52 research outputs found

    Property, transactions and creations New economic relations in the Pacific

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    Period of award: 1 Apr. 99 - 31 Mar. 02Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:3739. 0605(000237838) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    Use, circulation and meanings of pharmaceuticals among pilagá, guaraní, mbya-guaraní, tapiete and toba communities

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    Fil: Cebolla Badie, Marilyn. Universidad Nacional de Misiones; Argentina.Fil: Dell’Arciprete, Ana. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Centro Universitario Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de la Enfermedad de Chagas; Argentina.Fil: Fontes, Cristina. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Hirsch, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de San Martín; Argentina.Fil: Orlando, María Florencia. Programa de Ecología Reproductiva del Chaco Argentino, Formosa; Argentina.INTRODUCCIÓN: Las prácticas de uso y consumo de medicamentos permiten analizar la inserción de la biomedicina y las acciones de salud pública entre los pueblos indígenas. OBJETIVO: Analizar uso, circulación y significado otorgado a los medicamentos por comunidades tapiete, guaraní, mbya-guaraní, pilagá y toba, en ámbitos rurales y periurbanos de las provincias argentinas de Salta, Formosa y Misiones. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo, comparativo y exploratorio, basado en técnicas cualitativas: observación y entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas en hospitales, centros de salud, farmacias y hogares de las familias indígenas durante 2012-2013. RESULTADOS: El estudio demostró que los indígenas se proveían de medicamentos por diversas vías. En algunos de los grupos se registró una alta incidencia de automedicación con consumo de analgésicos, antiinflamatorios y antibióticos (amoxicilina), una coexistencia de prácticas culturales propias con las del sistema biomédico y diversos recorridos terapéuticos. Se observó una mayor presencia de medicamentos en los grupos guaraní y tapiete de Salta y la comunidad periurbana toba de Formosa, menor en la pilagá y escasa en la mbya-guaraní. CONCLUSIONES: El vínculo con los medicamentos muestra una gran variabilidad según el grupo étnico. Existe una marcada aceptación, pese a la difícil relación con los servicios de salud. Es necesario considerar las prácticas de la salud y la enfermedad en los pueblos originarios a fin de mejorar las acciones preventivas y de intervención.INTRODUCTION: Practices related with use and consumption of pharmaceuticals constitute a venue to analyze the incorporation of biomedicine and public health actions among indigenous peoples. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the use, circulation and meaning given to pharmaceuticals by Tapiete, Guaraní, Mbya-Guaraní, Pilagá and Toba indigenous communities from rural and peri-urban areas in the Argentine provinces of Salta, Formosa and Misiones. METHODS: Descriptive, comparative and exploratory study, based on qualitative techniques: observation and semi-structured interviews conducted in hospitals, health centers, pharmacies and houses of indigenous families during 2012-2013. RESULTS: Indigenous peoples obtained pharmaceuticals through different channels. In some of the groups there was a high incidence of self-medication with consumption of analgesics, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics (amoxicillin), as well as a coexistence of native cultural practices and those of the biomedical health system and diverse therapeutic itineraries. There was a larger presence of pharmaceuticals among Guaraní and Tapiete groups in Salta and the peri-urban Toba community in Formosa, less among the Pilagá and scarce among the Mbya-Guaraní. CONCLUSIONS: The relation with pharmaceuticals varies greatly according to the ethnic group. In spite of the difficult relation with health care services, there is wide acceptance of pharmaceuticals. It is necessary to consider the health and illness practices of native peoples to improve preventive measures and interventions

    Where to from here? Evaluating employability during career transition

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    This study explores attitudes towards employability among a small group of individuals who were in career transition as a result of taking voluntary redundancy. Contemporary models of career suggest that much of the responsibility for career and employability has been transferred from the organisation to the individual. This study indicated that, in general, mid-career individuals were yet to recognise this transfer and to take ownership of their employability. When moving from a stable career within a paternalistic organisation to an uncertain job market they were unsure what they had to offer an employer, how to approach job search or how to market their skills and experience. The majority did make a successful career transition but more in the absence of, rather than because of, individual career management strategies.Marilyn Clark

    Natureza humana criada em laboratório: biologização e genetização do parentesco nas novas tecnologias reprodutivas Human nature created in the laboratory: the biologization and genetization of kinship in new reproductive technologies

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    As novas tecnologias reprodutivas, também chamadas de 'reprodução assistida', são procedimentos que permitem a procriação sem a relação sexual, sendo as técnicas mais conhecidas a inseminação artificial e a fertilização in vitro (bebê de proveta). O acesso às técnicas também levanta a discussão sobre a genetização dos laços de parentesco, em contraste com as práticas de adoção ou procedimentos como a doação de gametas (óvulos e espermatozóides) e embriões. Com base em pesquisa etnográfica com usuárias e profissionais envolvidos em reprodução assistida, e em bibliografia específica, este trabalho visa discutir que concepções de natureza humana estão implicadas na biologização e na genetização do parentesco nas novas tecnologias reprodutivas.<br>New reproductive technologies or assisted reproduction are procedures that make procreation possible without sexual relations, the most well-known being artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization ('test-tube' babies). Use of these new techniques raises the issue of the genetization of kinship ties, in contrast with adoption or procedures involving the donation of gametes (eggs and sperms) and embryos. Based both on ethnographic research with users and professionals in assisted reproduction and also on bibliographic research, the article discusses the concepts of human nature implied in the biologization and genetization of kinship through these new reproductive technologies