295 research outputs found

    Integrating Cancer Patients’ Satisfaction with Rescue Medication in Pain Assessments

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    A patient’s pain intensity rating alone is insufficient grounds for determining the pain medication and dosage to administer daily. This study aimed to investigate whether a convenient assessment method could be developed that would reflect the effectiveness of an opioid analgesic on cancer patients’ pain management. We investigated pain intensity (worst, least, average, current) and the effectiveness of the opioid rescue medication in terms of patient satisfaction. This study used Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients to evaluate the relationships between patient satisfaction with rescue medication and both pain intensity and the medication’s perceived effectiveness. Data from 60 participants with a mean age of 60.5±11.4 years (range: 31-79 years) were analyzed. Thirty-eight (63.3%) participants were male, and 22 (36.7%) were female. The correlations found between rescue medication satisfaction and both the worst numerical rating scale (NRS) rating (r=−0.15, P=0.16) and the average NRS rating (r=−0.13, P=0.13) were not statistically significant. A significant positive correlation was observed between rescue medication satisfaction and the medication’s perceived effectiveness (r=0.79, P<0.0001). Patient satisfaction with their rescue medication can be routinely assessed without imposing a significant burden on the patient. A new assessment method incorporating rescue medication satisfaction and pain intensity measures could allow routine pain assessments to reflect both pain intensity and the effectiveness of opioid analgesics. This new assessment method is potentially preferable to self-reported pain intensity and can identify patients for whom treatment is a priority. It also facilitates rapid dose adjustments and reduces the side effects of overdose due to unnecessary increases in opioid analgesics

    Comparability of Weighed Dietary Records and a Self-Administered Diet History Questionnaire for Estimating Monetary Cost of Dietary Energy

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    An increasing number of studies have estimated monetary diet cost using various dietary assessment methods, based on databases on retail food prices, for investigating its association with dietary intake and health outcomes. However, information regarding the comparability of monetary diet cost across dietary assessment methods is absolutely lacking. This study compared monetary cost of dietary energy estimated from weighed dietary records (DRs) with that estimated from a self-administered diet history questionnaire (DHQ). The subjects were 92 Japanese women aged 31–69 years and 92 Japanese men aged 32–76 years. The DHQ (assessing diet during the preceding month) and 4-day DRs (one weekend day and three weekdays) were completed in each season over a 1-year period (DHQs1-4 and DRs1-4, respectively). An additional DHQ was completed at one year after completing DHQ1 (DHQ5). Monetary cost of dietary energy (Japanese yen/4184 kJ) was calculated using food intake information derived from each dietary assessment method, based on retail food prices. Pearson correlation between the mean of DRs1-4 and mean of DHQs1-4 was 0.64 for women and 0.69 for men. Pearson correlation between the mean of DRs1-4 and DHQ1 was 0.60 for women and 0.52 for men, while intraclass correlation between DHQ1 and DHQ5 was 0.64 for women and 0.51 for men. These data indicate reasonable comparability of monetary cost of dietary energy across DR and a DHQ as well as usefulness of a single administration of the DHQ for estimating monetary cost of dietary energy

    The Macrophage Is a Key Factor in Renal Injuries Caused by Glomerular Hyperfiltration

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    Glomerular hyperfiltration is a common pathway leading to glomerulosclerosis in various kinds of kidney diseases. The 5/6 renal ablation is an established experimental animal model for glomerular hyperfiltration. On the other hand, low-grade inflammation is also a common mechanism for the progression of kidney diseases including diabetic nephropathy and atherosclerosis. Here we analyzed the gene expression profile in the remnant kidney tissues of 5/6 nephrectomized mice using a DNA microarray system and compared it with that of sham-operated control mice. The 5/6 nephrectomized mice showed glomerular hypertrophy and an increase in the extracellular matrix in the glomeruli. DNA microarray analysis indicated the up-regulated expression of various kinds of genes related to the inflammatory process in remnant kidneys. We confirmed the up-regulated expression of platelet factor-4, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, 2, and 5 in remnant kidneys by RT-PCR. The current results suggest that the inflammatory process is involved in the progression of glomerulosclerosis and is a common pathway of the pathogenesis of kidney disease

    Effect of anti-inflammatory supplementation with whey peptide and exercise therapy in patients with COPD

