262 research outputs found

    Exploring positive pathways to care for members of the UK Armed Forces receiving treatment for PTSD: a qualitative study

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    Objective: To examine the factors which facilitate UK military personnel with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to engage in help-seeking behaviours. Methods: The study recruited active service personnel who were attending mental health services, employed a qualitative design, used semi-structured interview schedules to collect data, and explored these data using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Results: Five themes emerged about how participants were able to access help; having to reach a crisis point before accepting the need for help, overcoming feelings of shame, the importance of having an internal locus of control, finding a psychological explanation for their symptoms and having strong social support. Conclusions: This study reported that for military personnel who accessed mental health services, there were a number of factors that supported them to do so. In particular, factors that combated internal stigma, such as being supported to develop an internal locus of control, appeared to be critical in supporting military personnel to engage in help-seeking behaviour

    de Broglie-Bohm Interpretation for the Wave Function of Quantum Black Holes

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    We study the quantum theory of the spherically symmetric black holes. The theory yields the wave function inside the apparent horizon, where the role of time and space coordinates is interchanged. The de Broglie-Bohm interpretation is applied to the wave function and then the trajectory picture on the minisuperspace is introduced in the quantum as well as the semi-classical region. Around the horizon large quantum fluctuations on the trajectories of metrics UU and VV appear in our model, where the metrics are functions of time variable TT and are expressed as ds2=α2/UdT2+UdR2+VdΩ2ds^2=-{\alpha^2}/U dT^2 + U dR^2 + V d\Omega^2. On the trajectories, the classical relation U=V1/2+2GmU=-V^{1/2}+2Gm holds, and the event horizon U=0 corresponds to the classical apparent horizon on V=2GmV=2Gm. In order to investigate the quantum fluctuation near the horizon, we study a null ray on the dBB trajectory and compare it with the one in the classical black hole geometry.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, 7 Postscript figure

    Learned helplessness in chess players: The importance of task similarity and the role of skill

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    The effects of noncontingency between subjects' responses and outcomes were examined with respect to treatment/posttest similarity and skill in the task. The experimental design consisted of three groups. The first group had to solve chess problems with objective solutions and received veridical feedback; each member of the second group faced problems with no objective solutions, and received the same feedback as the member of the first group he was yoked with, but without any control on it; the control group received a waiting task. It was found that the group with unsolvable problems was more depressed than the two other groups at the end of the experiment. The mid-strength players were the most sensitive to the manipulation, and the weakest players showed little effect of learned helplessness. It was also found that the effects were proportional to the degree of similarity between the treatment and the posttest. The results limit the domain of applicability of the learned helplessness model

    Validity and Reliability of the Japanese Version of the Rome III Diagnostic Questionnaire for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Functional Dyspepsia

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    Background/AimsReliable diagnostic instruments for measuring the presence of functional gastrointestinal disorders based on the Rome III criteria have been lacking in Japan. The aims of the present study were to translate and validate the Rome III diagnostic questionnaire which was widely used in Western countries.MethodsThe original version of Rome III diagnostic questionnaire was translated from English into Japanese through 3 independent forward translations, resolution, back translation and reconciliation of the differences. Forty-nine patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 32 patients with functional dyspepsia (FD) and 56 subjects without any current GI symptoms as controls were recruited from three hospitals located in different regions of Japan and completed the IBS and FD diagnostic modules twice within 14 days. Kappa statistic was used to assess test-retest reliability. The sensitivity and specificity of each diagnostic module for distinguishing IBS or FD patients from controls was tested.ResultsMedian kappa statistics were 0.63 for the translated IBS diagnostic module and 0.68 for the FD module. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive predict value of the IBS module against physician diagnosis was 61.2%, 100%, and 100% and those of the FD module was 53.2%, 98.2%, and 94.4%, respectively. Meanwhile, IBS patients were significantly more likely to report blood in stools compared to controls (18.4% vs 1.8%, P < 0.01).ConclusionsThe IBS and FD diagnostic modules on the Japanese version of the Rome III diagnostic questionnaire are valid and reliable. Further studies are warranted to elucidate the diagnostic utility of the red flag questionnaire

    PlGF Repairs Myocardial Ischemia through Mechanisms of Angiogenesis, Cardioprotection and Recruitment of Myo-Angiogenic Competent Marrow Progenitors

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    Despite preclinical success in regenerating and revascularizing the infarcted heart using angiogenic growth factors or bone marrow (BM) cells, recent clinical trials have revealed less benefit from these therapies than expected.We explored the therapeutic potential of myocardial gene therapy of placental growth factor (PlGF), a VEGF-related angiogenic growth factor, with progenitor-mobilizing activity.Myocardial PlGF gene therapy improves cardiac performance after myocardial infarction, by inducing cardiac repair and reparative myoangiogenesis, via upregulation of paracrine anti-apoptotic and angiogenic factors. In addition, PlGF therapy stimulated Sca-1(+)/Lin(-) (SL) BM progenitor proliferation, enhanced their mobilization into peripheral blood, and promoted their recruitment into the peri-infarct borders. Moreover, PlGF enhanced endothelial progenitor colony formation of BM-derived SL cells, and induced a phenotypic switch of BM-SL cells, recruited in the infarct, to the endothelial, smooth muscle and cardiomyocyte lineage.Such pleiotropic effects of PlGF on cardiac repair and regeneration offer novel opportunities in the treatment of ischemic heart disease

