362 research outputs found

    Britain and European monetary cooperation at the turn of the 1970s

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    The Study of the Skin-colour 1st Chapter About the Skin-colour of Normal Human (Being)

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    Having taken up as my thema the question we are still unable to solve ever since Hippocrates, namely, the question of human skin-color, in order to improve those shortcomings found in the skin-colour table until present, but instead, to obtain one which is easily available to everybody, and moreover. Possesses an excellent statistical merit, i. e, the standard color index classified according to lightness, edited by Japanese Institute for Color Study: employing this latter one, studied the skin-color by classifying it into three phases, namely, mien, tone as well as tint, due to the equality method in color mhich proves three layers of color, that is to say. by considering any skin color as a point in a vast space, using figures, at 13 places stimated the skin color, attributed to inhabitants who were by profession either farmers, fishermen, highlanders, or town dwellers, who, though different in their modes of living, qualified about the same: thus, I have arrived at. results as follows.- (1) Normal skin color of those who live around the Seto Inland Sea coincides with Mr. Tsubaki's “The Skin-color of Tokyoits” or that reported by Mr. Okamoto; but in general, shows lower in mien as well as tone, while higher in tint. That the color of both the breast, upper inner arm, and thigh, due to Mr. Tsubaki prove slight change may be ascribed to imperfections of Luschan Table. In this respect, the standard color index according to the tone that I have employed has indicated two supreme merits, i. e, pretty scientific, at the same time, available to use any figure: has enabled me to estimate very minutely at each positions, even to very slight differencer. (2) Among normal human skin colors, comparatively slight change has been detected, in modes of living, for their skin color: but effects from the outer world seemed to be quite great. Among the four groups whihe were able to be cosidered approximately equal in qualifications, in male, those who live in town proved 4.7 in mien, which is the highest. With females, farming people has proved highest, while fisherwomen, town-dweller as well as highlanders proved to be lower. As to tone, it was higher in male town dwellers or female farmers: as to the difference between men and women, it has proved least in towns people; great deal in farmers, followed by fishermen and highlanders. As to tint, in male it has proved steadfast in general, but in female who lived in hills it has proved lowest. As to differences of mien, there was slight variation, the mere difference being that females show higher in tone, but lower in tint than with male. That is to say, women prove whiter (fairer) than men, with a slight deddishness. (3) It indicates an aspeet onyl slightly closer to ‘yellowish orange’ than to ‘orange’ in the skin-color of any normal human being its comparative ratio of reflection has a range from 287 to 37.6%; in tone, ranges 46%-63% in a comparative ratio of reflection. On the whole, redness shows a decrease in the order of fisher-people, highlanders, showing no such thinness of skin-color seen among highlanders as having been told by Pluscharl, but also giving certain support to the theories of Antanne, Dabagie or Wiener, which described the color density in proportion to the hight of land: they both possesses some truth: with females, mien enhances according to its height, while in males, the same circumstances improves tint. Generally speaking. I must conclude that no speeially remar-kable changes could he detected. However, my opinion would not be appropriate, because I have not investigated highlanders in particular. (4) Forehead is best-fitted for examination of skin-color, it being comparatively secure place: then comes upper inner arm, inner thigh, abdomen, places also comparatively safe, subject to little change throughout seasons or sex. Where the mien appears highest proved to be abdomen in a male, but the waist in a female

    ノウギョウ セイサク ト ノウギョウ ショウガイ ガクシュウ 1 : トクシマケン ニオケル ノウギョウ ショウガイ ガクシュウ ノ プログラム カイハツ ト シャカイ レンケイ : シミン ファーマー イクセイ コウザ オ チュウシン ジレイ トシテ

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    This paper tries to develop the innovative ideas on the life-long learning programs, especially in the field of the Agriculture. Firstly, it describes the Japan's current situation of agriculture and the transition of the national agricultural policies after World War II, as well as the local ones. Secondly, it examines the meanings and roles of the agricultural life-long learning programs in the frame of the agricultural policies. Thirdly, it also examines the contents, circumstances and outcomes of the 3 cases of agricultural programs; the Tokushima Agri-Techno School provided by the Tokushima Agricultural School, the Tokushima Career Development Courses by the Center for University Extension and the Citizen Farmer Program by Tokushima City. All of the cases are inter-connected historically and personally, and provided through the social collaboration activities. Fourthly, it proposes the ideal contents of agricultural life-long learning programs and refers to what the relationship of social collaboration is to be. And Finally, as a trial, it refers the relationship between the agricultural programs and the national and/or local policies. I'd like to make the second version in the near future, focusing on the unique programs from a wide-spread activities across Japan