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    SummaryBackgroundOne of the major pathophysiologies in advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been attributed to systemic inflammation. Meta-analysis of the 2005 Cochrane Database concluded the effect of nutritional supplementation alone on stable COPD was insufficient to promote body weight gain or exercise capacity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of nutritional supplementation therapy using a nutritional supplement containing whey peptide with low-intensity exercise therapy in stable elderly patients with COPD.MethodIn stable elderly COPD patients with %IBW and %FEV1 of less than 110 and 80%, respectively, anti-inflammatory nutritional supplementation therapy was added to low-intensity exercise therapy. Thirty-six COPD patients were divided into those with and those without the ingestion of an anti-inflammatory nutritional supplement containing whey peptide, which exhibited an anti-inflammatory effect. These two groups were designated as the nutritional support and the control groups, respectively. The body composition, skeletal muscle strength, exercise tolerance, health-related QOL (HRQOL), and inflammatory cytokines were evaluated before and three months after nutritional support combined with exercise therapy in both the nutritional support group and the control group.ResultsIn the nutritional support group, the body weight, %IBW, FM, energy intake, %AC, Alb, PImax, PEmax, 6MWD, WBI, emotional function, and CRQ total were significantly increased, and the levels of hsCRP, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α were reduced significantly, while no significant change was noted in any item of physiological evaluation or any biomarker in the control group.ConclusionConcomitant use of a anti-inflammatory nutritional supplement containing whey peptide, which exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect, with exercise therapy in stable elderly COPD patients with %IBW<110% and %FEV1<80% may not only increase body weight but may also inhibit systemic inflammation and thus improve exercise tolerance and HRQOL

    ガイコクジン ケンシュウセイ ノ イブンカ テキオウ ニ カンスルジュウダンテキ ブンセキ

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    本研究の目的は、国際交流基金日本語国際センターの日本語教師長期研修プログラムに参加した外国人研修生の異文化適応の実態を明らかにすることである。平成10年10月、12月、平成11 年6月の3時点において質問紙調査を実施した結果、37名の有効回答が得られた。調査内容は、学習領域、心身健康領域、対人関係領域、日本文化領域、住居・経済領域の5領域への適応度および孤独感である。適応と調査時期との関係を検討するために、1要因分散分析を行った結果 、次の2点が明らかとなった。(1)領域(学習、日本文化、住居・経済)において時間的変化の効果 が認められた。(2)適応過程はU型のみならず正の直線型、負の直線型を示した。次に、研修生の(a)出身地域または(b)日本語レベル別に、適応と調査時期の関係を検討するために、それぞれ 2要因分散分析を行った。その結果 、(a)について、学習領域で出身地域の主効果がみられ、ヨーロッパ出身者が東および南アジア出身者よりも適応度が高いことがわかった。(b)については、次の3点が明らかになった。(1)学習領域で日本語クラスの主効果 がみられ、Aクラスの得点がCおよびDクラスの得点よりも高かった。(2)学習領域で調査時期の主効果 がみられ、全てのクラスがU型適応を示すことがわかった。(3)住居・経済領域で交互作用がみられ、単純主効果 を検討したところ、10月時点においてCクラスの適応得点が低いこと、AおよびBクラスが負の直線型適応を示すことがわかった。また(a) (b)ともに、(1)日本文化領域で時間の経過に伴い適応得点が上昇し、(2)住居・経済領域で時間の経過に伴い適応得点が減少した。以上の結果 から、次の3点が考察された。(1)異文化適応は領域により適応の過程が異なり、必ずしもU型曲線をたどるとは限らない。(2)個人の異文化適応状態は時間の経過とともに変化する。(3)時期に応じた援助内容を提供する必要がある。今後は、さらにデータを蓄積するとともに、研修生の心身健康状態の正確な理解方法の検討がのぞまれる

    Associations of Psychosocial Factors with Maternal Confidence Among Japanese and Vietnamese Mothers

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    We conducted this cross-sectional study among 392 Japanese and 294 Vietnamese mothers who attended routine child health visits in a Japanese city and at a tertiary hospital in Vietnam, in order to investigate the prevalence and associated sociodemographic, parenting, and psychological characteristics of low maternal confidence in child rearing among them. All data were collected from medical files in Japan, and from medical files and self-administered questionnaires in Vietnam. The proportion of mothers without secure feeling of confidence in the present study was 22% in Japan and 66% in Vietnam. Significant factors associated with a lack of confidence were first-time motherhood and unintended pregnancy in the Japanese dataset and younger age in the Vietnamese dataset. In both groups, a higher proportion of mothers who lacked confidence reported negative parenting outcomes than did confident mothers. Among the three psychological measurements (mood, self-efficacy and depression), higher self-efficacy was associated independently with a significantly reduced risk of not having confidence in child rearing. These results suggest the importance of developing parenting support programs to help Japanese and Vietnamese mothers, particularly those who are young, first-time mothers or who became pregnant unexpectedly, improve their self-efficacy

