123 research outputs found

    Studies on hyaluronidase in the artificial insemination. : (2) Effects of added hyaluronidase on the motility of bull spermatozoa.

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    ホルスタイン種4頭,和牛1頭から成る5頭の牡牛から28例の精液を得た.これらの精液を卵黄クエン酸ソーダ稀釈液で5倍,20倍又は50倍に薄め,之にH-ase製剤を添加し6℃に保存したが3例のみは38℃に保存した.H-aseとしては持田製薬株式会社の睾丸性H-aseであるスプラーゼを用いた(その単位は V.U.M.で示される).此の研究に於て,100V.U.M.から100,000V.U.M.にいたる種々の量のH-aseを稀釈精液1cc.に対し添加した.精子の活力は顕微鏡標本加温装置を用い37℃で懸滴標本につき,本邦で普通に用いられている方法により算定した. 5倍稀釈精液に対し種々の量のH-aseを加え6℃に保存したとき,50,000V.U.M.位の量のH-aseは精子の活力に対し推計学上対照区との間に有意の差を与えなかつた.併し乍ら,活動精子の百分率のt検定に於けるPの値からして略50,000V.U.M.以上になると精子の活力は衰える傾向がみられた.此の活力の減少は20倍又は50倍稀釈の場合はあらわれ難い様に思われる.精子の活力に於ける此の減少はH-aseそのものの毒性と云うよりも寧ろ大量のH-ase製剤添加によりて生ずるかも知れない滲透圧の変化か又は酵素製品に含まれている不純物の影響の何れかによるものの様に思われる. 38℃に保存した場合はH-ase添加区も対照区と同様,共に略10時間で精子は活力を失い両者の間に差はみられなかつた.以上簡単に要約すれば,稀釈した牡牛精液1cc.に対して50,000V.U.M.位までのH-aseの量は6℃の貯蔵に於いて精子の活動性に対し有意な影響を与えない.従つて,略これ位のH-aseの量を精液に添加しても人工授精に於いて精子に有害ではない.本実験を行なうにあたり,スプラーゼの提供を受けた持田製薬株式会社,並びに精液試料を戴いた岡山県岡山種蓄場に深謝すると共に石井彰君の御助力に感謝する

    Studies on Hyaluronidase in the Artificial Insemination : (4) Effect of Hyaluronidase Prepalation on the Fertility of Bull Semen.

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    To study the practical value of hyaluronidase preparation in the artificial insemination of the cattle, the following four experiments were carried out, and according to the results of these and those reported in the previous reports, discussion was made on the effect of hyaluronidase preparation in the artificial insemination. For the hyaluronidase preparation "Sprase" was used. ( I ) Experiments are summarized as follows. Experiment I ; Fourty-seven services were made to 35 Holstein cows. In 34 services of them, Sprase of 2,000 v. r. u. or 5,000 v. r. u, dissolved in I cc, of normal saline was put into the cervix about 20 to 30 minutes before insemination. The rest 13 services were the control and in which Sprase was not injected. No appreciable effect of the preparation on the fertility was not obtained (table 1). Experiment II ; Sixty-one of Holstein cows that had the first calving were inseminated by the semen diluted I : 3 with fresh egg yolk. Of 39 cows which did not conceived from the first service though they bad normal reproductive organs and were free from any disturbances in their genital tracts, 26 cows were inseminated by the semen diluted as above mentioned with Sprase of 5,000 v. r. u. per one cc. added. The number of services that they received were 45. The rest 13 normal cows were the control, and received 22 services (table 2). Conception was determined by rectal palpation. Fertility was about 58% in both groups respectively. These insemination records were shown in table 3. Consequently, effect of adding hyaluronidase on the fertility of bull semen was not recognized. Naturally, there was no effect on the sex of the young. Experiment III ; The semen from 3 Holstein bulls was diluted with egg yolk-glucose-citrate diluter and 5.000 v. r. u. of Sprase was added to the semen diluted seven times, 10.000 v. r. u. of Sprase to the semen diluted fifty times, and 40.000 v. r, u. of Sprase to the semen diluted seventy times respectively. In the test, the cows were inseminated by the semen treated and the total number of services was 71. In the control, cows were inseminated by semen without Sprase and the total numder of services was 123. There was no effect of hyaluronidase preparation on the fertility in this experiment either (table 4)

    Tumor-targeting adenovirus OBP-401 inhibits primary and metastatic tumor growth of triple-negative breast cancer in orthotopic nude-mouse models.

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    Our laboratory previously developed a highly-invasive, triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) variant using serial orthotopic implantation of the human MDA-MB-231 cell line in nude mice. The isolated variant was highly-invasive in the mammary gland and lymphatic channels and metastasized to lymph nodes in 10 of 12 mice compared to 2 of 12 of the parental cell line. In the present study, the tumor-selective telomerase dependent OBP-401 adenovirus was injected intratumorally (i.t.) (1 × 108 PFU) when the high-metastatic MDA-MB-231 primary tumor expressing red fluorescent protein (MDA-MB-231-RFP) reached approximately 500 mm3 (diameter; 10 mm). The mock-infected orthotopic primary tumor grew rapidly. After i.t. OBP-401 injection, the growth of the orthotopic tumors was arrested. Six weeks after implantation, the fluorescent area and fluorescence intensity showed no increase from the beginning of treatment. OBP-401 was then injected into high-metastatic MDA-MB-231-RFP primary orthotopic tumor growing in mice which already had developed metastasis within lymphatic ducts. All 7 of 7 control mice subsequently developed lymph node metastasis. In contrast, none of 7 mice which received OBP-401 had lymph node metastasis. Seven of 7 control mice also had gross lung metastasis. In contrast, none of the 7 mice which received OBP-401 had gross lung metastasis. Confocal laser microscopy imaging demonstrated that all control mice had diffuse lung metastases. In contrast, all 7 mice which received OBP-401 only had a few metastatic cells in the lung. OBP-401 treatment significantly extended survival of the treated mice

