18,280 research outputs found

    Occupation numbers in Self Consistent RPA

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    A method is proposed which allows to calculate within the SCRPA theory the occupation numbers via the single particle Green function. This scheme complies with the Hugenholtz van Hove theorem. In an application to the Lipkin model it is found that this prescription gives consistently better results than two other commonly used approximations: lowest order boson expansion and the number operator method.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    Superconductivity from Undressing. II. Single Particle Green's Function and Photoemission in Cuprates

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    Experimental evidence indicates that the superconducting transition in high TcT_c cuprates is an 'undressing' transition. Microscopic mechanisms giving rise to this physics were discussed in the first paper of this series. Here we discuss the calculation of the single particle Green's function and spectral function for Hamiltonians describing undressing transitions in the normal and superconducting states. A single parameter, ΄\Upsilon, describes the strength of the undressing process and drives the transition to superconductivity. In the normal state, the spectral function evolves from predominantly incoherent to partly coherent as the hole concentration increases. In the superconducting state, the 'normal' Green's function acquires a contribution from the anomalous Green's function when ΄ \Upsilon is non-zero; the resulting contribution to the spectral function is positivepositive for hole extraction and negativenegative for hole injection. It is proposed that these results explain the observation of sharp quasiparticle states in the superconducting state of cuprates along the (π,0)(\pi,0) direction and their absence along the (π,π)(\pi,\pi) direction.Comment: figures have been condensed in fewer pages for easier readin

    Superconductivity from Undressing

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    Photoemission experiments in high TcT_c cuprates indicate that quasiparticles are heavily 'dressed' in the normal state, particularly in the low doping regime. Furthermore these experiments show that a gradual undressing occurs both in the normal state as the system is doped and the carrier concentration increases, as well as at fixed carrier concentration as the temperature is lowered and the system becomes superconducting. A similar picture can be inferred from optical experiments. It is argued that these experiments can be simply understood with the single assumption that the quasiparticle dressing is a function of the local carrier concentration. Microscopic Hamiltonians describing this physics are discussed. The undressing process manifests itself in both the one-particle and two-particle Green's functions, hence leads to observable consequences in photoemission and optical experiments respectively. An essential consequence of this phenomenology is that the microscopic Hamiltonians describing it break electron-hole symmetry: these Hamiltonians predict that superconductivity will only occur for carriers with hole-like character, as proposed in the theory of hole superconductivity

    Excited bands in odd-mass rare-earth nuclei

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    Normal parity bands are studied in 157Gd, 163Dy and 169Tm using the pseudo SU(3) shell model. Energies and B(E2) transition strengths of states belonging to six low-lying rotational bands with the same parity in each nuclei are presented. The pseudo SU(3) basis includes states with pseudo-spin 0 and 1, and 1/2 and 3/2, for even and odd number of nucleons, respectively. States with pseudo-spin 1 and 3/2 must be included for a proper description of some excited bands.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Electronic dynamic Hubbard model: exact diagonalization study

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    A model to describe electronic correlations in energy bands is considered. The model is a generalization of the conventional Hubbard model that allows for the fact that the wavefunction for two electrons occupying the same Wannier orbital is different from the product of single electron wavefunctions. We diagonalize the Hamiltonian exactly on a four-site cluster and study its properties as function of band filling. The quasiparticle weight is found to decrease and the quasiparticle effective mass to increase as the electronic band filling increases, and spectral weight in one- and two-particle spectral functions is transfered from low to high frequencies as the band filling increases. Quasiparticles at the Fermi energy are found to be more 'dressed' when the Fermi level is in the upper half of the band (hole carriers) than when it is in the lower half of the band (electron carriers). The effective interaction between carriers is found to be strongly dependent on band filling becoming less repulsive as the band filling increases, and attractive near the top of the band in certain parameter ranges. The effective interaction is most attractive when the single hole carriers are most heavily dressed, and in the parameter regime where the effective interaction is attractive, hole carriers are found to 'undress', hence become more like electrons, when they pair. It is proposed that these are generic properties of electronic energy bands in solids that reflect a fundamental electron-hole asymmetry of condensed matter. The relation of these results to the understanding of superconductivity in solids is discussed.Comment: Small changes following referee's comment

    Quasiparticle undressing in a dynamic Hubbard model: exact diagonalization study

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    Dynamic Hubbard models have been proposed as extensions of the conventional Hubbard model to describe the orbital relaxation that occurs upon double occupancy of an atomic orbital. These models give rise to pairing of holes and superconductivity in certain parameter ranges. Here we explore the changes in carrier effective mass and quasiparticle weight and in one- and two-particle spectral functions that occur in a dynamic Hubbard model upon pairing, by exact diagonalization of small systems. It is found that pairing is associated with lowering of effective mass and increase of quasiparticle weight, manifested in transfer of spectral weight from high to low frequencies in one- and two-particle spectral functions. This 'undressing' phenomenology resembles observations in transport, photoemission and optical experiments in high T_c cuprates. This behavior is contrasted with that of a conventional electron-hole symmetric Holstein-like model with attractive on-site interaction, where pairing is associated with 'dressing' instead of 'undressing'
