21 research outputs found

    Extensively Hydrated but Folded: A Novel State of Globular Proteins Stabilized at High Pressure and Low Temperature

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    AbstractWe studied conformational fluctuations of the transcription factor c-Myb R2 subdomain (52 residues with three Trp) at high pressure and low temperature (5°C) using two different spectroscopic methods, Trp fluorescence and 1H NMR, on its chemically stable mutant C130I (pseudo-wild-type (WTS)), which has a large internal cavity. As pressure was increased from 3 to 300 MPa, the Trp fluorescence λmax of WTS shifted from 342 to ∼355 nm, clearly showing that the three Trp rings become fully exposed to the polar environment, which usually is taken to indicate that the protein underwent unfolding. In contrast, as pressure was increased from 3 to 300 MPa, the high-field-shifted 1H NMR signals characteristic of the folded state showed a still higher-field shift, but no significant changes in their intensity. The last result unequivocally shows that the protein remains largely folded at 300 MPa. The apparent discrepancy between the two predictions would only be solved if one were to postulate the existence of an extensively hydrated but folded state in WTS. Intriguingly, such a state was not found in a cavity-filling mutant of WTS, C130I/V103L, suggesting that this state is mediated by cavity hydration. The generality and significance of this state in proteins are discussed

    Stem-Forming Regions That Are Essential for the Amyloidogenesis of Prion Proteins

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    Prion diseases represent fatal neurodegenerative disorders caused by the aggregation of prion proteins. With regard to the formation of the amyloidogenic cross-β-structure, the initial mechanism in the conversion to a β-structure is critically important. To explore the core regions forming a stem of the amyloid, we designed and prepared a series of peptides comprised of two native sequences linked by a turn-inducing dipeptide moiety and examined their ability to produce amyloids. A sequence alignment of the peptides bearing the ability to form amyloid structures revealed that paired strands consisting of VNITI (residues 180–184) and VTTTT (residues 189–193) are the core regions responsible for initiating the formation of cross-β-structures and for further ordered aggregation. In addition, most of the causative mutations responsible for inherited prion diseases were found to be located in these stem-forming regions on helix H2 and their counterpart on helix H3. Moreover, the volume effect of the nonstem domain, which contains ∼200 residues, was deduced to be a determinant of the nature of the association such as oligomerization, because the stem-forming domain is only a small part of a prion protein. Taken together, we conclude that the mechanism underlying the initial stage of amyloidogenesis is the exposure of a newly formed intramolecular β-sheet to a solvent through the partial transition of a native structure from an α-helix to a β-structure. Our results also demonstrate that prion diseases caused by major prion proteins except the prions of some fungi such as yeast are inherent only in mammals, as evidenced by a comparison of the corresponding sequences to the stem-forming regions among different animals

    High resolution crystal structure of the Grb2 SH2 domain with a phosphopeptide derived from CD28.

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    Src homology 2 (SH2) domains play a critical role in cellular signal transduction. They bind to peptides containing phosphotyrosine (pY) with various specificities that depend on the flanking amino-acid residues. The SH2 domain of growth-factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2) specifically recognizes pY-X-N-X, whereas the SH2 domains in phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) recognize pY-X-X-M. Binding of the pY site in CD28 (pY-M-N-M) by PI3K and Grb2 through their SH2 domains is a key step that triggers the CD28 signal transduction for T cell activation and differentiation. In this study, we determined the crystal structure of the Grb2 SH2 domain in complex with a pY-containing peptide derived from CD28 at 1.35 Å resolution. The peptide was found to adopt a twisted U-type conformation, similar to, but distinct from type-I β-turn. In all previously reported crystal structures, the peptide bound to the Grb2 SH2 domains adopts a type-I β-turn conformation, except those with a proline residue at the pY+3 position. Molecular modeling also suggests that the same peptide bound to PI3K might adopt a very different conformation