13 research outputs found

    Mantino ben Samuel, Jacob

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    Ibn Ru\u161d (Averroes), Talkhis Kitab al-Maqulat (Commentum Medium Super Librum Praedicamentorum)

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    La traduction arabo-latine attribu\ue9e \ue0 Guillaume de Luna (d\ue9but ou milieu du XIIIe si\ue8cle?) du commentaire moyen d\u2019Averro\ue8s sur la Logica vetus a fait l\u2019objet en 1996 d\u2019un premier volume : curieusement peut-\ueatre, il proposait l\u2019\ue9dition du texte de la troisi\ue8me \u153uvre concern\ue9e, le Peri Hermeneias ou De interpretatione (Averrois opera, Series B: Averroes latinus, XII). Le pr\ue9sent volume (Averrois opera, Series B: Averroes latinus, XI) poursuit l\u2019\ue9dition dudit commentaire dans la m\ueame traduction arabo-latine et porte, non sur la premi\ue8re \u153uvre de la trilogie : l\u2019Isagoge, mais sur la deuxi\ue8me : les Cat\ue9gories ou Pr\ue9dicaments. \uc0 peine impliqu\ue9e dans des citations d\u2019auteurs, l\u2019\u153uvre n\u2019est plus connue que par six manuscrits; s' y ajoutent douze \ue9ditions des XVe et XVIe si\ue8cles. La pr\ue9sente \ue9dition ressemble \ue0 la pr\ue9c\ue9dente du commentaire du Peri Hermeneias au moins sous quatre rapports : 1. une comparaison syst\ue9matique de la version latine m\ue9di\ue9vale du commentaire d\u2019Averro\ue8s avec la version h\ue9bra\uefque correspondante a \ue9t\ue9 exclue, ces deux versions ne pouvant \ueatre qu\u2019ind\ue9pendantes l\u2019une de l\u2019autre ; 2. dans l\u2019apparat comparatif de la version latine avec l\u2019original arabe, les mots arabes sont imprim\ue9s en arabe, puis retraduits en latin dans la langue m\ueame du traducteur, sur base d\u2019une \ue9tude syst\ue9matique de la terminologie utilis\ue9e dans la traduction ; 3. les lexiques sur lesquels s\u2019appuie cette \ue9tude de la terminologie, rendent compte d\u2019\ue0 peu pr\ue8s toutes les \ue9quivalences arabo-latines \ue9tablies par le traducteur, et non, parmi celles-ci, d\u2019une cat\ue9gorie particuli\ue8re ne reprenant, par exemple, que les concepts philosophiques ; 4. dans les lexiques, les mots arabes sont transcrits en caract\ue8res latins : certaines v\ue9rifications sont ainsi accessibles aux lecteurs non arabisants ; quant aux arabisants, la vocalisation qu\u2019implique la transcription leur signale comment, en fonction de l\u2019interpr\ue9tation suppos\ue9e avoir \ue9t\ue9 celle du traducteur m\ue9di\ue9val, le r\ue9f\ue9rent arabe a de nouveau \ue9t\ue9 relu et compris

    Vernia, Nicoletto

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    none1Nicoletto Vernia is the greatest Aristotelian of the fifteenth century and has contributed to all the most important aspects of the speculation of his time: gnoseology and the problem of immortality of the soul, logic, physics, and the theory of impetus, research methodology and the theory of regressus demonstrativus, cosmology, and the metaphysics of celestial intelligences. He claims the autonomy of physics with regard to metaphysics and the superiority of natural science. Vernia was a pupil of Paolo della Pergola and Gaetano of Thiene and successor of the latter as professor of Philosophia at the University of Padua in 1465. He has among his pupils, Pietro Pomponazzi, Agostino Nifo, and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.restrictedEnnio De Bellis,DE BELLIS, Enni

    Intraocular pressure and gonioscopic findings in rural communities mesoendemic and nonendemic for onchoceriasis, Kaduna State, Nigeria.

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    PURPOSE: To report on glaucoma-related ocular parameters, namely intraocular pressure and peripheral anterior synechiae, in the presence of onchocercal infection. METHODS: Two computer-generated random samples of individuals were drawn from communities mesoendemic and nonendemic for onchocerciasis respectively. Applanation tonometry and gonioscopy were carried out on these individuals. RESULTS: Four hundred and thirty-six and 319 individuals from the mesoendemic and nonendemic communities were examined respectively. The mean intraocular pressure was 1.58 mmHg lower in the individuals from the mesoendemic communities compared with those from the nonendemic communities (p < 0.001) despite the prevalence of peripheral anterior synechiae being higher in the mesoendemic communities. In these communities, there was strong evidence that the prevalence of peripheral anterior synechiae increased with increasing microfilarial load. CONCLUSIONS: Onchocercal infection produces a low-grade inflammatory process, which may result in a lowering of intraocular pressure despite the formation of peripheral anterior synechiae. Glaucomatous optic nerve damage may therefore not be the primary cause of visual loss in ocular onchocerciasis as this occurs late and is probably preceded by other blinding onchocercal pathology

    Nifo, Agostino

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    Agostino Nifo is one of the few philosophers who have commented on all the logical works of Aristotle and one of the philosophers who have commented on the largest number of works of the Stagirite. Nifo’s reflection marked him in Renaissance thought as an important exponent of Aristotelianism, which he interpreted in an eclectic manner according to the principles of Averroism, Thomism, and Neoplatonism. In his 56 works, he made a fundamental contribution to sixteenth-century philosophy in the fields of logic, methodology, the doctrine of knowledge, the theory of the immortality of the soul, metaphysics, astrology, meteorology, natural philosophy, medicine, morals, and politics. He compared his ideas on these issues to those of some of the major thinkers of his time such as Pietro Pomponazzi, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, and Niccolò Machiavelli