83 research outputs found

    Administração estratégica: a importância do seu estudo e aplicabilidade para as micro e pequenas empresas brasileiras

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    Este trabalho tem o objetivo de colaborar com o cenário empreendedor do Brasil conectando algumas das teorias da administração estratégica à realidade das micro e pequenas empresas. Utiliza uma metodologia mista, com uma parte sendo uma pesquisa bibliográfica e a outra uma entrevista em pessoa com o empresário responsável por uma pequena empresa. Explora ao longo do seu texto a teoria das cinco forças competitivas de Porter, definindo-as e exemplificando de forma didática. Baseado nela, ilustra esse estudo analisando a empresa estudada e seus processos, apontando características que se encaixam em cada termo da teoria. Além disso, aborda também a teoria da análise SWOT e sua aplicabilidade no mesmo caso, mostrando como a estruturação dessa tabela pode fazer diferença em situações de tomada de decisão

    Algorithms of Sampling-Frequency-Independent Layers for Non-integer Strides

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    In this paper, we propose algorithms for handling non-integer strides in sampling-frequency-independent (SFI) convolutional and transposed convolutional layers. The SFI layers have been developed for handling various sampling frequencies (SFs) by a single neural network. They are replaceable with their non-SFI counterparts and can be introduced into various network architectures. However, they could not handle some specific configurations when combined with non-SFI layers. For example, an SFI extension of Conv-TasNet, a standard audio source separation model, cannot handle some pairs of trained and target SFs because the strides of the SFI layers become non-integers. This problem cannot be solved by simple rounding or signal resampling, resulting in the significant performance degradation. To overcome this problem, we propose algorithms for handling non-integer strides by using windowed sinc interpolation. The proposed algorithms realize the continuous-time representations of features using the interpolation and enable us to sample instants with the desired stride. Experimental results on music source separation showed that the proposed algorithms outperformed the rounding- and signal-resampling-based methods at SFs lower than the trained SF.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for European Signal Processing Conference 2023 (EUSIPCO 2023

    ギョルイ コッカク トウメイ ヒョウホン ワ カイヨウ カンキョウ キョウイク ウミ ノ ナカ ノ クウ クワレル オ ノゾイテ ミヨウ ニ ユウコウ デアル

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    The transparent specimens originally developed for the observation of skeletal system were applied to the marine environmental education to learn the food chain in coastal waters, and its effectiveness was investigated by the pre- and post-intervention questionnaire. The research examined 41 participants in the three learning interventions, the age ranging from 14 to 73 with a mean of 30.6 years old and the sex ratio being 18 females and 23 males. The program was composed of the ice break, plankton observation, intestinal-contents observation by using transparent specimens, and summary lecture. After the intervention, participants were significantly more concerned about plankton and the relationships between our life and coastal waters. Free descriptions appeared that the participants admired the variety of plankton, picturesque transparent specimens, and direct observation of “prey-predator” relationships. The transparent specimens were thus concluded to be helpful for learning the“ preypredator” relationships in coastal waters.透明骨格二重染色標本が、沿岸域の「食う・食われる」の関係を知るためのツールとして有効かどうかを、事前と事後のアンケートによって調査した。対象としたのは3 つのイベントに参加した14歳から73 歳までの男性23 名、女性18 名、計41 名である。プログラムはアイスブレークとプランクトンの観察、透明標本の観察、そして最後に講義をおこなった。すべての質問項目で、事前よりも事後の方が「好き」とか「知っている」というポイントが高くなった。さらに自由記述では、プランクトンの多様性や透明標本の美しさ、さらには透明標本の消化管の内容物に観察した動物プランクトンを見つけたことに驚いている様子がうかがえた。したがって透明標本は、「食う・食われる」といった食物連鎖を学ぶ教材として有用であると判断された。河野博: 東京海洋大学大学院海洋科学系海洋環境学部門河野博, 谷田部明子, 加瀬喜弘, 齊藤有希: 東京海洋大学魚類学研究

    Aquaporin 1 water channel is overexpressed in the plasma membranes of pancreatic ducts in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis

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    Chronic pancreatitis with all kinds of etiologies is characterized by pancreatic exocrine dysfunction especially impaired fluid secretion from pancreatic ducts. However, the molecular mechanism of this impaired fluid secretion in chronic pancreatitis is largely unknown. Aquaporin water channels are intrinsic membrane proteins expressed most of the cell types which have high osmotic water permeability. Among them aquaporin 1 (AQP1) is a predominant water channel expressed in the plasma membranes of human pancreatic ducts. Exocrine function test revealed that fluid secretion was severely impaired in AIP. immunohistochemical analysis revealed that AQP1 is localized mainly in the apical and lateral membranes of small pancreatic ducts in control subjects. AQP1 expression was significantly increased in plasma membranes of pancreatic ducts in AIP. Upregulation of AQP1 expression seen in pancreatic ducts of patient with AIP may be caused by the reduced fluid secretion from the pancreas as compensation. Further study would be required to elucidate the precise molecular mechanism for the role of AQP1 in pancreatic fluid secretion from the pancreas in diseases characterized by the impaired ductal fluid secretion such as cystic fibrosis