    The Underlying Mechanisms for Olanzapine-induced Hypertriglyceridemia

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    Olanzapine is an efficacious antipsychotic drug often used in the treatment for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, however, sometimes induces metabolic disorders. We will introduce a patient with bipolar disorder, who has been treated by olanzapine and showed severe hypertriglyceridemia. As a result of measurements of parameters associated with lipid metabolism, very-low density lipoprotein was most important lipoprotein for olanzapin-induced hypertriglyceridemia. The cessation of olanzapine significantly decreased high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and increased adiponectin, proposing that inflammation and reduced adiponectin level may be associated with olanzapin-induced hypertriglyceridemia

    The Agricultural Policies and The Agricultural Life-long Learning Programs in Japan (Part 2) : Focusing on The Participations into the Agriculture by the Private Corporations : A point of view as to The Pasona Challenge Farm

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    本稿は,我が国における農業政策の中心課題の一つである株式会社による農業参入について,その経緯,法制度,実態,背景,課題等について詳述したものである。その上で,中心事例として派遣会社パソナが淡路島に展開するチャレンジファームを取り上げ,その沿革と現状,構想と課題等について論究した。 まず前半では,株式会社の農業参入に関する沿革について,法制度的な変遷を中心に取り上げ,内在する諸問題を考察した。また,幾つかの事例を紹介しながら,農業参入の実態について描出した。後半では, 2008年10月より開始されたパソナチャレンジファームを対象として,その基本構想や将来計画,農業生涯学習(人材育成計画)の実態等について論述した。最後に,インタビュー結果等を踏まえて,このプロジェクトに参加した「農援隊員」のプロファイルを紹介すると共に若干の問題点について指摘した。 我が国農業は,担い手の高齢化と逼迫,食料自給率の低下,耕作放棄地の拡大,国際競争下の生き残りといった諸課題に直面している。株式会社による農業参入によって,こうした諸課題がどの程度解決されるのかは,現時点では全く不透明であり,未知数と言わねばならない。しかしながら,わが国農政が既にその方向に舵を切ったことは確かである(その究極のメルクマールは,株式会社による直接的な農地取得にある)。そうした政策動向の中で,パソナをはじめとした株式会社による事業展開の今後の推移を観察することは,喫緊の課題である。また,事業展開に伴って農業生涯学習(人材育成計画)がどのように展開されるのかも,きわめて興味深いテーマである。 本稿は,前稿(「農業政策と農業生涯学習-1:徳島県における農業生涯学習のプログラム開発と社会連携一市民ファーマー育成講座を中心事例として-」「紀要」第18巻)における論考から転回して,株式会社による農業参入に着目し,その動態を分析するための仮設的視点を提起した。The theme of the agricultural participations by the private corporations is one of the most urgent issues on the agriculture and the agricultural policy in Japan, because its success or failure drastically affects the contemporary problems of the foods, the agriculture and the farm villages in Japan. Here in Japan, the issues such as the lack of NINAITE (able farmers), the low JIKYU_RITSU (the ratio of self sustained food supply), the increasing KOSAKU_HOKICHI (the waste farmland across the country) and KOKUSAI_KYOSO (the global competition in the field of agriculture (ex. WTO & FTA/EPA negotiations) have brought the nation itself to crisis for recent 3 decades. This paper, in the former part, describes the current situations of the agricultural participations by the private corporations in Japan, such as its history, the institutional systems and the existing cases. And it argues several controversial issues and refers to the situations to be. In the latter part, it introduces the Pasona Challenge Farm in Awaji as a typical case of the agricultural participations by the private corporations and points out a few problems, especially the management plan and the human development strategy inside the Pasona Group. Further it refers to its direction hereafter. The Pasona Challenge Farm in Awaji has only started in October, 2008. Therefore the Pasona case is one of the indefinite projects at the present, but it contains lots of possibilities, positive or negative. So from now on we have to watch and inspect this case very carefully

    On the Creation of the Mass Image by the Graphic Design and its Challenges : The Theory and Practice in the Design Works for the Public Relations by the Center for University Extension, The University of Tokushima

