13 research outputs found
Efektifitas Antibakteri Vibrio sp. dari Ekstrak Daun Mangrove Rhizopora apiculata
Research was carried out by analyzing the antibacterial ability of the ethanol extractof mangrove Rhizopora apiculata leaves against Vibrio sp. Maceration using 70%ethanol resulted in an extract yield of 3.09%. The highest average inhibition zoneresults were found in mangrove leaf extract at a concentration of 100% with aninhibition zone of 24.68 mm. The smallest inhibition zone was found in mangrove leafextract with a concentration of 6.25% with an inhibition zone of 3.85 mm, a positivecontrol inhibition zone (30 mg tetracycline) of 26.35 mm and a negative controlinhibition zone (DMSO 10%) of 0 mm. This can be seen from the results of theaverage inhibition zone which shows strong antibacterial activity of mangrove leafextract at a concentration of 100% and moderate antibacterial activity of mangroveleaf extract at a concentration of 75% to 50% and no antibacterial activity atconcentrations of mangrove leaf extract below 25 %, the positive control inhibitionzone (30 mg tetracycline) was 26.35 mm and the negative control inhibition zone(DMSO 10%) was 0 mm. Phytochemical analysis was also carried out on mangroveleaves with the results showing the presence of several visible secondary metabolites.The secondary metabolites found in Rhizopora apiculata mangrove leaves consist ofalkaloids, flavanoids, steroids, saponins and tannins
Era pandemi Covid-19 dalam kehidupan masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan pelindung diri yang dapat menangkal virus korona, salah satu pelindung diri yang digunakan saat ini adalah hand sanitizer. Penelitian ini akan dibuat hand sanitizer dengan kombinasi Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) dengan alkohol. Fungsi kedua bahan ini sebagai antibakteri memungkinkan paduan kedua bahan ini sangat efektif untuk dikombinasikan menjadi produk hand sanitizer. Metode pengujian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji organoleptic dan uji zona bening untuk mengetahu kualitas dari hand sanitizer. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh melalui uji organoleptik dan uji zona bening dapat disimpulkan bahwa hand sanitizer yang terbaik berada pada konsentrasi VCO 25% karena sifat lembut di area telapak tangan dan kemampuan zona hambat yang sangat kuat terhadap bakteri yang berasal dari tangan manusia sebesar 20,05 mm. Pemanfaatan kelapa sebagai tanaman pesisir untuk dijadikan VCO dan bahan dasar pembuat hand sanitizer maka diharapkan dapat digunakan dengan mudah oleh masyarakat
Karbon aktif yang dibuat dalam penelitian ini adalah karbon aktif dalam bentuk serbuk dan butiran (campuran keduanya) dengan proses aktifasi kimia menggunakan senyawa kalsium oksida (CaO). Karakterisasi karbon aktif mengacu pada Standar Nasional Indonesia 06-3730-1995 tentang karbon aktif teknis dengan indikator yang diuji adalah kadar air, kadar zat mudah menguap, kadar abu total, kadar karbon terikat dan daya jerap iodin. Berdasarkan penelitian karakterisasi karbon aktif tempurung pala mempunyai kadar air sebesar 0,6979 %, kadar zat mudah menguap sebesar 3, 8781 %, kadar abu total sebesar 8,7323 %, kadar karbon terikat sebesar 87,3896 % dan daya jerap iodin sebesar 325,0694 mg/g. Daya jerap iodin bertujuan untuk menentukan kapasitas adsorpsi karbon aktif. Berdasarkan baku mutu karbon aktif teknis mengenai daya jerap iodin yang ditetapkan SNI 06-3730-1995 dapat dijelaskan peneliti bahwa kemampuan pori karbon aktif tempurung pala sangat baik digunakan sebagai adsorben. Kegunaan penting dari karbon aktif tempurung pala sebagai adsorben diharapkan bisa dimanfaatkan untuk penjernihan air dari bakteri, penyerapan bahan anorganik terlarut dalam air dan bahan dasar kosmetik
Utilization Of Activated Charcoal From Nutmeg Shell Waste As An Adsorbent To Improve The Quality Of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Fermentation Method
Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is a form of processed coconut that is widely produced by people in Indonesia. VCO is often called pure coconut oil. VCO with good quality is by fermentation method using yeast. The quality of VCO can be measured by 3 types of analysis: water content, free fatty acids and peroxide number. The results of this analysis will be compared with the standards of the Asian and Pacific Coconut Community (APCC). VCO from fermentation method will be combined with the absorption method using nutmeg shell activated charcoal to see if there is a much better quality improvement. The results showed that there was a significant increase in quality with a decrease in the average water content from 0,1665% to 0,1005%. In addition, there was a significant decrease in the average free fatty acid content from 0,4681% to 0,3790% and significant decrease in average peroxide number from 0,1991 meq/kg to 0,0997 meq/kg. The results of the research on three VCO quality standards showed a value that was in accordance with the APCC standard
