16 research outputs found

    Formation of wave-front pattern accompanied by current-driven electrostatic ion-cyclotron instabilities

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    Formation of a wave-front pattern accompanied by an electrostatic ion-cyclotron instability driven by electrons drifting along a magnetic field is investigated by two-and-half dimensional particle simulations. A clear spatial wave-front pattern appears as the ion cyclotron wave grows due to the instability. When the electron stream is uniform in the system, an obliquely intersected stripe wave-front pattern is formed. When the stream has a bell-shaped pattern across the magnetic field, a V-shaped stripe wave-front pattern appears. The wave fronts have small angles with the magnetic field lines and propagate from the high-stream region to the low-stream region

    Development of a Drift-Kinetic Simulation Code for Estimating Collisional Transport Affected by RMPs and Radial Electric Field

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    A drift-kinetic δf simulation code is developed for estimating collisional transport in a quasi-steady state of toroidal plasma affected by resonant magnetic perturbations and radial electric field. In this paper, validity of the code is confirmed through several test calculations. It is found that radial electron flux is reduced by positive radial-electric field, although radial diffusion of electron is strongly affected by chaotic field-lines under an assumption of zero electric field

    The 48-Year Data Analysis Collected by Nagoya Muon Telescope—A Detection of Possible (125 ± 45) Day Periodicity

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    Muons produced by cosmic rays above the atmosphere provide valuable information on the intensity of cosmic rays and variations in the upper atmosphere. Since 1970, the Nagoya University Cosmic Ray Laboratory has been observing the muon intensity using a multi-directional cosmic ray telescope with two layers of 36 plastic scintillators of 1m2 each, which measure the muon intensity in different incident directions. The energy of an incident proton that produces a muon incident from a vertical direction is over 11.5 GV. This paper analyzes vertical muon intensities obtained over 48 years from 1970 to 2018 using methods that differ from the East–West method. As a result, a new periodicity of (125±45) days and a new periodicity of (4–16) days were found. The latter appears only in winter time, so it may be caused by a synoptic-scale disturbance associated with the arrival of the Siberian cold air mass. On the other hand, the former periodicity may be related to solar dynamo activity. In 1984, the Solar Maximum Mission’s Gamma Ray Spectrometers reported a periodicity of about (154±10) days in the flux of solar gamma rays. The (125±45)-day periodicity found here is most likely related to solar dynamo activity, since the intensity of cosmic rays around 11.5 GV is affected by the magnetic field induced by the Sun. However, this (125±45)-day periodicity differs from the report measured by the GRS instrument in a point that it also appears during periods of low solar activity. Furthermore, it has not appeared often during lower solar activity since 1992. This information is important for future investigation of the origin of this periodicity

    Development of Computational Technique for Labeling Magnetic Flux-Surfaces

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    In recent Large Helical Device (LHD) experiments, radial profiles of ion temperature, electric field, etc. have been measured in the m/n = 1/1 magnetic island produced by island control coils, where m is the poloidal mode number and n the toroidal mode number. When the plasma transport in radial profiles is numerically analyzed, an average over a magnetic flux-surface in the island is a very useful concept to understand the transport. When averaging, a proper labeling of the flux-surfaces is necessary. In general, it is not easy to label the flux-surfaces in a magnetic field containing the island, compared with the case of a magnetic field configuration having nested flux-surfaces. In the present paper, we have developed a new computational technique to label the magnetic flux-surfaces. This technique uses an optimization algorithm called the simulated annealing method. The flux-surfaces are discerned by using two labels: one is classification of the magnetic field structure, i.e., core, island, ergodic, and outside regions, and the other depends on the value of the toroidal magnetic flux. We have applied this technique to an LHD configuration with the m/n = 1/1 island, and successfully discriminated of the magnetic field structure