    Association between Hardness (Difficulty of Chewing) of the Habitual Diet and Premenstrual Symptoms in Young Japanese Women

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    Recent evidence suggests that voluntary rhythmic movements such as chewing may increase blood serotonin and subsequently brain serotonin, which in turn acts to alleviate premenstrual symptoms. In this observational cross-sectional study, we tested the hypothesis that hardness (difficulty of chewing) of the habitual diet (i.e. dietary hardness) is associated with decreased premenstrual symptoms. Subjects were 640 female Japanese dietetic students aged 18–22 years. Dietary hardness was assessed as an estimate of masticatory muscle activity for the habitual diet (i.e. the difficulty of chewing the food). The consumption of a total of 107 foods was estimated by means of a self-administered, comprehensive diet history questionnaire, and masticatory muscle activity during the ingestion of these foods was estimated according to published equations. Menstrual cycle symptoms were assessed using the retrospective version of the Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire, from which total score and subscale scores (i.e. pain, concentration, behavioral change, autonomic reactions, water retention, and negative affect) in the premenstrual phase were calculated and expressed as percentages relative to those in the intermenstrual phase. Dietary hardness was not associated with total score in the premenstrual phase (P for trend = 0.48). Further, no association was seen for any subscale score in the premenstrual phase (P for trend = 0.18–0.91). In conclusion, this preliminary study failed to substantiate a hypothesized inverse relationship between hardness of the habitual diet and premenstrual symptoms. Considering the plausibility of the putative mechanism, however, further investigation using more relevant measures of chewing and premenstrual symptoms is warranted

    Anionic Complex with Efficient Expression and Good Safety Profile for mRNA Delivery

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    We previously found that a complex comprising plasmid DNA (pDNA), polyethylenimine (PEI), and γ-polyglutamic acid (γ-PGA) had high transgene efficiency without cytotoxicity in vitro and in vivo. However, messenger RNA (mRNA) remains an attractive alternative to pDNA. In this study, we developed a safe and effective delivery system for mRNA to prevent its degradation and efficiently deliver it into target cells. Various cationic and anionic complexes were produced containing PEI, γ-PGA, and an mRNA encoding firefly luciferase. Their physicochemical properties and cytotoxicities were analyzed and the in vitro and in vivo protein expression were determined. The cationic mRNA/PEI complex showed high in vitro protein expression with strong cytotoxicity. The anionic complex was constructed as mRNA/PEI8/γ-PGA12 complex with a theoretical charge ratio of 1:8:12 based on the phosphate groups of the mRNA, nitrogen groups of PEI, and carboxylate groups of γ-PGA. It was stable and showed high in vitro protein expression without cytotoxicity. After intravenous administration of mRNA/PEI8/γ-PGA12 complex to mice, high protein expression was observed in the spleen and liver and slight expression was observed in the lung over 24 h. Thus, the newly constructed mRNA/PEI8/γ-PGA12 complex provides a safe and effective strategy for the delivery of mRNA

    Delivery of pDNA to the Lung by Lipopolyplexes Using N-Lauroylsarcosine and Effect on the Pulmonary Fibrosis

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    In a previous study, we constructed a lung-targeting lipopolyplex containing polyethyleneimine (PEI), 1,2-di-O-octadecenyl-3-trimethylammonium propane (DOTMA), and N-lauroylsarcosine (LS). The lipopolyplex exhibited an extremely high gene expression in the lung after intravenous administration. Here, we optimized the lipopolyplex and used it to deliver a TGF-β1 shRNA to treat refractory pulmonary fibrosis. We constructed several lipopolyplexes with pDNA, various cationic polymers, cationic lipids, and LS to select the most effective formulation. Then, the pDNA encoding shRNA against mouse TGF-β1 was encapsulated in the lipopolyplex and injected into mice with bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. After optimizing the lipopolyplex, dendrigraft poly-L-lysine (DGL) and DOTMA were selected as the appropriate cationic polymer and lipid, respectively. The lipopolyplex was constructed with a pDNA, DGL, DOTMA, and LS charge ratio of 1:2:2:4 showed the highest gene expression. After intravenous administration of the lipopolyplex, the highest gene expression was observed in the lung. In the in vitro experiment, the lipopolyplex delivered pDNA into the cells via endocytosis. As a result, the lipopolyplex containing pDNA encoding TGF-β1 shRNA significantly decreased hydroxyproline in the pulmonary fibrosis model mice. We have successfully inhibited pulmonary fibrosis using a novel lung-targeting lipopolyplex