286 research outputs found
Evaluation of Esophageal Varices by Multidetector-row CT: Correlation with Endoscopic ‘Red Color Sign’
<P>To evaluate the ability of multidetector-row CT (MDCT) to predict a risk of hemorrhage in patients with esophageal varices, a total of 40 MDCT scans were performed in 29 patients who had been diagnosed with esophageal varices by conventional upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy. In 11 patients, MDCT was performed both before and after endoscopic injection sclerotherapy (EIS). Endoscopically, the red color sign (RC sign) was present in 28 scans. Of the 11 patients who underwent EIS, the RC sign disappeared after EIS in 9. The MDCT scans were obtained in the arterial, portal, and equilibrial phases, and the portal phase images were used in this study. Subsequently, the extent of esophageal varices was categorized into four MDCT scores. The variceal score, the maximum short axis of the varices, and the presence of palisade vein dilatation obtained from MDCT had significant correlation with endoscopic variceal forms, and the presence and severity of RC sign, respectively (p<0.01). All cases with a maximum minor axis of more than 4 mm showed positive RC sign. MDCT was useful in the evaluation of esophageal varices for predicting a risk of hemorrhage
現代に繋がる近代初期の口語的資料における言語実態 : 速記本とSPレコードによる東西の落語を対象として
横浜国立大学Yokohama National University本稿は,明治期に出版された落語速記の作品と,同じく明治期に録音・販売されたと考えられる落語SPレコードの作品のうち,同一の演者によって行なわれた同一の落語作品を詳細に比較・対照して,その両者における言語内容の実態を明らかにしようとするものである。この両者には,噺の骨格や進め方,更には語彙的な部分においてはかなりの類似性が見られるが,話しことばというパフォーマンス部分から見ると,大きな隔たりがあることが分かった。速記資料における「口語性」を考える場合には,その資料的性格をよく考慮した上で,慎重に判断を加えつつ活用してゆくことが必要であると考えられる。This article compares shorthand writings of rakugo (comical stories) published during the Meiji Period and their spoken versions recorded on 78 rpm disks during the same period. It examines characteristics of language use in the two media, particularly focusing on identical stories by the same storytellers.Although similarities are to be found in the structure of the stories and lexical choice, they bear little resemblance in terms of the characteristics of spoken language. The findings suggest that it is necessary to investigate the characteristics of shorthand writings as a linguistic resource, before we make use of them for research as representative of spoken Japanese in the Early Modern Period
横浜国立大学本稿は,「気持ち的」や「わたし的」など,識者の間ではすこぶる評判が悪いが,その一方で,若者たちの間では広く使用され,且つ,その種類や機会を広げつつある「~的」の新しい用法について,それを単に批判するのではなく,語法や運用の面から分析を進めてみることによって,前向きに評価してみようとする試みである。「~的」の新用法には,i)文頭にいきなり「~的」の語が来ること ii)「~的」の後に「に」,その中でもとりわけ「には」が接続して,以下に文が続いてゆく場合が多いこと iii)述語の部分には,二元的・絶対的な好/悪の感情を示す表現が来ることが目に付き,この現象は「わたし的」の場合に特に顕著であること,といった文法面での特色がある。そして,「気持ち的」に代表される「属性用法」や「わたし的」に代表される「主体用法」といったものに用法の幅を広げており,自身の気持ちや好悪の判断などを積極的な形で表明してゆくための語法として人々に受け容れられつつある模様である
「大学生活を充実に過ごすために…」 : 新用法発生の契機に関する一考察
横浜国立大学Yokohama National University本稿は,現在まさに大学生活のただ中にいる学生たちの一部が,「〔大学生活を〕充実して(または,させて)過ごす」という表現において,「充実に過ごす」という形式を採用しつつあるらしいことを,アンケートの結果より指摘するものである。そしてこの形式が,単なる思い違いや誤用ではないかもしれないという可能性について少しく考察するとともに,この現象に関しては,日本語学習者である留学生たちの状況が参考になるかもしれないという点についても言及してみる。This paper examines the results of a questionnaire that show that some university students, in the course of their college lives, seem to be adopting the form "jujitsu ni sugosu" instead of "(daigaku seikatsu o) jujitsushite or jujitsu sasete sugosu" (I make the most of my college life). I also discuss in some detail that this form may not be caused by a misconception or error, and I attempt to point out that this phenomenon might be clarified by observing foreign students who are learning Japanese
Performance evaluation and comparison of switched reluctance cylindrical linear motor
Nowadays, most of the researchers have put a lot of effort in designing the permanent magnet type of linear motor. However, due to resource problem occur recently to the permanent magnet material has led to increment of the material cost. This situation made the linear motor productivity is reduced. Because of this reason, most of linear motor manufacturers are prefer to development non-permanent magnet type to ensure product competitiveness and increase cost performance. Therefore, in this research, a switched reluctance linear motor was designed. The teeth shape has been varied in order to observed the effect to it's performance. As a result, the best model of switched reluctance linear motor with optimum teeth shape has been proposed. The performance of the model also has been compared to other similar type of linear motor and the permanent magnet type of linear motor.Article日本AEM学会誌. 22(2):232-237 (2014)journal articl
Acute Bowel Injury due to Cryoablation for Renal Cell Carcinoma: Correlated Radiologic and Pathologic Findings
An 87-year-old Japanese man underwent percutaneous cryoablation (PCA) therapy for his renal cell tumor. We displaced the colon from the tumor using hydrodissection. Computed tomography (CT) immediately after PCA was indicative of iceball extension to the colon wall, and a discontinuous enhancement of the colon wall was observed. We therefore performed an emergency surgery. On laparotomy, we observed a dark-purple area on the affected area of the colon, and the resected specimen showed focal, deep ulceration on the mucosal surface. Photomicrography revealed mucosal necrosis, submucosal hemorrhage, and necrotic foci in the muscularis propria, corresponding to the discontinuous colon wall enhancement on CT and the deep ulceration and dark-purple area on laparotomy. He recovered from surgery and was discharged without any complications
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