    Causes of Abnormal Ca2+ Transients in Guinea Pig Pathophysiological Ventricular Muscle Revealed by Ca2+ and Action Potential Imaging at Cellular Level

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    BACKGROUND: Abnormal Ca(2+) transients are often observed in heart muscles under a variety of pathophysiological conditions including ventricular tachycardia. To clarify whether these abnormal Ca(2+) transients can be attributed to abnormal action potential generation or abnormal Ca(2+) handling/excitation-contraction (EC) coupling, we developed a procedure to determine Ca(2+) and action potential signals at the cellular level in isolated heart tissues. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: After loading ventricular papillary muscle with rhod-2 and di-4-ANEPPS, mono-wavelength fluorescence images from rhod-2 and ratiometric images of two wavelengths of emission from di-4-ANEPPS were sequentially obtained. To mimic the ventricular tachycardia, the ventricular muscles were field-stimulated in non-flowing Krebs solution which elicited abnormal Ca(2+) transients. For the failed and alternating Ca(2+) transient generation, there were two types of causes, i.e., failed or abnormal action potential generation and abnormal EC coupling. In cells showing delayed initiation of Ca(2+) transients with field stimulation, action potential onset was delayed and the rate of rise was slower than in healthy cells. Similar delayed onset was also observed in the presence of heptanol, an inhibitor of gap junction channels but having a non-specific channel blocking effect. A Na(+) channel blocker, on the other hand, reduced the rate of rise of the action potentials but did not result in desynchronization of the action potentials. The delayed onset of action potentials can be explained primarily by impaired gap junctions and partly by Na(+) channel inactivation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results indicate that there are multiple patterns for the causes of abnormal Ca(2+) signals and that our methods are useful for investigating the physiology and pathophysiology of heart muscle

    T(6;9)(p22;q34)/DEK-NUP214-rearranged pediatric myeloid leukemia: An international study of 62 patients

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    Acute myeloid leukemia with t(6;9)(p22;q34) is listed as a distinct entity in the 2008 World Health Organization classification, but little is known about the clinical implications of t(6;9)-positive myeloid leukemia in children. This international multicenter study presents the clinical and genetic characteristics of 62 pediatric patients with t(6;9)/DEK-NUP214-rearranged myeloid leukemia; 54 diagnosed as having acute myeloid leukemia, representing <1% of all childhood acute myeloid leukemia, and eight as having myelodysplastic syndrome. The t(6;9)/DEK-NUP214 was associated with relatively late onset (median age 10.4 years), male predominance (sex ratio 1.7), French-American-British M2 classification (54%), myelodysplasia (100%), and FLT3-ITD (42%). Outcome was substantially better than previously reported with a 5-year event-free survival of 32%, 5-year overall survival of 53%, and a 5-year cumulative incidence of relapse of 57%. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in first complete remission improved the 5-year event-free survival compared with chemotherapy alone (68% versus 18%; P<0.01) but not the overall survival (68% versus 54%; P=0.48). The presence of FLT3-ITD had a non-significant negative effect on 5-year overall survival compared with non-mutated cases (22% versus 62%; P=0.13). Gene expression profiling showed a unique signature characterized by significantly higher expression of EYA3, SESN1, PRDM2/RIZ, and HIST2H4 genes. In conclusion, t(6;9)/DEK-NUP214 represents a unique subtype of acute myeloid leukemia with a high risk of relapse, high frequency of FLT3-ITD, and a specific gene expression signature

    On the Effect of Nb on the Microstructure and Properties of Next Generation Polycrystalline Powder Metallurgy Ni-Based Superalloys

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    Abstract The effect of Nb on the properties and microstructure of two novel powder metallurgy (P/M) Ni-based superalloys was evaluated, and the results critically compared with the Rolls-Royce alloy RR1000. The Nb-containing alloy was found to exhibit improved tensile and creep properties as well as superior oxidation resistance compared with both RR1000 and the Nb-free variant tested. The beneficial effect of Nb on the tensile and creep properties was due to the microstructures obtained following the post-solution heat treatments, which led to a higher γ′ volume fraction and a finer tertiary γ′ distribution. In addition, an increase in the anti-phase-boundary energy of the γ′ phase is also expected with the addition of Nb, further contributing to the strength of the material. However, these modifications in the γ′ distribution detrimentally affect the dwell fatigue crack-growth behavior of the material, although this behavior can be improved through modified heat treatments. The oxidation resistance of the Nb-containing alloy was also enhanced as Nb is believed to accelerate the formation of a defect-free Cr2O3 scale. Overall, both developmental alloys, with and without the addition of Nb, were found to exhibit superior properties than RR1000.This work was supported by the Rolls-Royce/EPSRC Strategic Partnership under EP/H022309/1, EP/H500375/1 and EP/ M005607/1