2,344 research outputs found

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    Where The Money Is: Remedies to Finance Compliance with Strict Structural Injunctions

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    This Article examines the formal powers that are available to the federal courts to meet this situation. Part I places the problem in perspective, describing the party structure of the institutional reform decree, the :financial burdens it places on the government defendants, and the relationship of these defendants to the fiscal authorities. Part II surveys the coercive powers historically available to the federal courts sitting in equity. Part III discusses the use of these devices against government defendants who claim financial impossibility. It emphasizes the limited recognition of impossibility, the power to compel the defendants to use available resources efficiently and the indirect coercion of the fiscal authorities by direct pressure on the defendant. Part IV deals with direct proceedings against the treasury or the appropriating body with emphasis on the possible constraints on such proceedings arising from eleventh amendment immunity. It suggests that, where permitted by the eleventh amendment, direct proceedings may better protect both the public\u27s interest in continued services and political control of ultimate taxing and spending decisions than indirect pressure through such actions as closing the institution

    To expel, or to not expel? An analysis of James Madison University\u27s crisis communication and response to sexual assault

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    Over the past decades, there have been several communication crises domestically and internationally. The public relations team behind each company, organization or public figure handles each crisis in a unique fashion. Some crisis management techniques work to rebuild the image of the organization effected, while other strategies fail to produce the desired outcome. It is important to study the practice of crisis management and crisis communication to understand how public relations teams operate in times of pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis, as well as how they improve internal and external communications with the significant affected publics. This project will focus on the different elements of a crisis and how it applies in a college setting, especially in instances of sexual assault

    Location of the genes for human heavy chain immunoglobulin to chromosome 6

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    Chronic Kidney Disease and GWAS: “The Proper Study of Mankind Is Man”

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been applied to complex diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, successfully uncovering strong gene associations of potential pathophysiologic significance. Recently, two studies (Köttgen et al., 2010; Chambers et al., 2010) have been applied to uncover genes relevant to the pathophysiology of chronic kidney disease (CKD)

    Calkin's binomial identity

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    AbstractWe give a fairly direct proof of an identity involving powers of sums of binomial coefficients established recently by Neil J. Calkin, and present some associated formulae

    On the derived category of a regular toric scheme

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    Let X be a quasi-compact scheme, equipped with an open covering by affine schemes. A quasi-coherent sheaf on X gives rise, by taking sections over the covering sets, to a diagram of modules over the various coordinate rings. The resulting "twisted" diagram of modules satisfies a certain gluing condition, stating that the data is compatible with restriction to smaller open sets. In case X is a regular toric scheme over an arbitrary commutative ring, we prove that the unbounded derived category D(X) of quasi-coherent sheaves on X can be obtained from a category of twisted diagrams which do not necessarily satisfy any gluing condition by inverting maps which induce homology isomorphisms on hyper-derived inverse limits. Moreover, we given an explicit construction of a finite set of weak generators for the derived category. For example, if X is projective n-space then D(X) is generated by n+1 successive twists of the structure sheaf; the present paper gives a new homotopy-theoretic proof of this classical result. The approach taken uses the language of model categories, and the machinery of Bousfield-Hirschhorn colocalisation. The first step is to characterise colocal objects; these turn out to be homotopy sheaves in the sense that chain complexes over different open sets agree on intersections up to quasi-isomorphism only. In a second step it is shown that the homotopy category of homotopy sheaves is the derived category of X.Comment: 35 pages; diagrams need post script viewer or PDF v2: removed "completeness" assumption, changed titl

    A double bounded key identity for Goellnitz's (big) partition theorem

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    Given integers i,j,k,L,M, we establish a new double bounded q-series identity from which the three parameter (i,j,k) key identity of Alladi-Andrews-Gordon for Goellnitz's (big) theorem follows if L, M tend to infinity. When L = M, the identity yields a strong refinement of Goellnitz's theorem with a bound on the parts given by L. This is the first time a bounded version of Goellnitz's (big) theorem has been proved. This leads to new bounded versions of Jacobi's triple product identity for theta functions and other fundamental identities.Comment: 17 pages, to appear in Proceedings of Gainesville 1999 Conference on Symbolic Computation
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