44 research outputs found

    Pulse shape effects on photon-photon interactions in non-linear optical quantum gates

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    Ideally, strong non-linearities could be used to implement quantum gates for photonic qubits by well controlled two photon interactions. However, the dependence of the non-linear interaction on frequency and time makes it difficult to preserve a coherent pulse shape that could justify a single mode model for the time-frequency degree of freedom of the photons. In this paper, we analyze the problem of temporal multi-mode effects by considering the pulse shape of the average output field obtained from a coherent input pulse. It is shown that a significant part of the two photon state transformation can be derived from this semi-classical description of the optical non-linearity. The effect of a non-linear system on a two photon state can then be determined from the density matrix dynamics of the coherently driven system using input-output theory. As an example, the resonant non-linearity of a single two level atom is characterized. The results indicate that the most efficient non-linear effect may not be the widely studied single mode phase shift, but the transfer of one of the photons to an orthogonal mode distinguished by its temporal and spectral properties.Comment: 11 pages, including 5 figures and 1 table; improved figures and additional discussion on relation to entangled two photon wavefunctions dynamics. Final version for publication in Phys. Rev.

    カンワ ケア ニオケル ホウシャセン チリョウ ノ ヤクワリ

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    Radiation therapy is a valuable treatment for palliation of local symptoms with consistently high response rates in the relief and control of bone pain, neurological symptom, obstructive symptoms, and tumor hemorrhage. Over than 80% of patients who developed bone metastasis and superior vena cava syndrome obtained symptom relief by radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is also well established as an effective treatment for brain metastasis, improving symptoms and preventing progressive neurological deficits, and recently stereotactic irradiation had became a alternative treatment of surgery for small metastatic brain tumors. Both radiation therapy and surgery are effective in the initial treatment of malignant spinal cord compression syndrome, and no advantages of surgery over radiation therapy has been demonstrated in published series when patients have a previously conformed diagnosis of malignant disease and no evidence of vertebral collapse. The outcome of treatment depends primarily upon the speed of diagnosis and neurological status at initiation of treatment. It is very important to start radiation therapy before patient become non-ambulant. Low irradiation dose and short treatment period of palliative radiation therapy can minimize disruption and acute morbidity for the patients with advanced cancer with enabling control of symptoms and palliative radiation therapy is applicable to the patient even in poor general condition

    キソ カラ リンショウ エ MR オ モチイタ タイシャ キノウ カシカ ノ サイゼンセン

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    Medical imaging plays an essential role in the clinical settings in Japan.Especially, magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)that measure1H behavior is widely acceptedas indispensable apparatus for daily clinical activities and researches as both morphological andfunctional imaging.Recently, measurement techniques of other nuclides such as13C,18F and31P are being developedand trying to be applied in in vivo. Of them,13C is the most suitable nuclide to observemetabolites functions of cells or organs and has possibilities to visualize these functions in in vivothough the sensitivity is quite low in comparison with1H. Development of the technique to increasesensitivity is needed to apply in clinical settings and some methods are evaluated now.Using13C enriched chemicals administrate to human is tried to observe metabolites function in invivo with MR Spectroscopy. Hyperpolarized technique that induces significantly increasing signalsof13C is developed as next generation method and exploited in in vivo imaging of animals tovisualize metabolites functions.We should develop and practice these new techniques to visualize metabolites functions in invivo and it may be beyond the conventional diagnostic imaging techniques. It may induce newdiagnostic imaging technique using physiological and biochemical approach in clinical settings

    Prognostic significance of HIF-2 expression on tumor infiltrating macrophages in patients with uterine cervical cancer undergoing radiotherapy

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    Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-2α, a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH)-PAS protein, is the principal regulator of the hypoxic transcriptional response. An immunohistochemical study reported strong HIF-2α expression in the cytoplasm of tumor infiltrative macrophages (TIMs). Thus we assessed the expression of HIF-2α in human cervical cancer tissue before radiation therapy and its relationship to the clinical outcome. Seventy three patients with histologically proven primary advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix underwent radiotherapy in Tokushima University Hospital after biopsy specimens were taken. Among 73 specimens stained for HIF-2α, 53 (72.6%) exhibited HIF-2α immunoreactivity in the TIMs. In only 5 of 73 cases, HIF-2α immunoreactivity was observed in the nuclei of tumor cells. The HIF-2αpositive cell count ratio in TIMs was associated with disease-free survival (DFS) with the worst DFS (p=0.024) being in cases in the group with a high positive cell count ratio. A high HIF-2α positive cell count ratio in TIMs increased the risk of local recurrence (p=0.0142). These findings might suggest that the ratio of the HIF-2α positive cell in TIMs may be a new predictive indicator for prognosis before radiation therapy for uterine cervical cancer

    Risk factors for radiation pneumonitis caused by whole breast irradiation following breast-conserving surgery

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    We evaluated risk factors of radiation pneumonitis (RP) after whole breast irradiation following breast-conserving surgery. Four hundred and seventy-two cases underwent whole breast irradiation with tangential field following breast-conserving surgery in our hospital, between January 2005 and April 2007. Of these cases, we performed statistical analyses for 423 breasts of 413 patients, using a pulmonary dose-volume histogram. Patient characteristics, treatment regimens and irradiation methods were included as variables in the analyses on risk factors of RP. As a result, 89 breasts of 84 cases (21%) were diagnosed with RP. The version 3.0 of the NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events was used to evaluate the grade of pneumonitis : 77 cases (18.2%) were diagnosed as Grade 1 RP, 10 cases (2.3%) as Grade 2, and 2 cases (0.5%) as Grade 3. Multivariate analysis indicated that the significant risk factors for RP were central lung distance (CLD) (>1.8 cm) and the short axis length of the radiation field. The incidence of radiationinduced bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) syndrome significantly correlated only with CLD. The lung volume within the radiation field was shown to be a significant risk factor for RP and radiation-induced BOOP syndrome

    2020 (令和2 )年度保育実習Ⅱ及び保育実習Ⅲ学内実習の取り組みについて

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    2020年に入り、新型コロナウイルスが世界中で猛威をふるい、これまでの当たり前だった生活は一変した。その影響で2020年度2月期の保育実習Ⅱ及び保育実習Ⅲは、感染拡大防止の観点から学内で実習を実施した。保育所、施設での実習とは当然あり方が異なったが、この状況を逆手にとり、学内実習ならではの学びを実習生にしてもらえるよう、様々な発見、気付きを促す取り組みを事前に構築した。結果として、学内実習は無事終えることができた。そればかりか、実習生の様々な気付きや発見をもとに、我々教員も保育に対する新たな気付きがあったように思う。いわば実習生と教員の相互作用により、事前に準備をしていたもの以上の実習が実現できたのではないかと思う。From 2020, suddenly Covid-19 pandemic set up all over the world. So we can\u27t keep usual life. Due to this pandemic, Nursery Practice Program Committee decided to work out on-campus practice as Nursery Practice Program Ⅱ・Ⅲ, instead of off-campus. Of course there are many different cases between on-campus and off-campus, since in this pandemic, might as well we tried students to learn special to on-campus practice for original inspiration and discover about nursery.Finally, this practice is end without any trouble. Not only students, but also we got much inspirations and discovers about nursery. So, we fulfilled transaction between students and teachers, got learning beyond expectation