742 research outputs found

    Poincare: Recommending Publication Venues via Treatment Effect Estimation

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    Choosing a publication venue for an academic paper is a crucial step in the research process. However, in many cases, decisions are based solely on the experience of researchers, which often leads to suboptimal results. Although there exist venue recommender systems for academic papers, they recommend venues where the paper is expected to be published. In this study, we aim to recommend publication venues from a different perspective. We estimate the number of citations a paper will receive if the paper is published in each venue and recommend the venue where the paper has the most potential impact. However, there are two challenges to this task. First, a paper is published in only one venue, and thus, we cannot observe the number of citations the paper would receive if the paper were published in another venue. Secondly, the contents of a paper and the publication venue are not statistically independent; that is, there exist selection biases in choosing publication venues. In this paper, we formulate the venue recommendation problem as a treatment effect estimation problem. We use a bias correction method to estimate the potential impact of choosing a publication venue effectively and to recommend venues based on the potential impact of papers in each venue. We highlight the effectiveness of our method using paper data from computer science conferences.Comment: Journal of Informetric

    The Experimental Study on Organ Lipoprotein Lipase, Especially in Relation to the Lung

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    Determination of the lipolytic activity in various organs of rats were done by means of organ homogenate in vitro, the significance of the lipolytic activity was more characterized by the inhibition study of the Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL). The activity of the lung tissue was high followed by the cardiac muscle or adipose tissue. After force feeding fat meal or after heparin administration in vitro, the significant elevation was observed. And also after carbon tetrachloride poisoning or aseptic pneumonia induced by silver nitrate solution injection, the lipolytic activity in the lung increased with the endogeneous lipid transportation from the depot fat to the liver tissue. The histological character of the lung tissue is rich in arterioles and capillaries and also rich in mast cells and the lung has a anatomical speciality ; the first organ to be approached by exogeneous lipid. These findings suggest that the lung is one of the organs which produce LPL and may display some role in the exogeneous and endogeneous lipid transportation