26 research outputs found

    Dayside energetic electron precipitation through pitch-angle scattering associated with sudden impulses

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回極域宙空圏シンポジウム 11月15日(火) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議

    Erlotinib デ induction therapy オ オコナッタ IIIAキ ヒショウサイボウ ハイガン ノ 1シュジュツレイ

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    [Background ]Erlotinib, epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitor(EGFR-TKI), is effective for advanced and metastatic non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC)with EGFR mutation. However, the report of Erlotinib as induction therapy is rare. We report a surgical case of NSCLC with Erlotinib as induction therapy. [Case ]A41-years-old man, diagnosed left lung adenocarcinoma with EGFR mutation(exon19deletion), was referred to our hospital. CT showed that the tumor was 35mm in S8 of the left lung and #7 lymphnode was swelling markedly(cT2aN2M0 stage ⅢA). He took Erlotinib(150mg/day)for12weeks at first because of EGFR mutation positive. The evaluation of Erlotinib was partial response in RESIST. He could take radical operation as lower lobe and lingual segment resection, because CT showed bulky #7got smaller significantly. There was no postoperative complication. The pathological finding was adenocarcinoma(papillary& acinartype), PL0, v(+), ly(+), br(-), pa(-), pv(-), Ef :1b,(ypT1aN2M0stage ⅢA). He has taken adjuvant therapy(Erlotinib150mg/day)for28weeks. There is no recurrence six months after operation. [Conclusion ]It is possible that Erlotinib as induction-therapy is very effective in patients with EGFR mutation like this case ; however there is no evidence of EGFR-TKI as induction therapy. It is necessary to validate the effectiveness of Erlotinib as induction therapy

    Effect of the mirror force on the collision rate due to energetic electron precipitation: Monte Carlo simulations

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    Abstract We study the effect of the mirror force on the collision rate due to the energetic electron precipitation into the ionosphere. We solve the motion of individual precipitating electrons with the mirror force, where collisions with neutral gas are computed by the Monte Carlo method. By comparing the results with those without the mirror force, we examine the effect of the mirror force on the altitude profile of the ionization rate. First, we carry out simulations of mono-energetic precipitation of 3 keV electrons whose initial pitch angle is 70 degrees at 400 km at L = 6.45. We find that the collision rate peaks at around 120 km altitude and that the duration of the collision is scattered in time with a delay of about 5 ms compared with the result without mirror force. Next, we perform mono-energetic precipitation of the different energy and pitch angle ranges. Simulation results demonstrate that larger kinetic energy lowers the altitude profiles of the collision rate, consistent with previous studies. We also find that the upward motion of electrons bounced back from their mirror points results in the upward broadening of the altitude profile of the collision rate. Simulation results for electrons with kinetic energies above 100 keV show that a secondary peak of the collision rate is formed near the mirror point. The formation of the secondary peak can be explained by the stagnation of electrons around the mirror point at 130 km altitude, because the relatively long duration of staying in neutral gas increases the number of collisions. Simulation results show that under the precipitation of electrons in the kinetic energy range larger than tens of keV with the pitch angle close to the loss cone, the maximum collision rate in the altitude range lower than 100 km becomes one order of the magnitude smaller. The results of the present study suggest the importance of the mirror force for the precise modeling of ionospheric response due to the energetic electron precipitation caused by the pitch angle scattering through wave–particle interactions. Graphical Abstrac