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    本稿は,筆者の一人である吉岡が従事してきた徳島大学大学開放実践センター印刷物のデザインワークをレビューし,各々の作品のコンセプトや方法を記述すると共に,グラフイックデザインの史的背景との関連について考察したものである。吉岡のデザインワークをモチーフ,テクニック,スタイルの観点から初めて分析的に吟味した試論(私論)と言える。 本稿では初めに,デザインワークのターゲットによる分類,ビジュアルイメージによる分類を試みた。その上で,実践的・理論的到達点を確認すると共に,成果と課題とを整理した。吉岡にとって最も大きな成果は,個々のデザインワークに従事することを通じて,タイポグラフィやフォントなどの多様性と歴史的蓄積を学び得たことである。また,グラフィックデザインの歴史を紐解くことで,実作の史的位置づけについて考察を深めることができた。 デザインワークの本質は,作品におけるメッセージの明確化にある。メッセージは,ガイドブック等のマス・イメージの中に貫通していなければならない。その意味では,試行錯誤を伴いつつも,実作のレベルでそれなりの成果を上げてきたが,課題もまた多い。 本稿は,デザイン教育におけるターゲット・オリエンテッドな方法論の開発に至る予備的・基礎的作業の一環としても位置づけることができる。This paper reviews all the works of graphic design by YOSHIOKA, Kazuhiro, one of the authors, which have recently been produced for the public relations in the Center for University Extension, The University of Tokushima. And it examines each concept and its historical background of the graphic design. The Design Work actually tries many kinds of technological methods and has produced the original PR materials. This paper organizes both of the fruits and the challenges through YOSHIOKA’s design works. As for the fruits, we have to point out the various kinds of experiences in the process of the design work, especially motifs, techniques and styles. As for the challenges, on the other hand, we have to reflect that we have never proposed the use of materials and/or forms, which is to be best adapted to the design work. One of the most important things in the design work is, speaking essentially, to clarify the message in the product so that the message penetrates into the mass images. We would like to develop the target-oriented methods of the design education, for example the student of art courses, the adult students who are interested in self-fulfillment and the professional clients in the commercial design field

    グラフィック デザイン ノ ヘンヨウ ト ダイガク ショウガイ ガクシュウ プログラム エノ オウヨウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ ソノ1 : コウトウ キョウイク キカン ニオケル カリキュラム ノ トクシツ ト コンニチテキ カダイ

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    本稿の前半では,19世紀末以降の西洋美術史を踏まえつつ,グラフィックデザインの発祥とその変容過程について素描した。また,後半では,グラフィックデザイン教育の在り方やカリキュラムの特質,並びにそこにおける諸課題について,高等教育機関を事例として要説し,その上で,大学生涯学習の場面におけるカリキュラムの課題について検討した。グラフィックデザインは,現在,WEBデザインと急速に合流・融合しつつある。従って,カリキュラム内容には,多様なアプリケーションの学習が要請されるが,単に実用的な諸能力に関わる内容のみならず,歴史や理論的諸問題に対する知識が重要となる。また,職業人としての人間性や,その基盤を形づくる規範意識や価値観等の啓培も必要である。筆者らは,最終目標として,グラフィックデザインを大学生涯学習の場面に導入するための実践的なカリキュラムの開発を念頭においている。本稿では,その理論的枠組みを仮説的に提示した。一般に,生涯学習の課題の一つは,学習者におけるレベルやニーズの多様性に対する対応にある。大学生涯学習,その典型的形態である公開講座におけるカリキュラムは,その構造において,多様性と柔軟性を内包することが不可欠である。これらを前提にして,次の課題,すなわち実践性に富むカリキュラムの開発に歩を進めたい。The first half of this paper describes the origin of graphic design and its transformation process, based on the history of Western Arts since the end of the 19th century. The second half of the paper, referring to a case study of some higher education institutions, examines contemporary issues, including the present state of education for graphic design, characteristics of its curriculum and major problems. On the basis of the latter, some future challenges for curriculum are discussed in the actual scene of university lifelong learning. At present, graphic design is being merged into web design at high speed. Therefore its curriculum is now requested to include studies of various applications, not only those for acquiring practical skills, but also those for learning its history and theory. Additionally, it is required to heighten students' awareness of humanity as a professional, as well as to enhance their respects for social norms and their sense of value that are served as foundation of their humanities. Our ultimate goal is to develop 'practical curriculum' for graphic design that can be applied to the actual scene of university lifelong learning. This paper hypothetically provides our theoretical framework for this. In general, one of the main objectives in lifelong learning is to meet the needs and levels of a great variety of learners. It is therefore essential for extramural programs in university lifelong learning to hold varieties and flexibilities in its structure. With this assumption, it is intended to examine the theme of the next phase: the development of 'practical curriculum'

    Fabrication of micro-structures for optically driven micromachines using two-photon photopolymerization of UV curing resins

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    Two-photon photopolymerization of UV curing resins is an attractive method for the fabrication of microscopic transparent objects with size in the tens of micrometers range. We have been using this method to produce three-dimensional structures for optical micromanipulation, in an optical system based on a femtosecond laser. By carefully adjusting the laser power and the exposure time we were able to create micro-objects with well-defined 3D features and with resolution below the diffraction limit of light. We discuss the performance and capabilities of a microfabrication system, with some examples of its products.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure