64 research outputs found

    Preterm toddlers have low nighttime sleep quality and high daytime activity.

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    A number of studies have been made on the sleep characteristics of children born preterm in an attempt to develop methods to address the sleep problems commonly observed among such children. However, the reported sleep characteristics from these studies vary depending on the observation methods used, i.e., actigraphy, polysomnography and questionnaire. In the current study, to obtain reliable data on the sleep characteristics of preterm-born children, we investigated the difference in sleep properties between 97 preterm and 97 term toddlers of approximately 1.5 years of age using actigraphy. Actigraphy units were attached to the toddlers’ waists with an adjustable elastic belt for 7 consecutive days, and a child sleep diary was completed by their parents. In the study, we found that preterm toddlers had more nocturnal awakenings and more daytime activity, suggesting that preterm-born children may have a different process of sleep development in their early development

    Recent developments in the genetics of childhood epileptic encephalopathies: impact in clinical practice

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    Position and Force Control Based on Mathematical Models of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles Reinforced by Straight Glass Fibers

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    Abstract -This paper reports on the position and force control of pneumatic artificial muscles reinforced by straight glass fibers. This type of artificial muscle has a greater contraction ratio and power and a longer lifetime than conventional McKibben types. However, these muscles are highly non-linear; hence, it is difficult to use them in a mechanical system. Furthermore, this actuator has a high compliance characteristic. Though this characteristic is useful for human interactions, the position and force of this actuator cannot be easily controlled. In this paper, a mathematical model of this type of artificial muscle is proposed, and the relationship between design parameters and control specifications is realized. In addition, the position and force based on the mathematical model are determined and applied to artificial muscle linearization

    The Crrelation between Maternal Child-Rearing Anxiety and Self-Esteem during Late Pregnancy, Earlly Postpartum and One-Month Postpartum

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    産褥一ヶ月時の母親の育児不安と妊娠末期、産褥早期、 産褥一ヶ月時のSelf-Esteem(以下、SEと表す)との関連を明らかにすることを目的にアンケート調査を行った。 対象は112名の母親で、同一対象者に3回(妊娠末期、産褥早期、産褥一ヶ月時)Rosenberg自尊感情尺度による調査および産褥一ヶ月時に育児不安尺度による調査を実施した。その結果、妊娠末期、産褥早期、 産褥一ヶ月時のSE得点に有意差はなかった。母親のSE得点は育児不安得点と正の相関、育児不安尺度の下位尺度である「精神的苦痛」、「疲労感」、そして「役割不全感」と正の相関があり、母親のSE得点が高いほど育児不安得点が高かった。その理由としてSEの高い母親は理想の母親役割に向けて育児に積極的に取り組み、精神的苦痛や疲労感を増強させていることが考えられた。一方「育児によって自分が成長している」と考える母親のSE得点はそう考えない母親に比べて有意に高かった。これらのことから、育児不安の対策として、妊娠期にSEを測定し、得点が高い母親に対して一人で頑張る育児にならないような支援策を育児開始前から立てる必要性が示唆された。 A questionnaire survey was conducted to analyze the correlation between maternal child-rearing anxiety at one-month postpartum and Self-Esteem (hereinafter expressed as SE) in late pregnancy, in early postpartum, and at one-month postpartum. The subjects were 112 mothers, and were surveyed using the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale at three stages (late pregnancy, early postpartum, one-month postpartum) and by the Child-Rearing Anxiety Scale at one-month postpartum. In the results, no significant differences in SE scores during late pregnancy, early postpartum, and one-month postpartum were found. The SE scores correlated positively with child-rearing anxiety scores, and also correlated positively with "emotional distress", "tiredness" and "sense of role-inadequacy", as a lower category of the child- rearing anxiety scale. Mothers with a higher SE score showed higher child- rearing anxiety scores. The speculated reason was that mothers with high SE tended to build up emotional distress and tiredness because of proactively approaching child-rearing in order to be an ideal maternal role model. Survey results indicate the need for supportive measures prior to child rearing as a countermeasure against child rearing anxiety. Supportive measures would benefit mothers who score high on SE measurements taken during the pregnancy phase. As a result of these measures mothers would not feel so alone during their child rearing efforts

    The effect of moxibustion in Sp6 on menstruation-associated symptoms,temperature, and autonomic nervous activity in female college students

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    目的:三陰交への灸刺激が,女子大学生の月経随伴症状,体温および自律神経活動に及ぼす効果を明らかにする.方法:31名の女子大学生を対象に,月経終了後から次回の月経終了日まで約一か月間,三陰交への灸刺激を各自で行ってもらった.灸刺激前後の黄体期,卵胞期に修正MSQ スコア,月経痛,体温,自律神経活動値(心拍変動解析)を測定した.結果:灸刺激後,黄体期の月経随伴症状は軽減した(p=0.025).修正MDQ スコア下位項目では,黄体期の「痛み(p=0.0016)」「行動の変化(p=0.044)」「否定的感情(p=0.037)」「PMS 症状(p=0.025)」スコアが有意に下降し,「気分の高揚」スコアが有意に上昇した(p=0.025).また,月経痛のスコアは有意に減少した(p=0.005).灸刺激後,黄体期の足部深部温は有意に上昇し(p=0.047),自律神経活動は黄体期に,HF の有意な低下(p=0.029)とLF/HF の有意な上昇(p=0.044)がみられた.結論:三陰交への灸刺激は若年女性の足部の体温を上昇させ,月経随伴症状や月経痛を軽減させることが示唆された.また,灸刺激は副交感神経活動の低下と交感神経活動の上昇を促す可能性がある.Purpose: This study aimed to clarify the changes in menstruation-associated symptoms, temperature, and autonomic nervous activity after moxibustion in Sp6.Methods: Thirty-one female college students underwent moxibustion in Sp6 during the period from the last day of menstruation to the beginning day of the next menstruation, and their menstruation-associated symptoms (modified MDQ score), body temperature (sole and abdominal), and autonomic nervous activity (measures from heart rate variability), during the luteal and follicular phases were assessed.Result: After performing moxibustion, the modified MDQ score during the luteal phase decreased (p=0.025). Among the nine factors of the modified MDQ score, significant reductions were observed in the scores for "pain (p=0.0016)", "change in behavior (p=0.044)", "negative feelings (p=0.037)" and "PMS symptoms (p=0.025)", However a significant increase in the "arousal" score was observed(p=0.025). The menstrual colic score also significantly decreased (p=0.005). The temperature of the deep part of the foot significantly increased after moxibustion (p=0. 047). Concerningautonomic nervous activity, a significant decrease in HF (p=0.029) and increase in LF/HF (p=0.044) were observed in the luteal phase.Conclusion: The present findings suggest that the moxibustion in Sp6 increases the foot’s temperature and reduces menstruation-associated symptoms. Moxibustion in Sp6 may decrease parasympathetic nerve activity and increase sympathetic nerve activity