    Fluorescence-guided surgery of a highly-metastatic variant of human triple-negative breast cancer targeted with a cancer-specific GFP adenovirus prevents recurrence.

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    We have previously developed a genetically-engineered GFP-expressing telomerase-dependent adenovirus, OBP-401, which can selectively illuminate cancer cells. In the present report, we demonstrate that targeting a triple-negative high-invasive human breast cancer, orthotopically-growing in nude mice, with OBP-401 enables curative fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS). OBP-401 enabled complete resection and prevented local recurrence and greatly inhibited lymph-node metastasis due to the ability of the virus to selectively label and subsequently kill cancer cells. In contrast, residual breast cancer cells become more aggressive after bright (white)-light surgery (BLS). OBP-401-based FGS also improved the overall survival compared with conventional BLS. Thus, metastasis from a highly-aggressive triple-negative breast cancer can be prevented by FGS in a clinically-relevant mouse model

    Twin Rectal Tonsils Mimicking Carcinoid or Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma

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    The rectal tonsil is a rare polypoid lesion exclusively found in the rectum and is considered a reactive proliferation of the lymphoid tissue. Although this lesion is benign, we recommend that it should be differentiated from carcinoid or polypoid type of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphomas, based on gross findings. In this case report, we describe a case of rectal lesions with a unique appearance in a 41-year-old man. Colonoscopy revealed two 5-mm-sized nodules located opposite from each other on the left and right sides of the lower rectum. Endoscopic mucosal resection was conducted. Histopathologically, both lesions were mainly located in the submucosa and consisted of prominent lymphoid follicles with germinal centers of various sizes. No immunoreactivity of Bcl-2 was seen in the germinal centers. Immunohistochemical staining for kappa and lambda light chains revealed a polyclonal pattern. Therefore, these lesions were diagnosed as rectal tonsils

    Metastatic Primary Splenic Angiosarcoma

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    A primary splenic angiosarcoma is a rare type of soft tissue sarcoma and is associated with an extremely poor prognosis. In this study, we describe the case of a patient who was diagnosed with metastatic primary splenic angiosarcoma and survived for about 2 years. A 62-year-old female was referred to us for the treatment of splenic angiosarcoma with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and multiple liver and bone metastases. Paclitaxel therapy resulted in recovery from DIC and enabled her to continue sequential treatment through to sixth-line chemotherapy. We reviewed all splenic angiosarcoma case reports which were described as stage IV to date and compared with our case. From these data, we found that the median overall survival was 105 days, and the prognosis of splenic angiosarcoma of stage IV was worse than conventional case series. Splenectomy was performed in more patients than chemotherapy as a treatment. Moreover, various chemotherapeutic regimens were used. These data suggest that administering chemotherapy including paclitaxel to patients with splenic angiosarcoma might improve their prognosis

    A Case of Hiatal Hernia with Upside Down Stomach and Incarcerated Transverse Colon Successfully Treated by Laparoscopic Floppy Nissen Fundoplication

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    症例は50歳の女性。食後の呼吸困難感のため近医より紹介受診となった。上部消化管造影検査では胃全体が縦隔内に脱出していた。またCT検査では横行結腸の縦隔内への脱出も認めた。以上より,横行結腸嵌入を伴う upside down stomach を呈する食道裂孔ヘルニアと診断し腹腔鏡下手術を行った。食道裂孔より縦隔内の胃や横行結腸を腹腔内に還納したが虚血を疑う所見や狭窄所見は認めなかった。開大した食道裂孔を縫合閉鎖した後にメッシュを用いた食道裂孔の補強と floppy Nissen 法による噴門形成術を施行し,術後経過は良好であった。食道裂孔ヘルニアへの横行結腸嵌入はまれな病態であるが,狭窄・壊死・穿孔のため緊急手術の報告もあり早期に手術治療を行う必要があると考えられた。A 50-year-old woman suffering from dyspnea after meals consulted a nearby hospital. In the upper gastrointestinal series, the whole stomach had herniated into the mediastinum. An abdominal CT scan showed the transverse colon to have prolapsed into mediastinum. Esophageal hiatal hernia with upside down stomach and incarcerated transverse colon was diagnosed, and laparoscopic surgery was performed. We returned the stomach and transverse colon to the abdominal cavity, they didn’t become ischemic and constricted. We sutured a dilated opening of hiatal hernia by simple crural closure, additionally closed with a mesh, and a floppy Nissen fundoplication was performed. The postoperative course of the patient was uneventful. Although hiatal hernia with incarcerated transverse colon is very rare, it was necessary that surgical treatment was performed earlier because some emergency laparotomy were reported with transverse colon resection