammalian natural peptide inhibitor, were estimated. In the in vitro kinase assay, the inhibitory effect of PKI on a recombinant T. gondii PKA catalytic subunit (TgPKA-C) was weaker compared to that on mammalian PKA-C. In a tachyzoite growth assay, PKI had little effect on the growth of tachyzoites, whereas H89 strongly inhibited it. Moreover, T. gondii PKA regulatory subunit (TgPKA-R)-overexpressing tachyzoites showed a significant growth defect. Conclusions/Significance: Our data suggest that PKA plays an important role in the growth of tachyzoites, and the inhibitory effect of substrate-competitive inhibitor PKI on T. gondii PKA was low compared to that of the ATP competitiv