Analisis Kemampuan dari Ekstrak Etanol Rumput Laut Ulva lactuca Sebagai Antibakteri Vibrio sp. dan Kajian Fitokimianya
An analysis of the antibacterial ability of Vibrio sp. has been carried out from the ethanol extract of Ulva lactuca seaweed and its phytochemical study. Analysis of the antibacterial ability of Vibrio sp. using the disk diffusion method was the main thing carried out in this research, then the extract yield was calculated from the maceration process of Ulva lactuca seaweed, as well as phytochemical analysis to support the antibacterial ability of Ulva lactuca seaweed against the bacteria Vibrio sp. The results of the extraction of Ulva lactuca seaweed with ethanol solvent obtained a yield of 3.67%. The results showed a moderate antibacterial activity of Vibrio sp. from Ulva lactuca seaweed extract at a concentration of 100% was 17.3 mm. Weak antibacterial activity was at a concentration of 75% of 12.525 mm and extracts below a concentration of 75% did not have inhibitory power against Vibrio sp bacteria. Phytochemical studies of Ulva lactuca seaweed found secondary metabolite compounds in the form of alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, tannins and saponins. Based on the results of this research, it is hoped that the antibacterial ability of Vibrio sp. can be further investigated from ethanol extract of Ulva lactuca seaweed in vivo
Phytochemical Tests and Antioxidant Activities of the Rhips Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Var Amarum.)
Ginger is a traditional plant that thrives and has essential functions, including an antioxidant. This study aimed to determine the phytochemical content and test the antioxidant activity of fresh white ginger and powdered ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Amarum.). Two methods are used in this research: the phytochemical test and the antioxidant activity test using DPPH. Phytochemical tests, such as flavonoid, phenolic, steroid, and saponin, were conducted qualitatively. The antioxidant activity test was carried out using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Fresh white ginger and powdered ginger were extracted using the maceration method with water solvent. The study results showed that the effects of fresh white ginger extract obtained a yield of 64.08%. Meanwhile, powdered ginger extract was 58.68%. Phytochemical test results of fresh white ginger extract and powdered ginger (commercial) showed positive results for flavonoid, phenolic, and saponin compounds while adverse effects for steroids. Antioxidant activity test on fresh white ginger extract with water solvent showed an IC50 value of 25.41 ppm. The powdered ginger extract (commercial) has an IC50 value of 36.70 ppm. The results showed fresh white ginger and powdered ginger had relatively high antioxidant activity
Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Vibrio sp. dengan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirsak (Annona muricata L.)
Study of the antibacterial ability of soursop leaf extract (Annona muricata L.) in inhibiting the growth of Vibrio sp. The maceration method with 70% ethanol solvent was used in this research to determine the yield, then the extract was diluted in stages from a concentration of 100% to 3.125%. The antibacterial test was done using the disc diffusion method in TCBS media and a phytochemical test was carried out on soursop leaves to analyze the secondary metabolite content. The extract yield obtained in this study was 3.77%. The test results showed that the largest zone of inhibition was found at 100% extract concentration of 11.45mm. The smallest inhibition zone was found in the 6.25% extract with an inhibition zone of 1.44mm, the diameter of the positive control (tetracycline) inhibition zone was 22.75mm, the diameter of 10% DMSO as a negative control was 0 mm. Phytochemical tests of soursop leaves show that they contain alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, saponins and tannins
Phytochemical Tests and Antioxidant Activities of the Rhips Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Var Amarum.)
Ginger is a traditional plant that thrives and has essential functions, including an antioxidant. This study aimed to determine the phytochemical content and test the antioxidant activity of fresh white ginger and powdered ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Amarum.). Two methods are used in this research: the phytochemical test and the antioxidant activity test using DPPH. Phytochemical tests, such as flavonoid, phenolic, steroid, and saponin, were conducted qualitatively. The antioxidant activity test was carried out using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Fresh white ginger and powdered ginger were extracted using the maceration method with water solvent. The study results showed that the effects of fresh white ginger extract obtained a yield of 64.08%. Meanwhile, powdered ginger extract was 58.68%. Phytochemical test results of fresh white ginger extract and powdered ginger (commercial) showed positive results for flavonoid, phenolic, and saponin compounds while adverse effects for steroids. Antioxidant activity test on fresh white ginger extract with water solvent showed an IC50 value of 25.41 ppm. The powdered ginger extract (commercial) has an IC50 value of 36.70 ppm. The results showed fresh white ginger and powdered ginger had relatively high antioxidant activity
Penyakit Vibriosis pada ikan kakap, udang vaname dan rumput laut sering disebabkan disebabkan oleh bakteri Vibrio sp. Penyakit tersebut dapat dideteksi dengan mengisolasi bakteri dan menanamnya pada media agar selektif Vibrio sp. yaitu Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Sucrose (TCBS) agar. Daun sernai (Wedelia biflora) adalah tumbuhan yang banyak diteliti dan berguna sebagi antimikroba atau antibakteri. Berdasarkan kegunaan sebagai anti bakteri diharapkan dalam penelitian ini bahwa daun sernai dapat menjadi antibakteri Vibrio sp. Efektifitas dan efisiensi dari daun sernai sebagai antibakteri Vibrio sp. dalam penelitian ini dapat diperoleh dengan menentukan rendemen ekstrak, analisis fitokimia dan uji aktifitas ekstrak sebagai antibakteri Vibrio sp dengan metode disc diffusion Kirby-Bauer. Rendemen ekstrak daun sernai yang dihasilkan sebesar 11,7 %, dengan kandungan metabolit sekunder hasil uji fitokimia serbuk daun sernai menunjukan positif adanya senyawa alkaloid, terpenoid, flavonoid, dan saponin. Ekstrak daun sernai dengan konsentrasi 100 % mampu menghambat bakteri dengan respon hambat pertumbuhan bakteri Vibrio sp. yang kuat atau sensitif dan mempunyai respon hambat yang sama dengan tetrasiklin 30 mg
Antibacterial Activity Efficacy of Extract Seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii And Leaves of Mangrove (Rhizophora apiculata) Against Aeromonas hydrophilla Causes of Ice-ice Disease
Southeast Maluku area, seaweed is the livelihood of the community. However, in its cultivation there are some common obstacles that are often experienced. One of them is ice-ice disease caused by the presence of bacteria such as Aeromonas hydrophilla. Therefore, prevention that can be used as a solution is antibacterial. One of the natural ingredients that can be used as an antibacterial is seaweed, because it contains compounds that can inhibit bacterial growth. In general, the most common bioactive compounds found are flavonoids, phenols, and tannins. In addition to seaweed, mangrove plants also have compounds that can be antibacterial. The extract method used in this study is a simple extraction method that uses only one type of solvent, namely distilled water. And a comparison of concentrations between 100%, 80%, 60% and 40% was carried out. Then the inhibition zone test was carried out using the paper disc diffusion method, where the disc paper was dipped into each extract with different concentrations and placed in a petri dish that had been overgrown with bacteria. Measurement of the inhibition zone formed was carried out after the plates were incubated for 24 hours at 37oC. The measurement results show that both aquades extracts have medium to strong inhibitory power. The conclusion of this research is that aquades extract of seaweed and mangrove leaves has inhibitory power against Aeromonas hydrophilla bacteria.